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Posts posted by ongoing

  1. If you have a crash just call your insurace they deal with it all. If the thai's start trying to talk to you just pretent you cant speak thai or english. Just smile :) .

    Or even better but a bit more extreme than that. Do what my friend did. He went into the back of someone's car. Got out his car as if he was going to have a look at the damage then he just pretented to collapse in a heap on the floor. He just lay there. Thai's being thai's didnt even phone for a amblace. Just left him lying there . He had called his insurace company before he had got out his car. When he seen his insurance company guy get there. He picked him self up and went on his way after 5 mins of the insurance guy sorting it out him.

  2. Just thinking i have never seen any Farang guys in Thailand with a GF or Wife that is half Thai and Half Farang and the GF or wife grew up in Thailand .

    Does anyone have a Half Thai / Half Farang GF ? or does anyone know anyone who has one ?

    I have been here 15 years and i have never came across any couples like this

  3. Good for him to do that. But for me that would be a boring way to spend a life. Lifes what you make it. If someone wants to sit doing nothing all day then thats up to this guy. But dont try to make out that he is better than the average farang in Thailand just becuase he does this.

    Lets be honest its hardly the same as going to fight for your country. Its about sitting in a temple all day. If everyone did this the world would end in about 5 years :)

  4. Ask your self a question if you where in your home country would you even be talking about what race your wife is ??? Myabe yes but no where near as much as in Thailand. Thailand is a racist country. Who cares what race your wife is. As long as you are happy together. To be honest Thai people in general are very boring people. They think to much about race .They all want to be as white as they can ... whats that all about... Yes i know they think dark skin people are poor and work in the fields.. But that is bull shit in this day and age. For a start on the world seen middle class Thai's are poor... 30000 or 40000 baht a month does not make someone rich !!!

    If you and your wife are happy. Then thats the only thing u have to worry about.

    Another very good post

    I have seen big changes in some thai women who live with farangs,then the gold comes out,then the racist comments come out about the poorer thais,then the critisism of other thais hair,weight,nose etc etc,just because they have had a piece of plastic stuck up there they think they are frigging hi-so

    Yes but they forget the old adage........the people you walk over on the way up......are the ones you pass on the way down!!!

    I understand and i have heard this saying but i cant see how it fits into this topic ??? I mean you will have to go very very far down in life to pass a thai living in some some shack or shiit room in Bangkok .. I think i would go back home before i went that far down in life. :) hahaha

  5. OP i hope there are no hign second floor baloncys in your 3 millon baht home :) . If there are be careful becuase many of Farangs before you have got drunk ( on fake love ) and fell off( been pushed off ) . I am guessing you are a new millionair. other wise you wouldnt be telling everyone how much money you are spending . Good look. Does your gf have a email address ? I will be happy to make sure she is not to upset when you fall out of a window or something bad happens to you ... Sorry i mean if something bad happens to you

  6. Ask your self a question if you where in your home country would you even be talking about what race your wife is ??? Myabe yes but no where near as much as in Thailand. Thailand is a racist country. Who cares what race your wife is. As long as you are happy together. To be honest Thai people in general are very boring people. They think to much about race .They all want to be as white as they can ... whats that all about... Yes i know they think dark skin people are poor and work in the fields.. But that is bull shit in this day and age. For a start on the world seen middle class Thai's are poor... 30000 or 40000 baht a month does not make someone rich !!!

    If you and your wife are happy. Then thats the only thing u have to worry about.

  7. I wouldnt worry about it if i was you. With all the comments Farangs get from Thai's in Thailand.... i am sure some of her family members have said alot worse to her about you.

    The way Thai's treat Farangs in genral in Thailand as 2nd rate people and walking ATMS . Thai people have no right to moan or be surprised when people say bad things about them when they go to other countrys .

    Now maybe if Thais start treating us Farangs a bit better then i could stick up for your Thai Wife. If this was in Thailand and a Thai saying bad about Farangs no would care and they would just smile and laugh. So why should we care when someone says something bad about Thai's in another country

    P.S if i was you i would not even consider cutting ties with your real family for a thai girl ( i am not saying your thai wife is bad or anything like that ) . But she would never cut ties with her family for you. Also more Thai - Farangs Marriages dont work than ones that do. So dont lose your real family over this .

  8. To be perfectly frank most of the westerners I've run in to who say Thais don't like us are usually quite deserving of that dislike.

    Blame the Farang devils :D . I cant belive that so many people on here will say anything apart from admit that in general Thai's treat Farangs alot worse than they treat other Thais.

    These people are like children trying to impress the most popular Kid in school. But this way they are trying to impress Thai's by showing how much they dislike other Farangs :) .

    What is happening ??

