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  1. Doesn't matter where I'm from and where in the world do you get the dumb idea that I was advocating the death penalty? I was just making a joke that he could have jumped in the pool. I have never claimed to be perfect (don't know where you got that from either) and generally, I stay above board with a good buzz. Jeez mate, I was making a joke. Take a nap and go find something else to be offended about. Sheesh.
  2. He should have jumped. With a good running start he could have made the pool!
  3. Inebriated Scotsman, isn't that a tad redundant? And, not sure why they calling the other guy his "friend". Maybe just another inebriated Scotsman lending a hand so to speak?
  4. Nothing ever good happens at 4:00 am. I'm sure the Brit was pissed and then got into it with a local or two. One thing I learned long before my wife taught me is that when you fight a Thai you are fighting 9 not just one. Keep your head down, ignore the comments and keep moving. I can swear rightly in Thai but, my wife has always told never to do so and I respect her advice (aside from the fact I'm getting to old to scrap with people a third of my age although I could probably take them but with knives and guns and what not, just stay quiet, plus we're pretty much done with the past 12:00 am bar scene, nothing but trouble- mostly for me!)
  5. She couldn't find any empty spot so, she made one. The idea of "pedal confusion" doesn't seem to really work here as she was able to stop her truck once it was properly in it's parking spot. The nonsensese of another vehicle driving to close is going to be a hard sell with no vehicles on the CCTV and she's on a one way ramp. I'm thinking she just got frustrated at lack of parking and took care of it herself.
  6. Well, if the government denies that it's true you've gotta believe them. I reckon the government official responded to a question as he was texted as he was getting a soapy massage.
  7. As someone else mentioned, in the States it's called Roid Rage and can bring on physchotic behavoir. He seems to fit the bill. Surprised the stand off ended wiyhout him attacking the police. Well, for this "influencer", visa canceled and next flight seems to be proper. I doubt a 500 baht fine will get him out of it.
  8. And his visit will help increase tourism how? Sorry, still struggling with this one.
  9. I did not know that you could "decline a police meeting." Interesting. While I have always practiced staying under the radar (except for the one time we went to get a massage in the city and when we left it was dark and I couldn't see much out of my sunglasses driving back to the village! and maybe a few others I've forgotten) it is good to know that if the police ever come round, I will politely decline their "meeting".
  10. .287? That's close to a coma for the average person unless, that is a regular amount. At .4 for most people they would be dead. I reckon this was probably close to his normal BA, just scary. Just terrible for the officer's family. Maybe the low pressure was due to lack of blood from his injuries? Really doesn't matter as the injuries proved fatal.
  11. Her flight should leave in 30 minutes but, fly her to Germany and maker walk home.. Lifetime ban.
  12. One night, many years ago, my wife and I were walking along the beach walk in Pattaya back to our hotel. It was super late. We saw a farang getting into a fight with a motor bike taxi driver. The motor bike taxi driver got on his phone. My wife and I both looked at each other and said the same thing, "there's ten guys coming round the corner". Nothing good happens early in the morning with a bunch of booze on board. Just my opinion.
  13. We went to the bank and got 400K baht and piled all our gold on top. It was presented to the parents and shown around. It was given back to us after the wedding and for the last 20 years we have continued to take of her parents. My wife had some land her village, and we built "apartments" on them which give us an income stream for us and to help take of her parets who, being simple farmers, don't want for much. It worked out well for us.
  14. I've heard the shots for rabies are a beech. It's like 8 shots, long needle into the abdomen. He will clearly need to be rerstrained during said treatments then, off to the next waiting plane where he can proudly declare; "I went to Tahiland and all I got was this lousy rabies certificate". Good riddance.
  15. I've heard the shots for rabies are a beech. It's like 8 shots, long needle into the abdomen. He will clearly need to be rerstrained during said treatments then, off to the next waiting plane where he can proudly declare; "I went to Tahiland and all I got was this lousy rabies certificate". Good riddance.
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