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Posts posted by JonBreadMan

  1. 3 hours ago, dimitriv said:


    A lot of Chinese tourists are "zero-dollar" tourists.  It works like this:



    Back in China, would-be tourists are offered heavily discounted, all-inclusive package tours that include accommodation as well as flights, transport, meals and translators. The trade-off is that, along with the usual trips to the beach and fine restaurants, tourists are also taken to overpriced shops and urged – in some cases, reportedly even intimidated – into buying marked-up goods.


    Money from shopping then flows back to the tour operator from the shop owners, to make up for the money lost from the discounted travel package.


    The shops in Thailand are Chinese-owned and run by Thai proxies. And much of the revenue from the shopping component of the tours flows straight back to China. 



    I had a shop like that bang opposite mine a few years back in Pattaya, and talked to the owner a fair amount, he had to get an average of 600 BHT per Chinese that came in on the buses, and then something like 40% back to the tour operators, he never told me the about for sure but hinted at it on slow days   

  2. Think bigger is the easy way...


    Have a new James Bond as a man, but also in a second film Jemmy Bond (or any name) also as 007 and some daft story line to how they both got 007, have a bit of a cross over story line, then you get to have a 3 film with both in fighting some big evil, that be a real talking point. I do miss the old days of a big headquarters at the end of the film getting blown to bits.

    • Like 1
  3. I worked for my Brothers wholesale shop, lived on top floor, and day after I moved in, 2 doors away a Thai nightclub opened, very loud music till 4am +


    I friend in the police offered to sort it for me 2000 BHT, but it was clear it would have come from me, so after some sound proofing my side, and ear plugs, I got by, and after a few months was down to 12am. 6 months closed (well moved away from me)


    One time a girl I had been talking to for a few month, ended up coming back, and so I made sure we did not get back to after 2am, next day on the garden roof, she had to say how nice and quiet it was...????

  4. from here



    Why do they think a big drop in Oct, Just when I get back from the UK.... Is not Breakfarse end of Oct


    and ending up at 25 BHT to the Pound


    Pound To Baht Forecast 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 And 2023

    Month Open Min-Max Close Total,%
    Aug 37.532 35.607-38.997 37.497 -0.1%
    Sep 37.497 34.572-39.193 37.686 0.4%
    Oct 37.686 34.889-37.797 36.343 -3.2%
    Nov 36.343 34.136-36.980 35.558 -5.3%
    Dec 35.558 32.674-35.558 34.035 -9.3%
    Jan 34.035 32.874-35.614 34.244 -8.8%
    Feb 34.244 32.439-35.143 33.791 -10.0%
    Mar 33.791 33.186-35.952 34.569 -7.9%
    Apr 34.569 32.326-35.020 33.673 -10.3%
    May 33.673 32.137-34.815 33.476 -10.8%
    Jun 33.476 32.259-34.947 33.603 -10.5%
    Jul 33.603 32.009-34.677 33.343 -11.2%
    Aug 33.343 31.207-33.807 32.507 -13.4%
    Sep 32.507 31.149-33.745 32.447 -13.5%
    Oct 32.447 31.870-34.526 33.198 -11.5%
    Nov 33.198 31.278-33.884 32.581 -13.2%
    Dec 32.581 31.092-33.682 32.387 -13.7%
    Jan 32.387 31.373-33.987 32.680 -12.9%
    Feb 32.680 30.539-33.083 31.811 -15.2%
    Mar 31.811 30.930-33.508 32.219 -14.2%
    Apr 32.219 30.776-33.340 32.058 -14.6%
    May 32.058 30.782-33.348 32.065 -14.6%
    Jun 32.065 30.438-32.974 31.706 -15.5%
    Jul 31.706 31.663-34.301 32.982 -12.1%
    Aug 32.982 30.887-33.461 32.174 -14.3%



