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  1. Population decline is a huge problem for inflation and for getting services. It can spiral things out of control in a big hurry. The thing that makes me chuckle is that this has been on people's radar for nearly 40 years and first world nations have been actively increasing immigration to cope with the shortfall. Less people, less taxes, less businesses, etc etc etc. AS usual, poorly run nations, like poorly run companies end up at the back of the line. Companies end up bankrupt and Thailand,, if it continues to act like a third world nation in a broad sense, will continue on its slide downward to third world status. This is what corruption does. It's a cancer. People who have no business being in places where they should don't look out for anything other than short term selfish gains.
  2. The way things are: With the history of wars in the asia pacific region it is not enough to apologize for something. You must wait three generations for it to pass before they are forgiven. ITs the way things are, will always be, forever and ever amen. At least for our lives. To want something different is impossible, its in them from an early age. It's the way they are brought up. So if one wants to chuck racism card around, the entire continent of asia is racist then. I'm sure they have their own opinions of north america trying to make a living and not feeling at all welcome for no reason. It's all about perception. The nattering of some assumedly white guy telling the world how it is and how it should be is irrelevant to how things are.
  3. There is nothing interesting in South Korea anyways. If you want culture Japan is far more interesting and not much more expensive.
  4. Financially they have serious problems in China. And with Chinese they are hard working and take fiscal responsibility very seriously. That's why you won't see them spending opulently on a vacation when they are not doing well. They tend to hunker down and thats what they are doing. Like it or not, tourism means something much different to this board. An expat coming for six months is not the same as a tourist spending a week blowing their load of cash. You would have to be stupid not to go after those people and that's what everyone wants. Of course watching poorly educated fools try to figure this all out is good fodder for us who watch the industry, but they will learn very very very slowly. The result of all these broken promises will be a sense of apathy from the ocean that they serve (the people) only deepening. It's the way things go in corrupt countries and little is ever done about it. Not my problem.
  5. Indeed it does. So why be worried? Do you want your last ten years suffering with diabetes, amputated limbs, heart attack suffering from panic attacks, dementia not knowing anybody or what is going on, stroke being in bed hardly able to eat or live a somewhat normal healthy life? The choice is yours. You would be surprised how many end up like that and you never hear about them because they are disabled and miserable.
  6. And by the way, I hope everyone noticed how quickly they denied her claim? It takes them roughly six seconds to scan a police report and see what was involved and understand that she was riding something she wasn't covered for. This case is very rare for me, I don't have the time of day for nitwits as most don't here either, but she probably was being careless about her vacation and this cost her huge. I hope she recovers and things go well for her.
  7. Quite simply, your insurance will state up to what is covered. Furthermore if you are not licensed in your home country (on vacation in Thailand) you are breaking the law and NOT COVERED by insurance. Make no mistake, not understanding your insurance limitations will leave you out in the rain like a dog. Do not go outside the bounds for any reason ever. These types of articles are great for learning, and its nice to see one where some half-wit didn't have any medical insurance at all and went to the hospital with a broken beer bottle crashed over his head with a 100k medical bill.
  8. This bears repeating: for 90 percent of retirees Thailand is NOT your home. You are there only because of your yearly visa that is renewed every year. Fail to meet those requirements for any reason and you're out on your ear. Understandably some circumnavigate the rules and that's fine and good but they do shut those loopholes down and things change. I would never consider Thailand my home no matter how long I am there. Sad but reality hurts.
  9. This is very typical of a corrupt society and unfortunately something that one must endure when living in a country that has a high corruption index. If you aren't playing ball with the authorities they will come and fine you and leave the others alone. Expect it.
  10. Theres the "let's catch a cold or flu" line in Thailand. Have a great vacation! ACHOOO!!
  11. Bwahahahaha this story regurgitated again? I'll be anything you waunt.... Anything? Anyteeng....
  12. Whats wrong, it's a tourist destination and its supposed to be full now. Oh lord say it isn't so!!! Who saw this coming? I know several blind stray dogs on a soi that saw it...
  13. But yet Chinese wash their feet in sinks and spit all over the place and nothings really said. It's simple, tourists are all stupid. Send one person to politely remind them of Thai societal norms. Making a big deal out of it makes tourism look bad. Most tourists dont behave in this manner.
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