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Canadian 'Swirly Face' Pedophile Sentenced in Canada for Crimes at Home and Asia


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Not all foreigner teachers are kiddy fiddlers, but large numbers of foreign kiddy fiddlers are teachers in SEA...there should be a mandatory death penalty for kiddy fiddlers

Interesting information. I've been trying to get statistics about this but unable to do so. Would you please share your sources, and also according to your research, what percentage of foreign teachers are pedophiles in SEA -- 50%, 40 %......?

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be nice if he could come and spend

another 5 years in the monkey house here once released

from Canada jail, what a deserved shock to his system that would be,

He's already been in jail here:


The sentence is disgracefully light.


The Political-Correct Nannystate, better not sentence him to too much, in case we hurt his feelings.

What a vile grub.

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They should run a 6 inch rusty nail through the head of his penis nailing it to a timber post....where he could hang whilst his victims and their families could pour acid on his face and stab him with hot pokers heated red hot in a fire, then feed him live wasps and tear at his Anus with a 6 foot dildo made from electrically charged razor blades...as he screams feed him the feaces pumped straight from the sewer works.....then turn him over to Isis with a tattoo with the words '#uc% Mohammed' on his forehead.

That should do him & let it be the punishment for all convicted rock spiders.

Filthy grub.

C'mon now, tell us what you really want to happen to him.............don't hold back now, we're waiting.....wai.gif

That was the nice version, I'm not allowed to post here what I really thing but rock spiders make me sick, I've seen first hand the damage they do to children and it's the worst.

I'd say, he wanted a swirly face, let's physically give him a real one, I would gladly do the job with a vice and a law hammer. No mercy!


".............with a vice and a law hammer"

law hammer.jpg

I realize that was a typo, but the man that last used the law hammer in the court trying Neil's case, is an idiot and justice has not been served, much to the disgust of most people. .

These modern devices are annoying, I typed CLAW and the 'smart' phone changed it.

Idiot thing it is 5555

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When some Thai teacher was recently found to be a "kiddy fiddler," there were all sorts of posts about Thai culture and indifference to such incidents and police corruption, etc.

Barely a mention here about Canadian culture or farang mentality. In Thailand whatever a Thai miscreant does, all of Thailand and Thai culture is to blame according to the TV court, but in farang land it's only the individual and maybe the judge who's to blame, again according to the TV consensus.

The Crown had recommended a five-year sentence.

Sounds like Canadian "culture" condones such behavior with only a slap on the wrist for the offender and since the prosecutors operate on behalf of the "crown," apparently that culture is dependent on the British queen's approval (at least in theory).

Edited by Suradit69
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They should run a 6 inch rusty nail through the head of his penis nailing it to a timber post....where he could hang whilst his victims and their families could pour acid on his face and stab him with hot pokers heated red hot in a fire, then feed him live wasps and tear at his Anus with a 6 foot dildo made from electrically charged razor blades...as he screams feed him the feaces pumped straight from the sewer works.....then turn him over to Isis with a tattoo with the words '#uc% Mohammed' on his forehead.

That should do him & let it be the punishment for all convicted rock spiders.

Filthy grub.

Why go soft on him?

He needs a harsher punishment than that. lol.

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