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Is alcohol costing you more than money?
For many ex-pats who have retired and are living in Thailand, besides having fun and some well-earned R&R, the allure of the bars can also have a downside.
With plenty of time on their hands and generous pensions, for some, alcohol can develop into a harmful dependency. Is there a support group that can help people overcome their addiction to alcohol?
Of course, the most well-known and successful method for overcoming alcohol dependencies is support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous. Since AA's inception, millions of alcoholics have overcome their addictions and recreated their lives.
Some people who come to AA walk away again quite quickly. They cannot deal with frequent references to God and a higher power often mentioned at meetings. For those wanting to stop drinking but don’t believe in the traditional idea of God, there is now a potentially helpful alternative.
"The Twelve Steps for Agnostics" is a recent book published by an alcoholic in AA who identifies as an agnostic. With the help of other agnostic members, he found a way to achieve successful sobriety without having to worry about the ‘God’ word as it appears in the steps.
This new book, available on Amazon, may prove to be a helpful resource for agnostics and atheists to overcome their addiction to alcohol. 
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