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  1. And why would it be bad for you? And how is it bad for thailand?
  2. Hey man I just sent you a private message with the number of the company I use. I agree with your comment about this forum also.
  3. There is a charge of 1000 baht extra for Ed visas . 2000 extra if you have not closed your visa before arriving at the border. Soo make sure you get the letter from your school and go to your local immigration before your border run
  4. Not true at all. How did you work out an education visa is a bogus visa?
  5. Hi just trying to find out some information on doing a border run coming off an education visa. Usually a border run from the pattaya area costs 3000 baht but I've been told there is an extra charge of 2000 baht if coming off an education visa. Does anyone know why I would have to pay the extra?
  6. I feel your pain. People are paying alot of money thinking and being told their getting 12 months,and then a few months later being told "oh by the way you can only get 10 months sorry"..
  7. Good luck to them. I'm glad they got it. No need to get upset about other people's visa situation.
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