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Posts posted by ThaiTony2

  1. Horrific how little value is placed on life in this supposedly Buddhist alleged land of smiles.

    What has a religion go to do with a murder ? You must be so bitter inside ! When Catholics kill it's not about religion is it.. What a forum.. Get a life !

    It appears you missed his point. My take away from what he said was that with Buddist, they place greater emphasis on life whether it's a cricket, a bug and all the way up the life chain. Thai Buddhist are generally peaceful and make an attempt to be peaceful and not show anger. Frankly I wasn't taught that way growing up as a Catholic. So, I don't think his comments were meant to have you get upset enough to make a condensending remark unless of course you have something against other religions.

  2. I prefer not to take a chance... Registered mail with a tracking number. Peace of mind for 87 baht.

    I don't think registered mail is an option any more. Only EMS for 1400 baht is shown here. http://www.thailandpost.com/index.php?page=rate_result&country_code=US&weight=14

    It is. I just sent mine yesterday. Registered mail, 87 baht. I had first asked about EMS, but as you said, it was more expensive than I remembered. So I asked the counter clerk what options were available to me. She wrote out a list so that there would be no misunderstanding. She said EMS - four days, Registered mail - two weeks, and regular mail 18 baht - two weeks. I asked which had a tracking number, and she replied that both EMS and Registered would give me the number. No need for a 4-day delivery, so I chose Registered Mail. The clerk circled my tracking number for me.

    I did this at ไปรษณีย์สามแยกสวนปรุง 6 มหิดล, อ.เมืองเชียงใหม่, Chiang Mai 50210 Post office on Mahidol Rd, just south-west of the corner of the moat.

    18.780059, 98.976788 on Google Map.

    No guarantee. Just recently I used EMS tracking and paid almost 1,400 baht. It took double the time to deliver and I ended missing my deadline and wasting the cost of using the EMS. Advise... Plan accordingly. Give yourself more time than they tell you.


  3. I prefer not to take a chance... Registered mail with a tracking number. Peace of mind for 87 baht.

    I don't think registered mail is an option any more. Only EMS for 1400 baht is shown here. http://www.thailandpost.com/index.php?page=rate_result&country_code=US&weight=14

    It is. I just sent mine yesterday. Registered mail, 87 baht. I had first asked about EMS, but as you said, it was more expensive than I remembered. So I asked the counter clerk what options were available to me. She wrote out a list so that there would be no misunderstanding. She said EMS - four days, Registered mail - two weeks, and regular mail 18 baht - two weeks. I asked which had a tracking number, and she replied that both EMS and Registered would give me the number. No need for a 4-day delivery, so I chose Registered Mail. The clerk circled my tracking number for me.

    I did this at ไปรษณีย์สามแยกสวนปรุง 6 มหิดล, อ.เมืองเชียงใหม่, Chiang Mai 50210 Post office on Mahidol Rd, just south-west of the corner of the moat.

    18.780059, 98.976788 on Google Map.

  4. If the police were expecting to make a significant raid, they should have used all those 100 police to raid the bunch of those establishments all in the same first night raid and Not wait until all the illegal activity has time to make the stench go away.

    It's just another clear example of where the police are not thinking thru on their intelligent planning.

  5. Anyone who deems a person unsuitable simply because of ethnic background is racist by definition. Full stop.

    I think need to check about that "racist supremacy group" There are groups with similar names, and most right wingers & Trump fans fail to note that. Facts not being their strong points. Here is the group judge belongs to http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/jun/07/donald-trump/trump-wrongly-casts-california-lawyers-group-stron/

    Of course there is more to that. Did you visit their website and suggested links? Do some homework!

  6. My gf was denied to the states. Has business kids mi st the wile nine. They saw BF on the application and said NO!. Her sister applied a week later has no business no kids no money in the bank and said she was just gonna sight see with a friend from work APPROVED 10 year visa. My point. Tell your GF to do my GF's sister did and meet her in NY

    Just curious, are you living in Thailand and with your gf?

