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  1. No, it's not - it's tied to the husband's extension of stay, not the visa.
  2. Here is today's weather warning areas - how do you get to 30 provinces?
  3. Just remember - diversity is a strength, the media keeps telling us so.
  4. It's a return of the bus service that existed before COVID but it's isn't 20/30 baht, it's 50 baht a trip and it has been back since late last year. You can get details from their website or FB page. https://rtc-citybus.com/ https://www.facebook.com/rtccmcitybus/
  5. Crusty baguettes - Dominic Bread. He also provides the baguettes served at restaurants like The Happy Frog. https://www.facebook.com/dominiccnx/
  6. Crticism from the country that gave the world gutter oil....
  7. And you need a brain because it's overwhelming forest fires, not corn.
  8. The whole article is nothing more than fantasy - the overwhelming majority of fires are forest fires, not farmers burning crops. https://fire.gistda.or.th/dashboard.html
  9. The Thaiger is clueless - Chiang Mai isn't about to have severe pollution, it just had some and the air quality this morning is as good as it has been in a month.
  10. Haven't tried CBD but half a joint before bed gives me the best night sleep ever - and I say that as someone who has been treated for insomnia in Chiang Mai. Verus melatonin and diazepam, marijiuana doesn't result in waking up groggy nor delivers weird dreams.
  11. Forest fires plural - there are people wandering around Ob Luang National Park starting dozens of them every day.
  12. Timetables, details etc on their FB page. https://www.facebook.com/rtccmcitybus
  13. This post is in the Chiang Mai group. Why would op go to Bangkok when he can have pants made in CM?
  14. Where's the warning? https://www.tmd.go.th/en/warning-and-events/warning-storm
  15. Stopping people from starting fires is how you tackle the problem. And the Governor of Chiang Mai has proved that in January. https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40035182
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