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  1. ...Surely Another Fine Candidate For A 7-Million Baht Luxury Car...(?)
  2. ...Not Too Long Ago A High-Ranking Monk Was Accused Of Raping (?) A 6-Year Old...(?) ...Nothing Came Of That...(?) ...So If There Is No Line Drawn In The Sand...Anything Goes...(?)
  3. ...Quite Clear By Now.... ...Pushing This Poisonous Industry While Quashing Any Alternatives... ..Wouldn't Want The Fatal Car Crashes Or Myriad Acts Of Violence 'Under The Influence' To Decline, Would We...(?)
  4. ...A Glaring Example Of Ignoring The Well-Being Of Those That Voted For You...(?) ...Was It An Election Promise, As Well...(?) (But It's In The Best Interests Of Society)(?) ...Hahaha...
  5. ...Can Only Say One Thing For Certain... ...He Has Been A Target Repeatedly In The Past Few Years... ...Now Why Would That Be...
  6. ...How Do You Know That Any Of What She Has Told You Is True.... ...That Said.... ...'Only Little Savings'... ...Would Suggest You Hold Off On Any Marriage Plans... ...And Her Trip To The U.K. For That Matter... ...Sorry... ...You Said You Came Here To 'Clear Your Head' Or Something To That Effect... ...When Did That Happen....On The Flight Here...(?) ...Maybe It Became Even More Muddled The First Day You Arrived...(?)
  7. ...My...My.... ...'Selective Morality Hounds'......(?) ...Let's Find A Pretext To Be Offended By The Foreigners...(?) ...So Much For 'The Care Campaign'...(?)
  8. ...If You Don't Know What Was In The Room To Begin With.... ...Quite A Leap To Say...'Nothing Was Stolen'.....Or...'Nothing Appeared Stolen'... ...And The 'Professional Assessment' By The Management...(?) ..So Why Didn't They Check On The Deceased Earlier...(?) ...Hmmm...(?)
  9. ...Sadly Making It Too Clear... ...Nothing About Love... ...It's Not The Amount...It's The Attitude... ...Foreigners Have Very Little Rights To Begin With... ...The Parental Imposition Would Definitely 'Seal His Fate'... ...What About His Wants...Needs...Future... ...Clearly Irrelevant... ...Yuck...
  10. ...Unidentified Chemical....Unidentified Quantities...Released Into The Air....(?) ...Under Control...(?)
  11. ,,,Obviously You Are Just 'An Extra'... ...Hope You Haven't Given Her Too Much Money Already... ...Break It Off...And Keep Looking...
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