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  1. Yeah, it's as ridiculous as if Thailand would not be corrupt as a country 🤣
  2. And the Supreme Court in Thailand have already decided in 2019, that any crime committed outside of Thailand isn't valid in Thailand. Never forget that dirty Thai drug dealer in Australia that became a minister in the Thai government.
  3. So, he got ties to the Thai police in other words? That arrested him for not bribing them enough?
  4. Stealing, scamming, rape, drugs, that's all Thai monks do 🤣
  5. Pattaya always brings out the low life trash. But wait, that's 98 % of everyone in Pattaya, both Thais and foreigners 🤣
  6. In Thailand around 20000 people die every year in traffic. And in Sweden a little bit higher than 200 people. That is 100 times higher and Thailand is not 100 times larger than Sweden, only 6.8 times larger. That would mean, there is something else in the minds of Thais, than on the minds of Swedes. If Thailand had better driving and traffic education, the death could ne far less. At the same time traffic accidents are at more than 250k. I don't think Thailand and Thais will ever learn. First the outdated Thai mentality needs to change.
  7. No one is surprised 🤣 And this is more normal in Thailand, than foreigners commit a crime. However, I would be surprised if a Thai would get any kind of Nobel Price 🤣
  8. Lol, still A 15 year old western kid is more mature than your average 30 year old Thai.
  9. Those are not western standard countries 🤣 if western countries are class 1, those are class 2 and Thailand class 3 🤣
  10. Frequent use of Thai mentality is even a worse health issue 🤣
  11. Nobody can be a racist to someone of less income. Hell, I don't like peoole without a higher university degree, and for myself, I could never get serious with a girl without a university degree. Okay, to have a little fun is okay, as long as she is not to old, but if there will be anything serious, it can't because she is usually too stupid. Even your average Thai with a university degree is mainly too stupid. I would say even my wife. If we hadn't moved to Sweden as soon as our daughter was born, and she started to learn how to be swedish or a westerner, I wouldn't have stayed with her all this time. Because, the Thai way of thinking is at least 70 years behind us in Sweden.
  12. Does anyone even believe this this fake news article? Since, Thailand and Thais are considered a high risk country in the Schengen area, and many Thais get denied schengen visa every year. Thailand is not a industrial country, but a developing country and the reason for all the denied schengen visas is that the embassies doesn't believe that the Thais will go back to Thailand after their visa has ended. So, in my personal opinion, with many years of professional immigration/migration experience within the EU/Schengen, I would say this is fake news. And if it's not,my wife doesn't need to apply for her mother to come 🤣
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