    Month Open Min-Max Close Total,%
    2021 Continuation
    Sep 32.174 30.751-33.313 32.032 -14.7%
    Oct 32.032 30.992-33.574 32.283 -14.0%
    Nov 32.283 30.344-32.872 31.608 -15.8%
    Dec 31.608 31.534-34.162 32.848 -12.5%
    Jan 32.848 31.412-34.030 32.721 -12.8%
    Feb 32.721 30.777-33.341 32.059 -14.6%
    Mar 32.059 30.712-33.272 31.992 -14.8%
    Apr 31.992 30.427-32.963 31.695 -15.6%
    May 31.695 31.673-34.313 32.993 -12.1%
    Jun 32.993 30.264-32.993 31.525 -16.0%
    Jul 31.525 29.856-32.344 31.100 -17.1%
    Aug 31.100 29.535-31.997 30.766 -18.0%
    Sep 30.766 29.074-31.496 30.285 -19.3%
    Oct 30.285 26.229-30.285 27.322 -27.2%
    Nov 27.322 26.636-28.856 27.746 -26.1%
    Dec 27.746 26.943-29.189 28.066 -25.2%
    Jan 28.066 27.403-29.687 28.545 -23.9%
    Feb 28.545 26.694-28.918 27.806 -25.9%
    Mar 27.806 25.579-27.806 26.645 -29.0%
    Apr 26.645 25.203-27.303 26.253 -30.1%
    May 26.253 24.731-26.791 25.761 -31.4%
    Jun 25.761 24.688-26.746 25.717 -31.5%
    Jul 25.717 24.709-26.769 25.739 -31.4%
    Aug 25.739 24.842-26.912 25.877 -31.1%
    Sep 25.877 25.588-27.720 26.654 -29.0%
  5. 4 hours ago, Guderian said:

    What's so special about Phuket? A mate of mine did his back in here in Pattaya. Usually he walks or takes a Baht bus everywhere, but after a few beers in Jomtien he felt unable to walk back to his condo as he was in so much pain and he took a motorbike taxi instead. It's 700 metres to his condo as the crow flies, and they charged him 200 Baht. The normal fare is 40 Baht, and I think even that it 10 Baht too much. They saw that he could hardly walk and so in the best charitable Thai-Buddhist manner they ripped him off as much as they felt they could. Where's the PM when you need him?

    Twice I had my foot go bad on me and needed a bike (tendonitis), a running problem, and twice the motorbike taxi  was great and helped out, and one time when I fainted on the back of a bike due to food posing again was amazing 5 stars, that said been ripped of as well, but more good than bad for me.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    Just a couple of photos of the big Indian nightclubs in Pattaya. Makes you wonder how they make money being full of 4 guys sharing one drink.

    "OR", just maybe its just a myth.

    Related image

    Image result for nashaa indian nightclub



    Yes can see so many drinks in the first photo......NOT.


    3 tables to right have no drinks on at all, and no one holding drinks in hands apart from a few girls.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. I got into a few problems a bit back bring in sex toys, one was the large F***** machines you see on some films, a few backhanders sorted it out.


    Then had to move back to UK for a time (take care of ill family) no way was I going to bring it back, so is safe in storage until I get back in a few months, a friend was going to buy it (and a few others) from me, but he changed his mind as was short of money...


    I still bring a few smaller ones in for mates and a few girls I know that love them

  8. Thanks for all your help, yes it was the one outside before you go in, I have used them many times in the past for 100/200 BHT (I lived for over 2 years before in Pattaya) I know not to use again, and will warn others. I knew I could do a VISA run for about 3000, so 2000 extra and no worry about walking over the boarder (that I remember doing before) and all day stuck in a mini van to me was worth it....just


    Have to say I did not like the scare tactics they used, 'you can try your self at the desk, but you will get a larger fine if not registered' almost walked out then, well hobbled out.


    Next time I will go my self next day after landing to register, or look at getting a longer VISA from UK before I fly.

    • Like 2
  9. Was at the desk to the left just before you go in, they started at 6000 but came down to 5000 when I said I would just go to the boarder to do it.

    Last time I used them was 100 BHT for them to fill out the forms (I think not a lot anyway) so was happy to use again, not sure what it cost now days to do a VISA run, but takes up a day, and as I said with not being to good on my feet, paid and vowed to make sure not to happen again... Had the 99 BHT breakfast at Retox to cheer my self up and got tablets for my foot before getting bike taxi back home, 3 days of foot on ice and the tables got me better to at least hobble around (tendinitis)

  10. In here I was thinking it was a Sheffield Unity (fan) for making a not funny joke about the horrific accident, he is now banded for life from all home and away games.




    As I am a season ticket holder for SUFC and the joke was in very bad taste and not funny, I will not post it here.

  11. 7 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    We know she did it, typical female behaviour.

    But it's great to hear that Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt have to deal with the same nasty 'shit' as the rest of us.


    Now I'm waiting for some daft old dodderer to post,

    "We haven't heard her side of the story yet?" or "He must have done something to her first!" or "You can't be much of a catch, if she did that"


    Another example of the 'Hot/Crazy Matrix', Amber was well in the 'Danger Zone'.



    Yes but done here A LOT BETTER... True Story,




  12. Talk about timing..


    I joined Revolut a few weeks back, with a £10 deposit, but they wanted about £5 for a card, so was thinking about it and was in no rush before I fly to Thailand


    Anyway just got a email, and they are now sending me the card for free.

