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  1. I think most normal people would say that you did a wonderful thing. Some people just choose to see the bad because of something bad inside them. I'd be tempted to get another guitar, but maybe see if the teacher can keep it and take it there for the lessons.
  2. In your opinion... This claim is questionable. First, even if the OP had approached the mother and grandmother first and got their permission, it is likely that the drunken male family members would still have broken the guitar. Second, predators often have no difficulty befriending the family members of their victims and appearing/becoming fully trusted. You are so wrong.
  3. The only "frail" ego I'm seeing is yours. Hence the weird trolling. 🙄 By the way, which exiled forum troll are you, Dolf or GOAT? I think the jury is still out... 🤔 The bitterness you seem to have makes me think maybe GOAT, though.
  4. If you guys can't see why an adult might want to do something nice for a probably deprived child who lives in his neighbourhood, that says more about you than about the OP.
  5. Making him look poor and a lousy father, in front of friends and family. Like something out of a depression era novel.
  6. Worried about his penis size, as our Brits usually are. Hence, our recurring size competitions on the forum, along with prowess, stamina, conquests, wealth, and IQ. When two trolls find they have a hatred in common and the sparks fly... 🙄
  7. It sounds like John Wayne Gacy was vetted and approved of, so your whole argument pretty much falls apart instantly.
  8. It's very likely that the perp originally pretended to be another young person. Hence the article says she didn't know there was malicious intent.
  9. Yes, you are blaming a 12 year old child. Where is the blame? He's simply expressing shock that a 12 year old would send explicit photos to someone online. Saying you're surprised someone did something is in no way blaming them.
  10. A bold accusation, considering I didn't mention the rate of suicides, nor did mention suicides at all in the comment you are replying to. 🙄 But, then, you are a troll who just says whatever he thinks will aggravate people, even if it makes no sense, and should be ignored. 🤷‍♂️
  11. We did some pretty crazy stuff in Western countries a few hundred years ago too. All in the name of religion. You can kind of understand it, they're just a little behind us in terms of religion and education. It's doesn't make them bad, per se. You just need to remember this fact.
  12. It reminds me of Rick from The Young Ones. It seems a little childish.
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