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  1. Anybody surprised? Despite some apparences of modernized country, India has all the characterics of a third world country. The happy few very rich and an overwhelming majority of poor people. This sustained by theirMiddle Ages cast system.
  2. Some pot heads on this forum will not like this. It is just one more incident attributable to a drug addict. a drunk would be physically incapable of carrying out this crime, since he would barely stand on his legs
  3. So you are an adept of domestic violence and being a right winger you have the right to stay, be in Thailand. We liberals, no wife beaters, according to your philosophy have nothing to do in Thailand. Politely said you have a very peculiar mindset.
  4. Why do you need to go to a sauna in Thailand. Walk sweating under the sun will take away your desire to visit the sauna.
  5. It's the Hilton, they have these crazy room numbers. I wonder why they didn't give the name from the hotel. Maybe for their reputation or bad omen. For me it's obvious that the guy made the jump when he got his bill (sarcasm) They Better condamn room 3303. Reminds me room 237 from the shining
  6. As I stated before, I won't declare anything and they won't find anything because I will do all my transactions in cash. When I run out of cash, I will go to neighbouring countries for refueling. I will lose on the exchange but this will be peanuts compared to what is ongoing. The only issue would be if they start a taxing system on your cash at the border, but good luck with that one
  7. Indeed these thugs come from everywhere. Thailand, especially Pattaya and Phuket seems to attract them like flies an a <deleted>.
  8. I won't pay any satang. I only bring in cash. If I need new, I will go refuel in Cambodga, Laos, Vietnma.... No income trace in Thailand
  9. vangrop

    Soi 6 beatdown

    Normal reaction by the bouncer. The hooligan broke is nose, we see him bleeding on the video. How would you "so called civilized" react? Probably give your other cheek as the one in the bible. For sure you are not a muslim...
  10. vangrop

    Soi 6 beatdown

    Wrong. Every bar has one or more bouncers. Of course if one gets into trouble the other bar bouncers will assist.
  11. vangrop

    Soi 6 beatdown

    Since they didn't pay the bill, the discussion was inside the venue and they kicked the girl inside the bar. So its the cctv inside the bar witnessing the situation. Therefore we cannot see the obviously bad behaviour of these two british hooligans. I never in my more than 30 years Pattaya saw bar bouncers kicking customers with no reason.
  12. vangrop

    Soi 6 beatdown

    Impossible these morons don't have brains
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