1. Each time you use an ASEAN NOW service you agree to abide by the following terms of use. All of the rules and standards of conduct listed below apply to all of your interactions with ASEAN NOW including the ASEAN NOW forum and ASEAN NOW social media accounts including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Line and Instagram.
2. If you have any questions about ASEAN NOW forum rules or standards of conduct email support (at) aseannow.com
3. ASEAN NOW is a privately owned commercial website. We reserve the right to remove or block any user, user created content or files from the ASEAN NOW forums for any reason and at our discretion.
4. You will not express disrespect of the King of Thailand or any member of the Thai royal family whether living or deceased. You will not criticize the monarchy as an institution. Speculation, comments or discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing His Majesty The King of Thailand or the Thai royal family. You will not link to or discuss any website which contravenes this rule.To breach this rule is a serious issue that will result in suspension or possible removal from the forum.
5. You will not use ASEAN NOW to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, inaccurate, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law. Topics or posts deemed to be scaremongering, deliberately misleading or which deliberately distort information will be removed. In factual areas such as news forums and current affairs topics member content that is claimed or portrayed as a fact should be supported by a link to a relevant reputable source.
6. You will not post or link to items or content that are illegal in Thailand or any other country within ASEAN. This includes but is not limited to gambling, prostitution, pornography, narcotics, counterfeit items, illegal file sharing or streaming services of copyrighted material, pyramid schemes, etc. Discussion of the items included within this rule are permitted as a reply to a news item, but never as a "how to" topic. Discussions must not contravene local laws.
You will not ask for or seek advice on where or how to obtain illegally sourced streaming pirate video, such as but not limited to TV shows, music, sports and other events that are covered by international copyright law.
7. You will not post defamatory or libelous comments. Defamation is the issuance of a statement about another person or business which causes that person or business to suffer harm or loss. A statement does not have to be false to be defamatory. Libel is when the defamatory statement is published either as a drawing, picture, painting, motion picture, film, or letters made visible by any means or by broadcasting, dissemination or propagation by any other means. Defamation is both a civil and criminal charge in Thailand and elsewhere in ASEAN.
8. You will not post vulgarities, obscenities or profanities.
9. You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages. You will respect other members and post in a civil manner. Personal attacks, insults or hate speech posted on the forum or sent by private message are not allowed.
10. You will not post troll messages. Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing forum members by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other members into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.
11. You will not troll or stalk other members by misusing forum posts, private messages, reactions, emojis or by any other means.
12.You will not misuse the report button.
Example: sending multiple reports regarding the same issue.
You will not use the report button in an attempt to score points against other members.
13. You will not publicly comment on moderation in an open forum. You will not comment on actions taken by individual moderators or on specific or general policies and issues. You will not post a negative emoticon in response to a public notice made by a moderator. You may send a private message to a moderator to discuss individual actions or you can email support (at) aseannow.com to discuss moderation policy and account suspensions.You will not block communication from moderators or Admin.
Aggression, personal attacks, or any form of abuse toward moderators will not be tolerated and will result in strict consequences.
There is absolutely no excuse for abusive behavior.
14. You will not post slurs, degrading, or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, Thai people, Thai culture,Religion, Thai institutions such as the military, judicial or law enforcement system, or specific locations within Thailand.
15. You will not discriminate or post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments on the basis of race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, nationality, disability, medical history, marriage, civil partnership, pregnancy, maternity, paternity, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other irrelevant factor.
16. English is the only permitted language anywhere on ASEAN NOW, except within the Thai language forum, where using Thai is allowed. Short Thai translations of technical terms are permitted in specialty forums. While we make allowances for members who do not speak English as their first language, we expect everyone to make an effort to post in a manner that allows others to understand their posts. As an international forum we have members from many countries in the world, and English is not the first language of every poster.