  9. 51 Rich Thais in trouble with the law. Dont worry Mummy and Daddy will just go and pay the police some money and all problems will go away.... ahhh i forgot they are not in Thailand :) ! and they are not rich in America . They are in a real country with laws and real police. No corrupt thai loser policeman can save them there. throw them in one of the detention centres with the drug traffickers and gang members from Central America.

  10. Go and see Howard in Pattaya the ' godfather ' of the tourist police :D . You have to go on 1 year assault course designed by Horward himself. The pass rate is 5 %. Ex Navy seals have been known to fail this course ! Most die within the first week. But if you can surive the year then you are in :) You can patrol the mean streets with Howard ' The Bald Eagle ' Miller. :D

  11. The bottom line is no matter how many excuses some farangs look for, 70 - 80 % of thai people are racist. Yes there is racism in very country but most countrys with racism try to do something about it.

    Racism at football games in Spain and Italy. The clubs get fines and have to play a couple of matches behind closed doors. But more import is that the countrys admit that have racism problems and try to do something about it ( even if nopt always successful ) .

    The UK and USA had big Race problems a couple of decades ago. They have been successful in getting rid of most of it. Yes racism is still there but no where near as bad.

    In Thailand ( which must be one of the most racist countrys in the world today ) they dont admit they have racism problems and they try to do nothing about it . Alot of Thai's even seem proud of farang bashing.

    They even have some Farangs defending Racism towards Farangs here :) . It is a mess at the moment . Lets hope they sort it out before its to late. But i am not holding my breath

  12. If you and your partner are borrowing money for land. I am guessing the land will be somewhere near her family. Make sure the loan from the bank is all in her name and your name is no where on the loan agreement . That way you can run like Forrest Gump back to Sweet Home Alabama when it all goes tits up ! Which it will do when her family get hold of the land and you have no say about what goes on.

  13. Ok so people come here for 2 or 3 weeks on holiday some come for longer. They stay in nice hotels and eat at the nice resturants. They say the people in Thailand are so friendly and always smiling. Yes they are right becuase this is what they see from there 2 or 3 weeks here. The thai people they meet in the hotels and resturants, lets not forget are paid to smile and be friendly. Like any other country in the world where people work in these jobs.

    What i dont get is people who have lived here a couple of years keep calling it the land of smiles. I have been here a good while myself and i know what the real thailand is like. People here in general are no more friendly ( i think they are less friendly towards farangs ) than in most other countrys i have been. So why do people who have lived here a long time just fail to see what the real thailand is like. For us farangs who can speak thai and understand we no deep down that the ' land of smiles ' is just a myth. Farangs are never far away from racism of some sort or being ripped off . So how is this the land of smiles ? I like to think it is the land of fake smiles. Is it people who have lived here a long time no deep down that thailand is not what they thought it would be, but they just try to block it out and convince themselfs that thai people are really friendly, when they no its not ture. One thing i will say is that thailand is less violent than most western countrys. But as for being a friendly place its just a myth, that some farang's wont give up on no matter how many times racism is directed at them or how many times they get ripped off and charged double the price thais get charged .

    So is this really the land of smiles ???

  14. --snip....

    ( i would think there are no farangs on Samui who make as much money as he does )


    Funniest statement on the forum today. :D:D:D

    I think you will find this is pretty much ture. Or are you telling me people with bar make more money :) ?? Hahaha of course they do.. thats why after a year or 2 after there bars have made so much money they reitre back to here home country with all there profits :D .. Most bars are just happy to break even... But of course they dont tell there mates and other bar owners this. Of course they are making 90000 baht a month profit and of course they used to be in the SAS or the Marines and of course they shot 100's of people in war !!! wake up a

  15. Heh, heh, heh. All these bitter comments from farangs who haven't learned to adjust to their new environment. Your goose was cooked back in your home country, and now your goose is cooked here, and you can't cope with it. Most of you are experiencing culture shock and don't even know it. Better study the subject before you go crazy, or have a stress-related heart attack waiting behind someone with 11 items in their basket. :D

    I specifically came to Thailand because of the less-stress environment which turned my health around 180 degrees. No more heart pain, lost weight, and more active life style. Y'all have brought your western stresses with you, and sounds like you're not much better off for having come here. You continue to cocoon yourselves in a western life style (frantic city life, western-type supermarkets, western entertainment scene, traffic jams, etc.) and wonder why you can't enjoy life like you dreamed you would. Duh. :)

    Going native means 100% acceptance of the host culture. Haven't done that. Just took the best from the old culture and married it to the best of the new culture, trying to leave the worst of each culture out of the picture. It works. Obviously happier than the whiners on this thread who can't even enjoy picking up your cigarettes and frozen pizza at Tesco/Carrefour/WhatHaveYou--run by Thai managers who are unsuccessfully trying to accommodate the weird practices and rules of stressed-out Farangland. :D

