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Posts posted by mutha289

  1. I'm planning on flying into Ho Chi Minh City in March and applying there for a 90 day tourist visa, my second 90 day visa. I've already made my visa application appointment and downloaded their application form and I have the list of documents they want. I also see that they say it will be two business days to receive my new visa.


    My question is, does this mean that when applying on Monday I will receive the visa on Wednesday? Also wondering if there is anything else I should know regarding getting the visa in Ho Chi Minh City. I do know I will need to get an evisa for Vietnam (USA citizen). Thanks.

  2. 2 hours ago, ubonjoe said:


    You will get a 45 day visa exempt entry (you cannot apply for a visa on arrival) that can be extended for 30 days at immigration.

    That is your choice. You can get the Lao visa on arrival at the border. The visa issued online costs a little more but it might save time when entering Laos. (See: https://laoevisa.gov.la/index )

    Thanks for the info, the family wants to fly to Vientiane for a few days so looks like I'll update my visa at the Thai embassy there. Thanks again.

  3. I'm new to the visa run thing, and need to get my visa extended mid December (US citizen). I see a number of you are doing a Laos land crossing and turning around and getting a new visa on entry into Thailand. What does this get you, another 30, 45 or 60 days?


    I have been considering flying to Vientiane, go to the Thai Embassy there and get a 60 day visa.  Looking at different websites I've seen recommendations on applying for a Laos visa online, the other option is to just get a visa on entry when I arrive at the airport. Does anyone have any experience / recommendations on either option?

  4. 8 hours ago, retarius said:

    I think these treaties are meaningless. The US is 20 years behind schedule in destroying its chemical and biological weapons and shows no signs of doing anything in the future. One suspects that the Russians haven't destroyed theirs either.

    I'm not quite sure what one has to do with the other but I'm curious where you're getting your numbers from? This is a hard topic to verify details as neither side seems to want to let the other know exactly what they are doing. As near as I can tell the U.S. has gotten rid of most if not all biological weapons and has destroyed approximately 90 % of their chemical weapons. I have no doubt that both sides will keep some of these weapons if for no other reason than to hedge their bets. Like the vast majority of my fellow veterans I hated the idea of having to possibly be ordered to use such weapons and even more so hated the thought of being on the receiving end of them.


    Back to the topic at hand, I find the direction that Putin seems to be taking Russia very disturbing if not downright frightening.

  5. I used to get the ThaiVisa newsletter once or twice daily in my email. Since late last year the newsletter stopped appearing in my email altogether. To ensure I was still subscribed I just attempted to enter my email using the forum "subscribe to newsletter" link and got the message that I'm already a subscriber. Am I the only one no longer receiving the newsletter? What Happened? 

  6. I have a Samsung android and have noticed that the cord that I use to connect it to my computer makes a big difference. If I use the cheap one I bought at the discount store the phone will not charge nearly as quickly as it normally should and my computer will not recognize that the phone is connected to it. When I use the cord that came with the phone then the computer has no problems recognizing when the phone is connected. Point being, make sure you are using original equipment when trying to transfer files to or from your phone. Otherwise you will need to pull your memory card from your phone and transfer files directly to it, which you mentioned you resorted to.

  7. What was the Motive ? We don't care much how long he has been in jail for We want the facts surrounding the murder.

    Hey This message is for the Journalist that wrote this story. I have more than 4o years experience as a USA journalist with massive Radio. TV and News print experience.

    If you would like some lessons on how to write a story Let me know . BTY this story is not a QUOTE Click on the link and rather than taking you to the story you are taken to the

    front page of AP . So sad they do this Very frustrating

    This article from "The Telegraph" seemed to have much more information. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/hongkong/11930241/Hong-Kong-murder-trial-date-set-for-British-banker.html

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