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Everything posted by johnmcc6

  1. thanks guy;s or ?dolls for the info.
  2. i was having a terrible time transferring funds to Thailand as they could not send me an authorization code so they are now sending me by post a security key to my account that should fix the problem has anyone else had this problem with West Pac bank or know about this key and how it works? Thanks for any information. regards john mcculloch
  3. so what about joe bloggs and his six plants in the back garden/? they can grow several feet high and be loaded with flowers when properly tended to.
  4. they must be pretty stupid if they think that Foreigner swill accept those insane conditions.
  5. anyone know who can make neck and spine adjustments
  6. where to get 72 hour covid test for travel in Thailand and cost
  7. I have a Thai friend who has good English. He has several valuable assets.Only living relative a cousin not seen in nearly 20 years.If he has no will nor next of kin other than this cousin.Will the government rack down the cousin? If no will what happens to his cash and assets?
  8. where i com from dogs that attack humans are put down so will never attack again. should be same rule for people.
  9. more climate change scare mongering. According to A O C the planet will be snuffed out , not just Bangkok.
  10. If they got a decent wage it would help lower the need to get bribed. .
  11. honorary council office in Hangdog district.google it Australian consulate
  12. so they think they can monitor billions of hemp flowers??
  13. you cannot overdose on weed. you either fall asleep or fall out of your chair.
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