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  1. my guess is they increase the lower fares up to drop down the cost of the longer fares. they might just do a flat 20thb regardless of distance in this case.
  2. worldwide tax, vat on all imports, carbon taxes. holy <deleted>, Thailand is going to turn into a <deleted> hellhole.
  3. this government is a <deleted> disaster. they are taxing me right out of thailand with all this bull<deleted>
  4. can we get these big government tax <deleted> out of here? sretta is a disaster
  5. 50 years? have you looked outside recently? almost every street vendor or service accepts QR payment. it's the preferred payment for many and most still don't report taxes.
  6. this is going to have large ramifications to thailand.
  7. Already tried 5+ taxes on the street BEFORE using the taxi stand. All tried to scam. Calling grab to Centralworld? Sure, if you like waiting 20+ minutes for them to arrive. Motorbike taxi wasn't an option as I had too many things to carry.
  8. its been legal for 2 years and the sky isn't falling. just keep it legal
  9. its been legal for over a year, the sky isn't falling. weed isn't bad. just treat it like booze, which is significantly worse.
  10. waited for 10 taxis at the taxi stand at Centralworld last week and every single taxi refused to use the meter and tried to gouge me for 200+ thb for a 70 thb trip
  11. its been no rules weed for over a year and everything is fine. the world didnt explode. maybe it isnt so bad?
  12. no thanks, i'll take lower cost of living and coruption over "clean" energy and public healthcare that I can't access.
  13. People openly smoke cigs and drink alcohol in bars and restaurants where there are children inside. What is the difference?
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