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About Ireland32

  • Birthday June 24

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  1. There should be a Universal Rule on Age and Girth Restrictions on sale of Vest ‘s
  2. I think Consulates may check NOw we have to avoid Fiji just like Bali
  3. My idiot ex friend from Singapore bought a Fortuner and a 2 be condo all on overstay , I always wondered why he wanted me to drive him around , finally got caught walking Naked in Korat high as hell on ketamine lol, Deported and Blacklisted
  4. And how many of those pointers have participated in dumping , moobaan are full of illegal dumps
  5. Why anyone would Support a Chinese Company during a Virus Released Pandemic, Can you be more ignorant…
  6. Only the Keenyow “cheap” Thais are taking this garbage vaccine , most Thais don’t want it
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