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  1. A friend has informed me yesterdat that it is now nessary to have a Tgai tax I.D. to open a bank account with Bangkok Bank. john
  2. Gents I only learned of this proposed Tax on Income, brought into Thailand the other week when I saw the Bangkok Post headlining the feature. I live in a Retirement Home and no one else here had heard of the proposed tax, several have suggested I am talking Poo. I have been trying to learn more but am having difficulties. I will write what I believe to be correct, please correct if you know better. 1) At this moment it is a proposed tax not yet law. 2) Everything I read suggests it will become law and is dated back to 1st January 2024. 3) My UK Old Age pension is subject to the income tax but my UK Forces pension is not subject to tax. 4) I cashed in my last UK investment and brought out 30,000 pounds this year and this will put me into the 35% tax bracket for this year. 5) in a normal year my income will be under the B150.000 which attracts no Thai tax. 6) A friend sent me a report from a Lecture delivered to Pattaya Expats club by an Expert. this suggests that the proposed tax may never happen and that its main proposal is to catch the Multi Billionaire who keep their money outside Thailand and only bring money into Thailand as and when they require it to settle bills, however We Retired Folk will be caught by the law. 7) We are require to fill in a Tax Form every year as we spend more than 180 days a year in Thailand. I have never known a Frang who is not in business to declare to the tax authorities each year as we are supposed to do. 8) Does anyone know of a reputable Tax adviser ? 9) Any and all advice is appreciated. John
  3. John was in the new John's Place last night and I understand also on NewYears Eve. So many old customers said hello to him. John
  4. The New Johns Bar is just up the road from Jphns old place. Stand outside the Old bar and look north Big sign you cant miss it. According tp Johns Wife John is still alive, aged 80 ish. Seems to atract a fair size crowed, most where having a meal as was I. john
  5. At my age I dont get out much. However I have a mate of fourty years plus visiting for the Festive Season. We agreed to meet last night at our old hangout Johns Place. Now this was Sold Off last year and different style of bar opened. Last night as I got down town in my Maxim Taxi I got out to see my Mate waving. Here he calld and a New Johns bar has now opened. run by Johns Wife and Daghter i was delighted to find an Old friend back in bussiness. A few beers and the excellent Old menue made for a happy night.Welcome back to an old favourite watering hole. john
  6. I am receiving reports that overseas Tax income will now be taxed by Thai authorities. Does anyone know if this is correct ? john
  7. The two locations where these scooters were located, now have no scooters located there and I have not seen any on the roads in last two days. john
  8. I have seen several of this type of Scooter in the Nimman area. Are they a new hire service ? john
  9. I received a Proof of Life cert in January and filled in the form got my Dr to sign and witness it, then returned it. I did not receive my UK state pension for, April, May and June. Then last week of July I received my pensions in one lump sum. john
  10. Gents how do we go on for passport renewal. We do not have a proper Consul anymore. john
  11. I have no solution to the B800,000 that the Thai government requires to be in my account at all times so will be lost to the Government when I pass on. John
  12. Er Yes IF he had the bank passbook, which I retain, so NO. john
  13. I am planning a move early January 2024. I will be moving from my single room Condo which I own, to a Retirement home. I have visited two such homes and plan a third today. Thanks to all who have provided information. John
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