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Posts posted by Corporateteacher

  1. Hey all you knowledgeable people out in cyperspace.

    My beloved iPhone 1G (ready to be switched out with a iPhone 4.0 when the times are right) stopped responding on the touch panel the other day. Judged from forums around the net, this is an unfortunately quite

    common habit for this product. Mine worked 2 years 10 months and 3 weeks and 2 days 24/7, so I can't complain about the product at all.

    Looking around the net I can find many possible ways to repair the 1G iPhone, that in it's HW design, are quite different from the 2G (3G/3GS). On these models it not so expensive and should be cheep and fast to exchange.

    So my wife called winnertelecom.com the other day to get a quotation on the repair-price. It took some calls around their different branches, but finally she catches a guy that could explain her the options.

    Roughly 3.500 bath for a new panel, which on this specific model contains the front-glass (the touch-panel itself) and the LCD-panel with a new back-light lamp or a 2nd hand whole unit at around 3t bath.

    I never had any problem with the LCD panel, no pixel errors, no fading back-light, strong as in hel_l especially in the nighttime. So I choose to search on ebay and here I saw - do it yourself offer from HongKong, touch-panel

    new once around 20 bugs incl. sh.

    20 bugs is around 700 bth, so I would like to know if any got the same problem as me, and what was the solution and the costs...if any shop could be named, too, I would be a very happy guy.


  2. Get rid of this scum NOW!!

    The scum supported by a large proportion of the country, including Bangkok residents? Oh, THAT scum. Right.

    It's a recipe for disaster.

    Support from a large scale or proportion of the people! So where are your documentation for that claim coming from?

    Just after the 10th of April, many cars in the suburbs of Bangkok got a red ribbon at there tail, now you barely see any. Even the motocycle guys in my street are no longer in favor of the Red Shirts...Why? No one use any money on a MC trip as they have to save money and the Churlalongkorn Hospital incident. That way the Reds lost big time. They still have some backing in some parts of the country, but not a LARGE PROPORTION like you claim.

  3. where were the police, just being spectators as usual?

    My father in law is a policeman in Bangkok.

    He is also a red shirt, as are many (if not most) of his colleagues. Same for the army.

    If the government orders them to attack their own, it will initiate the civil war.

    If the army and police join the opposition the government are finished.

    I'm not taking sides, or saying who is right or wrong, just pointing out how it is.

    Please ,most of us know that reds are almost everywhere. Teaching students, being cops, farmers and others.

    But to occupy a hospital, or to stop an army train(s) on their way to the south is clearly a crime and has nothing to do with 'asking' for new elections. I've seen that too many times that Isan farmers receive money to put their name on.

    Let's change your post. Should the army and cops be what they suppose to be, the reds would have to go home. There's no need to see more dead people. I guess the reds started their bloody campaign, or?

    At my Uni - I haven't found many who sympathize with these Red Shirts - in fact to the contrary - whatever it's the faculty or for that matter the students. I even got private students after hours who's parents are cops. And they are not high ranging. They are not red. My wife is a teacher, at her Hi-school, the yellows got the most backings. Yes most of these are fully aware of Thaksins promises to raise there salary to the double - and they don't believe it at all - even not one inch.

    I think the Reds have backing, but not that huge, as some at TV wants to paint it.

  4. I've heard that there are about a hundred women sitting in Ratchaprasong making molotov cocktails in broad daylight, as if they are making somtam.... this is not good. They have started their own manufacturing of weapons since they are having trouble importing... nothing good can come of this!

    My wife went to Chulalongkorn Uni yesterday for finalization of her Master Degree and passed they area. She is a strong opponent to the red even she comes from the sticks. She hates them, there violence, rhetoric etc. She also saw some ladies sitting in the shadow under that green camouflage stuff they have put over some part of there protest area. They were putting something of liquid in bottles. And it wasn't coke, water, milk or whiskey. She said, that while she passed on the direction for Siam Square a she smelled gasoline odor of some kind. As there isn't any cars in there area for the moment, besides some belonging to the Reds Shirts, she said it must have been special cocktails.

  5. ...I never tried to be in a situation like this before, so I if made some mistakes, please forgive me.

    You were poorly-prepared for a first-time-anything-can-happen class, and suffer from a lack of proper grammar, thus poorly trained.

    The company scraped the bottom of the barrel (probably didn't check references and satisfaction of other customers) and got exactly what they failed to do due diligence for (non-native speaker, poor grammar, poor spelling, etc.).

    Both of you were victims. Sorry. :)

    Can't offer any advice other than to suggest you upgrade your own skills to that of a true corporate language consultant/teacher in the English language.

    Thanks for the advise, pal. I choose to stop responding to this tread as it becomes a bit out of the line.....

    I forgot that forums are not the place to get any useful advises and backing, due to my poor training, poor everything.

  6. With the current major shortage of corporate teaching contracts, how did you get the job?

    You can't spell, you weren't prepared, and you had no materials.