17. ASEAN NOW news team collects news articles from various recognised and reputable news sources. The articles may be consolidated from different sources and rewritten with AI assistance These news items are shared in our forums for members to stay informed and engaged. Our dedicated news team puts in the effort to deliver quality content, and we ask for your respect in return. Any disrespectful comments about our news articles or the content itself, such as calling it "clickbait" or “slow news day”, and criticising grammatical errors, will not be tolerated and appropriate action will be taken. Please note that republished articles may contain errors or opinions that do not reflect the views of ASEAN NOW.
If you'd like to help us, and you see an error with an article, then please use the report function so that we can attend to it promptly.
18. Social media content is acceptable in most forums. However, in factual areas such as, but not limited to news, current affairs and health topics, social media cannot be used unless it is from a credible news media source or a government agency and must include a link to the original source. In some circumstances, a moderator may relax this rule and this will be determined on a case-by-case basis. If this rule is relaxed, a moderator will post a public notice explaining the limit and scope of the relaxation.
19. You will not post phone numbers, email addresses, business names or social media addresses in posts
20. Web addresses to personal non-commercial sites, blogs or social media accounts can only be posted on a member's profile page.
21. You will use a valid email address to register with ASEAN NOW. You will not use temporary or disposable email addresses to register with ASEAN NOW. You will keep the email address that you register with ASEAN NOW current so that you can receive ASEAN NOW notices.
22. You will not discuss methods of bypassing or blocking advertisements on ASEAN NOW, other websites or circumventing any censorship of the internet or other communications by lawful authorities.
23. You will not use ASEAN NOW as a platform to gather support to effect changes on religious, political, or governmental issues.
24. You will not transmit or publish spam through forum posts, private messages, email or any other method. ASEAN NOW considers any method of actively or passively promoting a person or business as spamming unless you are a current forum sponsor. This includes websites or personal blogs and third parties acting on your behalf.
25. You will not discuss or post links to other Thailand or ASEAN based forums, or forums which could be considered as competition to ASEAN NOW or our sponsors.
26. You will not post links that do not lead to the website the link indicates. Links that are misleading or redirect to a site different than the one indicated are not allowed. Shortened versions of URLs and affiliate links are not permitted.27. You will not post any copyrighted material except as fair use laws apply (as in the case of news articles). Only post a link, the headline and three sentences from the article. Content in the public domain is limited to the same restrictions.
28. You will not make changes to messages quoted from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. Do not shorten any post in a way that alters the context of the original post. Do not change the formatting of the post you are quoting.
29. You will not discuss the specifics of prostitution. Although Thailand has a visible sex industry and acknowledgement of that fact is not forbidden, ASEAN NOW is not the place to seek or give specific information on this topic. ASEAN NOW seeks to protect children and other at risk groups from exploitation on the internet. Any content that appears to be inappropriate or exploitative will be removed.
30. You will not post messages looking for missing people, or seek information about any person except with written approval from support (at) aseannow.com
31. You will not publicly discuss other members or post any member's personal information including but not limited to emails, social media messages, private messages, photos or website details. Contact information is permitted in the Jobs Offers and Jobs Wanted sections, but for the privacy and security of our members we strongly urge the use of the private message function rather the posting of personal contact information.
32. You will not post topics or posts that are commercial in nature unless you are a sponsor of ASEAN NOW. If you would like to become an advertiser on ASEAN NOW and enjoy the benefits of having a business name and the ability to post contact our Marketing department:
33. You will not use corporate, business or commercial names, trademarks or variations thereof, domain names, web links, QR codes or email addresses, obscenities or trolling images as your username or avatar.
34. Members are forbidden to solicit, ask for or accept donations, gifts or commissions from other members unless prior approval has been given by ASEAN NOW management. Charities and Foundations must contact support for prior approval of your forum membership. Please email support (at) aseannow.com
35. You will not post external surveys seeking information from ASEAN NOW members without first receiving consent. Email support (at) aseannow.com
36. Multiple accounts by the same person are not normally allowed and may be closed at our discretion. If you have access issues email support (at) aseannow.com
37. You will not post negative comments concerning advertisements or sponsored articles on ASEAN NOW or any of our sponsors.
