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  1. Well look on the bright side there will be more guns for the locals as its there right to arm themselves with Assault rifles.
  2. Yes they want the old days back when America was built on Slaves backs, and most Yanks believe what there told. If the Earth is flat God Damn it is. If your President is not liked there not voted out and replaced they get shot.
  3. Another local Netizen about to Collect his or her 30 pieces of silver for grassing this woman up.
  4. I could post a link supporting Putin's remarks about flying Russia's flag over the Ukrainian parliament building but certain members will dismiss this as fiction so I wont bother.
  5. Come on then tell us all what Radiation has leaked outside the Exclusion zone around the Zaporizhzhia plant do you know why ?? its because it is not generating and all reactors are shut down but there is a danger of fall out if it is targeted. 1 reactor caused the worlds worst disaster Zaporizhzhia has 6.It is rumored that Ukraine targeted Russian forces that had took over the Station. So stop talking nonsense about me not knowing whats been going on. Why do you have to bring Biden into this thread nothing to do with America.
  6. Its not clever to use Capital letters to make yourself intelligent behave yourself.
  7. Nuclear plants are still and will remain operating unless Putin lobbs a missile into it then Russia will be punished. Gas lines are different. There is a bit of a difference between killing pregnant mothers and blowing up a gas pipe.
  8. Some on here see it as fact you have to be Punctual and correct KhunLA.
  9. Obviously a Yank without a sense of humor. I don't expect you to understand a northern person from the UK we are regarded as having a peculiar sense of humor. Maybe you expect every member to chew an Encyclopedia before posting so your wording is Correct and understandable.
  10. Why do you keep asking the same question bangkok he will not reply your flogging a dead horse move on.
  11. Lets not forget Russia has targeted Civilian, infrastructure, committed numerous war crimes and Genocide, kidnapped Ukrainian kids and he and his Cohorts have arrests warrants on them. Once you Target Maternity hospitals and shopping centers you must be punished by all means necessary.
  12. The Trump fan club on here will just say Trump didn't say that with the same old its dems making up stories against Trump its all lies.
  13. Covid will remain until it is eradicated which is unlikely same as the common Flu virus. We accept what Flu is and is accepted. Covid is the same treat it as you would treat flu. The flu jab does not stop you catching flu same as a covid jab so don't be worried catching Covid just take your jab if offered.
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