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  • Birthday 04/18/1949

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  1. Pray for the hostages, because Israerl will adhere to the Hannibal Directive : No negociation... in the past, this directive led to the massacre of hostages...
  2. This aussie will discover russian hospitality : Glavnoïé oupravlenie laguereï
  3. It is amusing to see that there are only Thailand has major health problems with the E cigartte. In the West, pulmonologists call for the generalization of the E-cigarette to fight against tobacco
  4. Mr Jatuporn is not happy, he didn't get the just reward he thought he was getting from Taksin
  5. you don't need an absolute majority to pass legislation. Simple majority is enough. Members of parliament have three choices when voting: yes, no or abstention.
  6. Sadly, this is what will happen, he will be sentenced to life imprisonment, he will serve 5 to 7 years in thailand, be extradited to Spain where he will serve 5 to 10 years in prison and then be released. He will not be sentenced to death, Thailand does not want to draw attention to itself about the death penalty. In addition, the risk of sanctions from the EU is significant.
  7. Why not ? and if in addition we could ban certain citizens of countries in Eastern Europe, that would be a plus. The kind of country where fake PCR test certificates are commonplace.
  8. maybe the opposition parties would have liked a zero-covid strategy like their big brother in China
  9. let's not forget that this party (PT) is the heir of the Thai Rak Thai party: The Thai love the Thai...
  10. All of them enter under Test an Go scheme..... ???? Some of people returning from Saudi Arabia already had symptoms before embarking for Thailand via Qatar This puzzles me about the quality of the tests carried out in Saudi Arabia
  11. let's not jump to a hasty conclusion. For the moment this is only a proposal. That it will be the reaction of the other members of the CCSA including the Prime Minister. He only spoke about TEST and GO, when is he about SANDBOX?
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