    What was the topic of your "make it up as you go along lesson".

    Wauuu.....Did I step on your toes. Read the Op once again very carefully, before kicking in. I got the gig 1 day before it had to take place.

    Sure, no materials ready in big numbers. Reason : I was told there would be teaching materials aka books ready. I didn't anticipate it wouldn't be the case.

    Prepared. Sure - I knew everything about the company that I managed to find from the net, 41 past corp. seasons, and 2100 hours of adult language classes and more. Enough for the 1st season, which mostly are intro, fact finding, level placement, small talk about them, me etc. And of course the books to start with.... but as it turned out, there weren't there.

    Oh, sorry. I can't spell. Thanks for reminding me on this issue. Maybe you could bring me up to speed then..

    But this only shows that the topic of the tread is not your big concern. That was mine, and I was carried away on the whole matter due to fact I never tried to be in a situation like this before, so I if made some mistakes, please forgive me.

  7. During my time here, I've done - not tons of - but nearly in that amount of different in-house training classes. And I just got hired to do another one with an extremely short notice. So I was sent of to the middle of nowhere in a Bangkok suburb, passing through the security I already felt UNWELCOME. There was only one entry-point to the premises, and they had no clue of a "farang" coming. Furthermore the location was so far away that the Taxidriver looked very pleased on taking me there.

    It took some time to pass the security guards, but eventually I was allow to do so.

    Arriving at the reception, the receptionist had no clue of why I was there. Didn't speak one word of English. After some waiting time, someone from the office came and greeted me. But not the way I've been used too. I got the feeling of "you are not what we have been expecting". The MD came to the reception area too. I didn't have any idea of who he was, as he was wearing casual clothing style and didn't look like a Thai MD at all. After some time he told me, I'm the MD here. Ohhhh.... really. 3rd grade interrogation took place next with a superior attitude. Although it did start with the usual soft approach:

    How long have you been here?. As they already have got my credentials through the contractor for picking the right candidate, I was a bit puzzled in to this way of greeting and "saying good day". While that small play took place an office clerk came to the room and bowed and told in Thai that the students were waiting. I was then taken to the location.

    A class of students were already present in the room, and I was handed a piece of paper with a list of there names. No introduction. The room was the size of an uni auditorium, so I needed to speak quite powerfully in order for them to hear me. That's no problem, although I also needed to go another company afterwords and already had been working in a uni during the daytime. Then I saw, that they had no books. Only some dictionaries and some paper. Most looked tired and bored already.

    Before the session took place, I was told, that there would be books in the room. So I choose not to say anything, but started to introduce myself and trying to figure out who where who in the room. Then came the shock number two. Roughly half of the assembled students were zero understanding English staff and only a few could engage in a conversation. At the same time the MD and some other managers took a seat at the back of this huge room, monitoring all my movements etc and with no smiles at all aka in fact expressionless.

    Anyway, as I have done this many times before, I thought Okay I'm the only actor on stage, so I better keep playing the play. Started with some kind of a lesson, being completely sure that everyone were coming along I also choose to get all words and the whole sentences translated into Thai, repeating in group and individual. The 1st hour passed and I asked if they wanted a small break for few minutes. Here I probably did my big mistake. The MD didn't looked pleased at all and only a few staff chose to do so. I gave them 5 minutes - walked down the room, and asked the MD if I did something wrong. A Thai smile came up and a sound of No and that was the end of the conversation. I tried to chat a little bit about his brand new notebook, but got only short answers. Feeling really welcome.

    I went back to my desk, called those student back that went outside the room and continued. Went one with the "show" and finally the last hour was done. MD had left the room already, so only some senior ranking officers followed me out of the room. They didn't look pleased AT ALL.

    Being doing this kind of training for thousand of hours all of Bangkok from small seized over medium to large and even very large scale companies, I didn't feel happy myself and my self-confidence sank to the absolute freezing point. The next day the contractor said they company complained about the first rendez vous and that they had expected me to be prepared. I did have some materials in my bag, but no xeros of it and the whole thing just went on like a nightmare coz of what went one.

    I was then told in an email to prepare some for the next class until some books would be present in the room. I agreed although I may say, that normally one never have to do this. The company also wanted that I didn't speak Thai with them. I can't, only some basic words as I know it's quite common here. But what to do when so many in the group nearly had NO English skills.

    Anyway the next day the company choose to asked for another teacher. I went through my records of teaching here and for the first time ever doing more than 40 different courses, being a permanent in-house teacher and therefore a returning teacher in many other huge corp., I felt really miserable about everything. In fact a bit offended. Add to my experience 100reds of language classes and I have never experienced anything like this before, not even at Thai Unies.

    So why did I write this. To find out if others have been in the same boat as me. Left to survive for 2 hours in a class feeling not welcome, with no teaching materials - that were promised to be there - and getting blamed for it. The contractor told me, that the company thought they took care of it, and they thought they took care of it. Leaving it to me to be the scapegoat.........

    But then again, This is Thailand.

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