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Everything posted by Jimbone

  1. I appreciate the comments and thanks for the ideas. Just yesterday, the wife showed me a video of a Thai man applying a solution containing a small amount of toothpaste. Currently I have covered my zucchini and honeydew melon with mesh screening, which has solved the problem. I tried using a concentrated solution of tobacco, but that wasn't a deterrent. Lemon grass sounds interesting. Thanks for all the replies, they give me something to go on.
  2. Been growing zucchini (courgette) and honeydew melon (cantaloupe) and the plant leaves are been mauled by small orange beetles (you know what I'm talking about if you've ever seen one). I've seen these on a neighbors squash plant, too. I've tried to id it using the internet but, alas, no luck. 1. Does anyone know the name of this beetle, and 2) any suggestions for eradication (organically, please). I am covering the plants with the blue mesh and that has seemed to do the trick, but would be interested in other options. Thanks.
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