    So anyone else not after the premium, just order it a few weeks before and wait to save your self £5, not a lot, but it might help.



  13. Coming over for a few month again soon to Pattaya, and looking at a Revolut Card as a back up


    Exchange rate looks OK, bit better than Transferwise but need to pay a small fee upfront for the card (£5)


    But when used to buy something (not ATM)  how many take the card, and when they do, do any then add a % on top, I know a few hotels over the years have wanted to add 2% even for debit cards not sure about restaurants.



  14. Best one for me, going with girl back to my condo (Pattaya), not far but was late at night, but wanted to make sure, so talked it over with him, got a price of 200, way over the top, but it was late and wanted to get home, price is about 80, then he knew the way better than me to my own condo, took the wrong road, and would have been faster to walk, but TIT no worry, then I come to pay....he want 400........ I tell him no we said 200, so he say, yes 200 each, cheeky sod. my girl friend paid the other 200, not that I wanted her to.

  15. For me, if I have got the girl a few lady drinks, and been with her a bit, and she wants more drinks, if I like her, I will ask her, you want drink or 200BHT, and if they need to get more drinks in to keep her quota up, what ever they pick I am happy with, but the girls tend to like this, as it shows you at least understand it from there side a little bit.


    I know one very good bar, where all the lady drinks are the same price, but if the girl wants a bigger price drink,  the price to the costumer is the same, but her cut go's down.

    • Thanks 1
  16. On 8/10/2017 at 2:12 PM, Berkshire said:

    Why do you only associate with stupid Thai women?  Don't you think it reflects on you?  Hint:  It does. 

    So all the very clearer Thai woman I associate with (and I know a lot) makes me less stupid?


    Nothing more than an amusing story about how some Thai's think, could tell you 100's about English but this is not a English forum :)



  17. Some Thai girls do not look at how life outside of Thailand is, and as always look at the money side first, I was talking to 2 Thai girls, and they told me with big smiles, and a look of I know best, English man is more rich than American man, that is why I want a English man. Being a English man my self, I was thinking it was tell him what he wants to hear, so I asked why, we not daft, English get 50 Bhat to the pound, American only get 35 (less anyway not sure of true rate) so English man has more money.    Thai logic at is's best.

  18. Thanks for all your comments, just me being daft and kind of funny I hope.


    I lived in Pattaya for 3 years, one year again later, and back again in a few months time.


    Was given the idea from a friend at work that had just got back from Spain, so got to thinking a Pattaya might be a fun one to do, not that writing is my thing at all.


    Making phone games {UNITY a fav right now}  web sites, Apps and so on  is :)

  19. 10 emotional stages of the Pattaya blues
    1. Intense zen

    You’re still in holiday mode. Nothing can possibly spoil your mood.

    The world is a beautiful place.


    2. Mild irritation

    The taxi ride and airport is doing its best to strip you of those holiday vibes, just to hot under all the glass, but you’re resisting.


    3. Disappointment

    Your home doesn’t overlook the sea, have any gogo's,  beer-bars or have its own Jacuzzi.

    It’s basically crap.


    4. Exhaustion

    You’ve got a suitcase full of washing to do, dinner is not real Thai food and won’t cook itself.

    And yet all you want to do is collapse on the sofa and watch all the TV you missed while you were away.


    5. Complete existential crisis

    What’s the point of life anyway?

    You save all year for one great holiday then it’s all over in a few weeks and you’re back in your boring life, only now you’re skint too?


    6. Rage

    Everything is terrible and why do you live here anyway?

    You don’t know where to direct your vague rage, so it gets unloaded on the next person to walk in the room.

    It’s probably their fault anyway, they will not understand unless they have been to Pattaya.

    7. Listlessness

    You’re sure you used to be able to focus on work, but that’s all gone now.

    A whole day passes and you can’t think of anything you did except browse Facebook.


    8. Longing

    Time to put your photos on the computer, Facebook, forums.

    You touch the screen fondly, wishing you were back in Pattaya.

    You can almost still remember what the sun and girls feels like on your skin.


    9. Smugness

    Your mood gets a much-needed bump when you put your holiday snaps of Pattaya's nightlife online and everyone loves them.

    Yes, it was a great holiday, thanks for asking.


    10. Forgetfulness

    “My holiday? Oh, yeah, that was a week ago. Yeah, it was good. Anyway, about that report that needs doing…”

    Forgetting what it feels like to be on holiday is the only way we can make it to our next holiday.

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