  7. "This new place charged me 300 baht to do my 90-day reporting."

    lol, there is a sucker born every day! i did my reporting on last Thursday. went downstairs and handed the envelope to our post-lady. cost me 32 Baht and i never left my house.laugh.png

    Nice to see you got some exercise cheap Charlie.

  8. The other morning I went to CM immigration for my 90-day reporting. I got there about 7:45 AM. I noticed that there is a new business service that has apparently opened since my last reporting period. This is next to the copy center location just a few doors from the immigration office entrance. This new place charged me 300 baht to do my 90-day reporting. They handed me an immigration form for 90-day reporting and asked me to sign it, that's all. I never provided them with anything except my passport. No telephone number, no address either. No information was given on my end except just to sign my name.

    They told me to come back at 9:30 AM and it would be ready. I abandoned my seat (little white stool) and went to the mall and ate breakfast. After finishing I walked back. It was almost 9:15. When I walked passed the place providing me this service, the girl came out to greet me with everything completed. Quite impressive! But then it dawned on me.... How could immigration process everything without the form being completed? This is the big question. It really makes me wonder because obviously they are not manually or scanning anything into their system pertaining to my 90-day report form.

    I ask you, what do you make of this?

  9. Learn to better understand. It's fairly obvious that you have your own ideas and expectations and when something doesn't work out in that regard you get angry with him. Let it go... Look at your own self and learn to know that you getting angry is coming from within yourself. It's all about you.

    I'm not dismissing her brother from being uneducated but it is what it is and you would be much happier if you learn to let it go. Many Thai's act like their ignorant and do things that may bother us. It's easy to forget or understand that you guys are different and grew-up differently. Different culture, different father and mother. Everything about him and you is uniquely different. Know that you can easily find fault in most things about other people. The important lesson is to make yourself happy not angry. Work on it. Best to you.

  10. Couldn't determine if you have prior experience with contractors/ workers. My first suggestion is to protect yourself with a written contract. Specify a completion date and clearly identify any specific penalty if completion date is missed. Quality workmanship is lacking so be sure to supervise the work being performed. If you identify deficiencies it's better to point them out early on so the issues can be resolved up front. Hold back a percentage of payment upon completion and only upon your satisfaction. Otherwise there is a risk to you if you make full payment before work completion. At that point you have no leverage. Pay close attention to the work being performed.

    If you see the work quality is not to your satisfaction, just smile and inform them but don't show anger because the workers could walk out and not complete the work. (Worst case senerio). Good luck!

  11. I did something simular one time and it ended up being that the ATM machines in Thailand accepted only 4 digits whereas aboard required 6. I was lucky to discover this and quickly made the password change to reflect the correct number of digits.

  12. The past two times doing my 90-day reporting, I have continued to ask them about online reporting. I can never get a straight answer. Go to the front desk and they say go talk to the people giving out the que cards. Go there and they do not provide me any promising information. When I get my turn for the 90-day, I ask the IM Officer and she says to me, don't do it. Come to see me and you will get a smile... Where can I get some answers so I can do my 90-day reporting online?

  13. I suggest everyone dispense with all the trash talk about the driver until the accident is investigated.

    The driver could have had a mild stroke or other medical condition. If so, there is no negligence, no legal liability, nor could charges be filed.

    Post accident, drivers do occasionally get help and are rushed to the hospital by a witness.

    It's possible he fell asleep. He could be charged with that.

    I'm at a loss to understand why some posters are so angry and negative after reading news that generally is wriiten, before an investigation, with a negative spin to generate more business.

    Be calm and thankful where you are and enjoy the freedoms and great food here. Keep in mind millions of people worldwide have lost what you currently have in Thailand.

    I don't disagree with most of what you're saying but clearly he wasn't sleeping and clearly he didn't have a stroke. He slammed on the brakes and jack- knifed the trailer and cab.

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