38. The General forum is for topics that are related to Thailand and other respective ASEAN countries that are not covered by other sub forums. The General forum is not a place for political topics, chit chat, banter and observations regarding daily life. Thailand related content, chit chat, banter and observations regarding daily life should be placed in the ASEAN NOW Community Pub forum. Within the ASEAN NOW Community Pub forum some forum rules may be relaxed at the discretion of the moderation team.
39. Remember that we cannot actively monitor the contents of, and are not responsible for, any topics, posts, files or user generated content that is posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any topics, posts, files or user generated content, and we are not responsible for the contents of any topics, posts, files or user generated content. Topics, posts, files or user generated content express the views of the author of the message, which are not necessarily the views of ASEAN NOW or any entity associated with ASEAN NOW. All advice voluntarily given by any member in any ASEAN NOW Forum is provided free of charge. ASEAN NOW accepts no liability either express or implied for any topics, posts, files or user generated content and you agree to release ASEAN NOW from any liability for information found using topics, posts, files, user generated content or Internet links posted on the forum including links from our sponsors.
In the Health Forum, any content shared should not be construed as medical advice, but rather as personal experience or opinion. Members are advised to consult a qualified healthcare professional before acting on any health-related information shared. ASEAN NOW does not assume any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, completeness, or application of health-related content posted by anyone.
40. Any user who feels that any posted content is objectionable is encouraged to immediately use the report button to report the message. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and will make every effort to do so if we determine that removal is necessary. Removal is a manual process so we may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately. Use the report button only for posts in violation of the forum rules.
41. You will not encourage or incite others to contravene any of the Forum Rules or Standards of Conduct.
42. You will not advertise, display, promote, review or endorse, directly or indirectly, the name or trademark of any alcoholic beverage. Such actions are potentially in contravention of Section 32 of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act (2008).
43. You will not post graphic or explicit images. ASEAN NOW strives to maintain a respectful and safe online environment for all community members.
Standards of Conduct
1. Do not respond to insults with more insults. Instead use the report button to report inflammatory posts.
2. Do not post off-topic responses as they can often hijack the topic.
3. Posts on this forum often reflect personal opinions and experiences. Verify all information, especially that of a financial or medical nature, and always consult a qualified professional before acting on any information or advice posted.
4. Proofread your post first as poor grammar and spelling can make a post difficult to understand. Posts regarding spelling and grammar can derail a topic and can also appear intolerant and unhelpful.
5. Do not post text with all capital letters or with over-sized fonts, all bold font, non-standard fonts, colored fonts or unusually large emojis. Do not use emojis or any other form of graphics in the title of your poll or topic.
6. After pasting a reply format the text you have pasted. An easy way to do this is to click the "Paste as plain text instead" option at the bottom of the reply box.
7. Do not quote more than three multiple nested quotes. Only quote the person you are replying to, and only quote the relevant section that you are discussing.
8. Keep topics related to the forums they are in. The General forum is for Thailand related topics not covered in other forums. Other forums cover other issues, the forum title and description will tell you if you are posting the right thing in the right place.
9.Links to outside content should always include relevant commentary. Blind links to outside content with no context or explanation may be removed.
10.All members, regardless of tenure or experience, are expected to treat new posters with respect and patience. Avoid dismissing topics or questions as "old news" or "done to death." What may seem familiar or repetitive to long-standing members could be entirely new and valuable to others. Constructive, welcoming dialogue is encouraged to foster a positive and inclusive community. Any form of bullying or belittling will not be tolerated and may result in moderation actions.
11.Accusations regarding the use of AI, or any other undermining behavior, are not permitted. Members should focus on engaging in meaningful, respectful discussions without casting doubt on the authenticity of others' contributions. Violations of this rule may result in moderation actions to maintain a positive and supportive environment.