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Holiday Party


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If it were a ladies night I'd be up for it. I'm sad to say that I've been off of the other forums and general pissups because of the atrocious behavior exhibited by a select few on the boards and at the gatherings. I'd advise women going to general meetups to be very cautious if you decide to go.

I am sorry to say that while most people on TV are okay, there is often an incident where one of the guys gets out of hand towards one (or more) of the women at the gathering. If it gets discussed on TV, guys who weren't even at the event get on board to defend the guy. In the other forums, most of my posts explaining what I saw during the last incident get deleted (because I was actually there.) In the end, the women who were involved got blamed or minimized after going out of their way not to publicly name the guy hoping for a sincere apology.

While I saw one incident and I was at one general meetup (100% average) there is a history of more than just one incident and guy. Searching the boards won't help much as some moderators on other forums go out of their way to delete posts that make members look bad.

I know that this is a hijack of the thread, but it's been something I've been meaning to say here for a while and I feel this is one of the few TV forums moderated consistently fairly. I've also blocked all the members that have gone out of their way to call the women involved, "dramatic, bitter and feminazis" so if you reply with more of your garbage, say what you'd like, I can't read it.

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If it were a ladies night I'd be up for it.  I'm sad to say that I've been off of the other forums and general pissups because of the atrocious behavior exhibited by a select few on the boards and at the gatherings.  I'd advise women going to general meetups to be very cautious if you decide to go.

I am sorry to say that while most people on TV are okay, there is often an incident where one of the guys gets out of hand towards one (or more) of the women at the gathering.  If it gets discussed on TV, guys who weren't even at the event get on board to defend the guy.  In the other forums, most of my posts explaining what I saw during the last incident get deleted (because I was actually there.)  In the end, the women who were involved got blamed or minimized after going out of their way not to publicly name the guy hoping for a sincere apology. 

While I saw one incident and I was at one general meetup (100% average) there is a history of more than just one incident and guy.  Searching the boards won't help much as some moderators on other forums go out of their way to delete posts that make members look bad.

I know that this is a hijack of the thread, but it's been something I've been meaning to say here for a while and I feel this is one of the few TV forums moderated consistently fairly.  I've also blocked all the members that have gone out of their way to call the women involved, "dramatic, bitter and feminazis" so if you reply with more of your garbage, say what you'd like, I can't read it.


I understand your concern, but hopefully there will be several females there, so you can team up if any of us guys get out of line. I will try to bring my wife along, but she didn't really enjoy the get-together at Larry's a few months back, so I may have to go alone this time.

Perhaps it would be an idea to have the next venues in more stylish surroundings - may perhaps disuade some of the riff-raff from turning up.

Can't really comment about the place in Soi 4 as I have never been there, but the area may be a bit of a turn-off for some. Place looks cool enough from the pictures, though.

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The Sin Club is a fine, upscale sort of place, in spite of the neighborhood. It is on several levels and each separate area is decorated differently. The roof top bar is a good place to retreat if it gets too busy, smoky or intimidating at the main venue.

Please don't paint all guys with the same brush. Some of us are shy gentlemen who go out of our way to make others feel comfortable.

Don't give up on all of us just because of a few vocal idiots.

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:o Cheers for that Pearl, you don't need to worry about blocking the feminazi commentators because if one rears their ugly head it will be deleted and their a$$ booted. Forewarned is forearmed guys. Zero tolerance policy is in effect in the Ladies Forum!!!!

I won't be going, Xmas is our busiest time of year but I do know what you mean Pearl. Safety in numbers, I believe. I hope to have a bit of a meetup (perhaps larger than last years? a few of the guys?) when I head up to Bangkok for my annual trip home. I'll post here when that happens as it would be great if a whole bunch of us ladies got together. And I do finally have a mobile phone Kat!

So, that said, perhaps the Ladies could organize a "Safety in numbers at the Xmas party" group?

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I am really thinking about going, it probably will be a lot of fun. :o

:D :D :D

I understand Pearl's concerns and it's much appreciated, I tend to think that bad behavior is Global, :D and so is good behavior. :D We just have to be aware of the bad.

Thanks to SBKs advice, If any of the Ladies want to travel "Safety in Numbers" maybe we can coordinate something...............? :D

Edited by Bangkokbabay
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