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  1. Yes the usual. So the thugs who Assaulted them walked free and are able to carry on as normal with no comeback.
  2. Ha ha the old it was rigged , judge and jurors paid to convict Trump , its all a conspiracy , he is an innocent man what a load of crap found guilty punish him.
  3. I suppose paying off a prostitute to silence her was a book keeping Error. Mind you at least he didn't drive into a River like 1 of your other Presidents did and drown his Mia Noy.
  4. I can see him wave boarding with the Russian draft dodgers in Patong. He was convicted on all charges by 12 jurors who were not blackmailed or threatened by Trumps goon squad. Found guilty only 1 punishment fits.
  5. Nothing to do with oil that's just the lubricant if it starts engine is fine no mechanical damage. sounds like your accidentally hitting the idle switch. if you brake to a halt the bike will stall.
  6. Oh look boy's two drunk tourists. Come on lads lets kick the crap out of them put him down so i can kick his face and head in. Watch he doesn't get up i don't want a punch. A serious question when are the tourist Police going to check Door staff and security that are vetted instead of paid thugs that a bar pays for. Have these thugs been told to stop working or are they still working back in Soi Six ?
  7. One of these days these paid thugs that are not vetted or trained will kick a man to Death its only a matter of time.
  8. When you get your head kicked in and laying on the ground defenseless and some thug finishes you with a kick to the face come back and post how brave you are.Sperm.
  9. Because certain posters have to mention America in post on here about Thailand. Like this thread its about Security in Patts not what they do in America,
  10. Why the Hell do posters mention the US on threads on here Christ its about Patayya thugs. I bet the Unregistered thugs because thats what they are were out on duty in Soi 6 that same night after saying sorry, and the bets are the victim flies home before a date is set for any court date.
  11. So now it seem's there was no assault on a cashier they were padding bills and were caught. Where did the broken nose come from ? And where are the stitches the guard recieved certainly not in his face or head. Pack of lies from the bar to the Bouncers Er Security Staff. Plain Assault again.
  12. Must have been a good mercenary 44 been here 22 years that means he joined the British Army at maybe 17 trained for a year left to become a Mercenary at 22 made enough cash to live in Thailand for the last 22 years. Fishy.
  13. As suggested once the pressure hull is sealed there will only be 1 hatch maybe 2 that is only big enough for 1 man to enter, How the hell are they going to fit an engine through a hatch ?
  14. " Skim Read " what does that mean kiwi. Should have spelt it Re- Arming.
  15. Meanwhile the UK's latest Astute Class Submarine HMS Agamemnon is Commissioned she is Nuclear powered so does not need to be refueled for 25 years and only needs to surface for food and rearming her Tomahawk cruise Missiles and Spearfish torpedoes.
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