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Posts posted by Bub

  1. Very sad indeed. These people were fighting for what??? Oh yes, democracy. The poor taking on the rich? Now look at all of the poor bastards who work in Bangkok (Centralworld and elsewhere) who will be out of jobs. It is bad enough that the reds were loosing credibility day by day, but now any ounce of creditability that they had left is long long gone.

    Geee it's only an horrible fake naff shopping mall defacing what used to be a beautiful equivalent of venice!

    I can't condone arson under ANY circumstances. How can anyone be so insensitive?

  2. Isn't this the 4th Thai government in 4 years? In such a divided nation, why would ANYONE believe that a "new" government will solve the problems? It's nearly impossible to establish a government that's fair to everyone, because all parties would have to make sacrifices. But, everyone's outcry is that they've already made their sacrifices. Now they want to reap the benefits!

    Folks, many of those benefits are burning to the ground, even as I'm writing this note. I can only imagine how many legitimate jobs - from big retailers and small businesses alike - have gone down the tubes with these cruel fires. I've spent many days and many baht in the one shopping center alone. No arsonist has any moral values whatsoever. Put them in jail and throw away the keys, please...

    The Thai people do have a basic democracy in place. But, if they continue to elect corrupt politicians to office, there is no future. Unforunately, all of the politicians are corrupt. I can't even blame it just on the the politicians, because the Thai people in general accept corruption as a way of life. It's a proven fact. So, then what?

    Unlike some on this and other forums, I don't have the answer, and I certainly don't see ANY simple, painless answer. There can be a solution, and I certainly hope for one, but only if the good-hearted people come forward and change their ways. If everyone, and I do mean everyone, was willing to start by offering a small sacrifice, it could work. Seriously, is there any other way that it could work? The financial cost of the disaster will be astounding. That money is gone, for good, just as literally as if it had been set on fire itself.

    Normally, I would have already planned a November trip for Loy Kratong. I would not personally be afraid, because it's a big country and at least for now I would not be afraid of Phuket. But even that could change by November. If you multiply my $5,000 by millions of other similar tourists, my conclusion is that these protesters have shot themselves and their fellow countrymen, and not just in the feet.

    As for the red shirt leaders, I hope the courts throw their keys away, too. As for those who say to get rid of Abhisit Vejjajiva, do you at least have a better alternative? Someone other than a convicted criminal? Someone other than any previously failed Prime Minister?

    Good luck, seriously, because I love the country and the people. Yes, I do!

  3. Be careful!!!

    "The Joseph Solution" link on Google, one of only a few links that I could find, sent me to a site that Norton Utlitlies blocked as having tried to attack my computer.

    I read the Bangkok Post every day - the full, English subscription version. It costs me $49 a year (now $73.50) I also check in daily with The Nation - another English newspaper from Bangkok, along with BBC, CNN and even alJazeera. Yes, they have an English website as well. I spend at least 2 hours a day looking for news from Thailand, and have been doing so for years.

    I love the country and people of Thailand. I go there at least twice a year. They're the nicest people in the world. They're so nice that I honestly think the person who stole my wallet in Bangkok was probably smiling as he did it. It's a possiblity in any country, and I accept that.

    I haven't seen any mention of "The Joseph Solution" in the 2 months plus that this has been going on. The mere fact that no link was left on this forum speaks for itself.

    It's typical of life in Thailand. Beautiful country, beautiful people, but deception at every turn. I accept it, just as I accept Communism in China. Neither the UN nor anyone on a forum is going to change them in the next half century, which is truly sad!

  4. I bought a computer at Pantip Plaza for a friend several years ago. You're right. They had no qualms about putting a fake copy of Windows XP on it. No documentaion whatsoever.

    Also, there are far more choices back in the US, and there are frequent sales as well. I personally think there is great benefit in having a USA warranty, written in plain English.

    Electricity is not an issue. Every electrical device I have ever taken to Thailand works fine at any voltage. In fact, what you don't want to do is use an adapter. Many travel guides are very specific on that point. The built-in circuits are better capable of handling various voltages than are the $5 adapters that arer possibly erratic. Those are apparently just for certain types of electric razors.

    Having said all of that, if you live in Thailand, I would think that the value of a local warranty all by itself would outweigh my other arguments.

    Good luck!

  5. Ten years ago, a Filipino friend told me that many Asians have a penis that isn't much larger than a pencil, hence the slang term. I didn't believe her, and actually considered it to be rude on her part. After 15 trips to Thailand in 5 years, the Thai women have convinced me that it's true.

    I don't consider myself to be "hung" either, but 2 weeks ago 3 beautiful Thai go-go dancers escorted me to my hotel because "they" thought I was big. In terms of my overall looks, they weren't even interested, plus I'm old. Once one of them put her hand on my crotch, they started laughing and gathering around me. And yes, I speak Thai, so they weren't making fun of me.

    On the other hand, a Thai girl that I was actually engaged to 3 years ago basically ended our relationship by telling me that she preferred "pencil-size". She was serious! I stayed with her for a full week, but she wouldn't have sex with me once she had felt me up.

    They can't all be making it up, including the cashiers at 7-11. You buy the biggest size of Durex condoms, and they will at least smile.

    Whether it's deserved or not, Americans clearly have a reputation for being bigger than Asians. I'm honestly not trying to be a jerk. If I was, I would be talking numbers.

  6. I think learning a new language is a completely different experience for each person who tries it. At age 56, I find it to be very difficult. Not sure if I will ever be fluent enough to understand everything a Thai person says. But, I work with a young Romanian girl who learned English and Spanish within 2 years of being in the US, without a single lesson. I really envy her.

    I have trouble learning the tones for individual words. It's much easier, and more practical I think, to learn words in context. My vocab is up to about 2,000 words, so I try to deal with common phrases, slang, etc.

    My last trip, I think I spoke close to 50% Thai. In April, I hope to achieve 80%. I would like to find a private tutor who will go around BKK with me for at least a few hours each day. :o

  7. Please refer to this link. There are a lot of similar ones by using the words "how to peel shrimp" in a search engine. It seems that Thais feel it preserves the flavor and juices.

    I hate eating it that way, too. I'm embarrassed by not knowing what I'm doing and consequently eat some bad-tasting stuff. It was only my second night in Bangkok that I was served chicken feet. Talk about gross! It was all I could do to keep from throwing up. I love it over there, though, so I keep trying. :o


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