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  1. Quite astonishing to see someone who was once a firm populist, and whose followers tout democracy, to come to this.
  2. The outcome of his intentions was to sexually assault or rape the girl... the fact that it was not committed makes it attempted rape. He followed her to her room, groped her and tried to force her into the room. He only stopped because she screamed. You don't have to be successful in a crime to be charged with attempting it. Also, @thesetat2013, how would coercing a minor into sexual acts be different to rape anyway?
  3. "Remove our competitors and give us free stuff, because we want it." - A very Thai response.
  4. She expected it to be safe because it is most of the time in Thailand.
  5. Unfortunate to hear. There's nothing to suggest that foreigners are more likely to steal things than Thais, it just gets made into a big deal when it does happen. Sad that people are so easily swayed by biased press.
  6. But they aren't Buddhists. Not earning money and having no attachments or desires are a central part of being a Buddhist monk. They basically have to live like a monk.
  7. I'm pretty sure he's not meant to have anything. But Thailand has a pretty flexible interpretation of Buddhism.
  8. Doubtful. Why then get pissed up and die? If the new boyfriend was sexually abusing his daughter, he would have decent grounds to get the guy put away.
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