    What are you going on about ? Are you saying that everytime a person goes to anohter country they have to act the same as the people from that country ? The ' Weird practices and rules of stressed- out Farangland' Hmmm yes but Farangs come here they have more manners than most thai people and most have a lot more money than thai people and nearly all farangs here are alot happy in general about there lifes than thai people. ( Yes thailand is the land of smiles but only in the hotels and resturants, in real life thailand most of us who have lived here long enough no the real thailand ) So maybe these ' weird practices and rules of stessed-out Farangland ' work . But if you want to live all ' Thai style ' in some wooden hut with no running water in the taps. That is up to you. Nothing wrong with that but i like to have money in my pocket and a smile on my face. Not living day by day with just enough to pay for my food.

  16. Ouch. I know it may come as a surprise to you, but Thais share as many of the good traits of farangs as they do the bad ones. It is obvious to me that you do not have any Thai friends. Perhaps if you were friends with university educated folks that do not work in a bar you might have a different perception? My closest friend usually calls me before he makes a major purchase and talks it over with me. Last year he wanted to buy an apartment building and he didn't after we discussed it. Another friend was considering the purchase of a car and his g/f and I went through a cost analysis and he didn't make the purchase despite the "great financing". I have been a bit tipsy at times and my friends always take me home and or if I refuse will call to make sure I am ok. I have never left a friend behind either. In a country of 65million, the odds are that there are going to be many millions of people that skew to the right of the Bell curve.

    I am sure your ' best thai friend :) ' does call you before he makes a purchase. I can bet what he says to... That he wants to buy a new TV but this month he has no money so you buy for him and he will pay you back each month. Farangs with thai friends. awww they soon learn what thailand is about very fast. Email me back after you and him have a disagreement and he tells you ' farang go home '

    Also what are you talking about ' I have never left a friend behind ' Are we talking about a night out in phuket with your ' Thai buddies :D ' or going to War ??? haha

    I am not saying all Thai's are bad or anything like that. I am just saying Thai farang friendships... Errr not really happening . Wake up my friend.

  17. The Tesco 10 items with 50 items issue is just one of many. Some think they can do whatever they want. Once a lady from somewhere in the Middle East had a long, boring argument with the 10 items cashier. Before they finished to clear that her friend came to her with more items. Arguments again. Husband came to them with more items, and than the second husband came with more items. Long queue behind them including me, the only Farang....and they looked always only at me like Cheshire Cats and apologist to me only, ignoring all the others.

    Haha i love it. Good on them for just looking at you. After all when is the last time you ever seen a Thai person to say sorry to a farang for anything. So why should they look at the Thai's in the Queue... They wouldnt say sorry to any of us.

    But still it does annoy me when people go with more than 10 items.... But i still cant fault these people for just looking at you and not anyone else

  18. Why sit down with a table of thai men anyway.... to play poker or to do anything else ??? I would rather sit in a pile of pig shit for a couple of hours. Put 2 Thai's together with 1 farang no matter what they are doing 95 % of the time it will just end up the thai's being racist about the farang. It will always be that way. Not far from the surface in nearly all thai's there is a great hate for any farangs. Weather they be White guys from the UK or Asian Guys from Japan. They dont care. In there eyes you are not thai so they just hate you for that. Sad but Ture

  19. Julie is also offering a Kota Baru service now. :D

    Let the ' Visa Run War ' begin ! :) I cant see how anyone is really going to beat Herbert. The guy is to focused on what he does and nothing/no one stops his ' Time schedule '. Thats why so many people go with him. He gets the job done evrytime with no messing around.

    There will be people who moan about him. But normally them people are the ones who have been with and forgot sometime and therefore got a ' good telling off ' by Herbert.

    Bottom line is Herberts Visa run will always have the most custmers becuase of his service. Yeah sure he is payed well for it ( i would think there are no farangs on Samui who make as much money as he does ) But for the job he does i think he deserves it. Good luck to the guy and keep going with the great visa runs

  20. Bad story i hope you can get it fixed. But are you one of these people who feel the need to say the price of what everything costs. There seems to be alot of them among the expats in thailand these days. It is a laptop we dont really need to know the price. But i hope someone can fix your ' 95000 ' baht laptop. I am going out for a 60 baht beer on my 52500 baht moterbike from my 17000 baht a month home. :)

  21. Yes i agree with you Matt. Herberts Visa Run is the best. I would even say it is the best in Thailand from the ones i have been on. The trip is hassle free everytime i have been with him. He is a top guy as well. He is always there to help and tells it how is it. Not like the Thai companys who do it with all the messing around and hassle. Many people from who live in Bangkok also go down to Samui just to go on Herberts visa run. He is that good and word is starting to spread threw the expats in Thailand

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