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Posts posted by aureate

  1. Drink or not drink - doesnt really matter too much to me. If you are fun person it will not matter much and you will have no issue within a normal social circle. Get out and LIVE! :)

    Totally agree. Non alcoholic activities aside, there is SO much to do in Bangkok and so many groups of people that go round doing it. Visiting the detention center for example. There are lots of families there that don't get to see each other due to the separation between males and females. Groups of volunteers, both foreign and local generally get names from different organizations and 'visit' these people so they can reunite families, even if it's just for an hour. There are also lots of people who come from all over to work at Habitat For Humanity. You can just do a walk in.

    You could teach English at one of the refugee centers - lots of interesting people there. Or get into a sport. Lots of serious athletes aren't serious boozers.

    If you meet people who shared your not-so-digging-the-bar-scene outlook, you'd be surprised at what you find. People who are genuinely interested in other people, and genuinely care - those are the people who make the best friends in my book. Bangkok isn't all about the party seen. It's actually pretty... meh... I think. After awhile it's the same people doing the same things not realizing that one day they're going to look back and realize they were too drunk to remember a huge chunk of their lives.

    I say go and find people who think more along the lines you do. They're definitely out there!

  2. Maybe you should try a massage that centers around full body reflexology massages. They usually get all the knots out and it does improve your all round circulation.

    I would suggest walking as well. You might be out of shape but you don't have to stay out of shape. Baby steps can take you further than you think. :)

  3. I know a masseuse who might be what you're looking for but she only does call outs. She specializes in Swedish massages and trigger point therapy. Most of her clients are Muay Thai-ers and Boxers. BUT she's not that kind of a masseuse. Have to make that part clear because.... well, this is Thailand. :)

  4. Honestly... unless you're just looking for a 'companion' and you don't care if you and your girl click or if you even understand what the heck she's going on about, just show the bling. MOST ( not all ) Thai women are just after the money or the passport.

    Simple. If you're Asian, you'll have a harder time convincing them you've got money. Don't bother trying to figure out where their racism comes from.

    My suggestion. Cross Thailand off your list if you want a real relationships. You're better off with a girl from Singapore. Singaporeans have an in your face approach to expressing how they feel - but at least you know where you stand. And Singaporean women rock. I know first hand. I'm a half breed. My mom is a Singapore -Eurasian, My dad is American. IMH( but possibly biased)O :Eurasians - Most pleasantly datable demographic of women on the planet. Western Outlook - Asian values. Perfect! :)

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