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Posts posted by sanukjim

  1. 7 hours ago, jobwolf said:

    So it looks like this stupid ban is biting back.  Hope the damage is big enough to make those responsible for it think next time.  It is as stupid as most security systems at American airports. nobody get's caught by it.  Only a lot of useless and unfriendly people get employment in US of A Airports.

    No dxmmy,Those that are increasing their preflight inspections are the ones that are now allowed to be exempt.

  2. 10 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Possibly too addicted to Facebook or other social media to be able to be able to leave the bloody phone alone for the time it takes too have a bath. Very sad in every respect.

    Many times the pain of experience for the ignorant is far to fatal. Quoit DJ

  3. 4 hours ago, Rancid said:

    You would have thought the Chinese would have noticed how the US pouring so many scant resources into the military machine and overseas bases only impoverishes the majority of the population & hastens the bankruptcy of a country. They are even using the same well worn " escorting, peace-keeping and humanitarian aid" story, priceless. What next, bring freedom and Democracy?

    WOW,What an uneducated statement of opinion this is.

  4. 7 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    I remember a few years back watching a TV interview with the late Lee Kwan Yu (spelling?) where he was asked if he feared for Singapore's future in relation to its much bigger neighbours.


    He smiled and said "what are their education systems like?"


    That really said it all.


    This is a simple equation; if you have a good education system, you will have a good future. If you don't, you won't.


    What do you think Thailand's future is?

    As LOS was raised on GREED and False Pride,it will continue do be of that kind of nation.The military and powers that be ,do understand that the education of its people is their biggest threat and therefore will not intervene in the corruptness in the lower schools as that also helps to keep them in power.

  5. 2 hours ago, Raymonddiaz said:

    they already said that they suspect he likely committed suicide due to some personal problem or just that he did not want to go home.   What a silly assumption. What does the police force learn at the police academy? He didn't wanna go home??? Thailand is paradise nobody want to go home.

    The answer of what the police learn in police academy is first how to properly demand ,receive,and deliver the brown envelops to their superior.Then how to block the main roads going into town (,holding up the people trying to get to work on time) so as to collect the bribes from the drivers for nothing more then just passing there. That and how to "assume" they know every thing about the science of forensics.

  6. 10 hours ago, JamJar said:

    The disgusting cowardice of the woman who caused the accident, by wandering on to the road whilst looking at her phone and then running away when she saw the result of her careless action.

    Also anact of carelessness on the bike rider as she was passing the bus on the inside and was not paying attention to the path ahead.The Bike rider's fault clearly.

  7. Any male response to your story unless it is from a trained psychiatrist with many years of study on the subject of the idiosyncrasies of a woman can only be interpreted as "A very uneducated opinion". And as for most women reading this they will not attempt to answer as they know that most of us guys would not understand if they explained it to us so why bother.

  8. If May doesn't win, then the UK people are only hurting themselves.The UK needs the toughness of this bird that even though against the Brexit ,she defended the choice of the people after the vote.If they elect another he will give away what she has been fighting to defend for The UK.I am afraid that another will be kissing the ass of The EU and giving into them while trying to keep Scotland in The UK fold.

  9. 15 hours ago, Reigntax said:

    "Burnt out radiator"... where do they come up with this tripe?


    "If the vehicle is too old and not ready to use, please do not drive it. It only increases the risk of something bad happening.”


    From the mouth of the Chief of Police. There is no hope whatsoever.

    And the Thai Department of Motor Vehicles will not set up actual vehicle inspection stations to keep these pieces off the road.

  10. 15 hours ago, lee68 said:

    Nothing new, i was scammed by one years ago called mau travel,one of many hundreds of people.ALWAYS BUY DIRECT FROM AIRLINES!


    No ,Buy from a dealer thats been in the neighborhood for many years and has ties with the area..They can save you money and the direct airline's cost is much higher.As a farang living here you are helping your community and showing that you belong here.If you are a tourist on Sukhumvit then by all means ask your hotel to help you with the tickets.

  11. Quote: urban flooding in Bangkok is "unavoidable" because we sprawl so close to sea level: OK you present and past Bangkok Governors ,How is it that the major cities of the world doesn't have this same problem as Bangkok? If you believe this then it means that you are ignorant of any type of engineering or science and if if your engineers believe this then

    the government needs to quite hiring their friends and relatives as engineers and hire someone that actually knows what he or she is doing when it comes to this problem.What a STXPID statement.

  12. 6 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

    When asked, famous for what ?................................................

    He refused  elaborate !

    Because he didn't know what words to use first .Words like,Prostitution,police bribery,young motor cycle gangs running amuck,filthy beaches,seasonal flooding,robbery,foreign bums on over stay,non traffic control,and just too many others to mention.So you can see his confusement on this. come on give the guy a chance.

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