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Posts posted by paradox4450

  1. 1 minute ago, onthesoi said:


    It's common in Thailand for Thais to say 'Thai-Falang' when talking about people with mixed parents.


    So what you are saying doesn't really hold water....



    That is a completely different scenario. I am not referring to a person with thai and falang parents. I am referring to a person whom has moved to Thailand from another country to make Thailand there new home.

  2. In Australia if you gain your citizenship then you are considered Australian by law, undetermined by what race you derive from. For example if you were of Thai decent and moved from Thailand to Australia, you would be referred to as a 'Thai-Australian'. But of course in Thailand if you come from any heritage other than a direct decendant of a Thai, then you will never be referred to as Thai in any way, shape, form or manner. Neither will you be referred to as a Australian-Thai etc. This in its very essence is racism by definition and of course it creates a mentality of; 'us and them', xenophobia, exclusionism, supremanistic identity etc. Naturally the promotion, and/or advocacy of exlusionism, supremanistic values etc, are sociopathic traits by nature and as such should be advocated against wherever possible, to prevent any potential for unnecessary civil unrest. But thankfully not all Thai embrace such anti-social values

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