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Posts posted by markdav13s

  1. Hi all, 

    I am currently in the middle of resigning from my current employer, and would like some advice from anyone who is clued up on the current visa laws.


    I am currently on an extension of stayn and will be cancelling my work permit at the end of the month. Once the work permit and visa are cancelled I will apply for the 7 days extension. Is it possible to get the covid visa as that has now been extended till mid March?


    Once I get the 7 days extension can I then start the process of changing to a marriage or child dependency visa or do I need to leave the country?


    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  2. 11 hours ago, Pib said:

    The Public IP Bt200 package gives you a "Public" IP...that is, one in the 184 series.  You are not behind their CGNAT which issues a "Private" IP in the 100 series and can cause problems for certain type of connections/port forwarding. 


    A Private IP means you are behind an ISP's CGNAT which may require you to use a DDNS service for certain types of connections like you are trying to use.  And use of DDNS can sometimes be frustrating based on posts/articles I've read.


    Regarding the specific connection problem you are having I'm not smart enough on the subject to help.

    Thanks for the relply and the info. 


    It's been a few days now since changing over to the public ip 200bt package and things seem to be running much better. Port forwarding is much easier now that I can set the router for port forwarding rather than go through the terrible badly documented THDDNS service. Definitely seems worth the extra 200 baht.



  3. On 11/10/2018 at 4:50 PM, skiller said:

    Hi mate,


    There are different ways how to setup Smart DNS. I have an account since 3 years and never had issues,

    Did you setup the DNS Servers from Smasrt DNS in your router? And your devices are getting the IP via DHCP from the router?


    Login into your account.. A bit down, you see "Acount Home" at the right hand site "Options". Click to options and

    choose Smart DNS Proxy API. Copy the link, it looks like http://www.globalapi.net/sdp/api/IP/update/and_some_digits

    Paste the link in a web browser using a device in the same local network. The output should be



    Go back to your DNS Account to "Account home" check if your IP is activated. If the DNS is not green I am pretty sure you have a wrong setup in your router.


    My advice: At the beginnig I had the same setup like you, I have changed my routers DNS. After my internet was very slow. I wouldn´t use the Smart DNS Proxy, DNS servers

    for my PC´s, Smart phones, etc. In my router I am using the DNS Servers from OpenDNS. I gave my fire TV stick´s, Alexa, Playstation a static IP using

    the DNS from Smart DNS Proxy.


    Don´t forget to update always the WAN IP I am using a Raspberry and run a script for http://www.globalapi.net/sdp/api/IP/update/and_some_digits


    How do you that? I guess you can not update it with any DynDNS Domain.






    Thanks skiller,  sorry for the delay but didn't receive a notification. I will take a look tomorrow when I got more time.


    When it was working my no-ip would update the smartdnsproxy with my new IP everytime it changed. In the router I had ddns set to my no-ip account with a ddns address, and then on the smartdns website under account and in profile, scroll down and there's an option to enter your ddns address. Everytime public IP address changes it automatically updates the smartdnsproxy website with new IP address. 


    Thanks again

  4. Hi guys,

    I'm using home assistant on a raspberry pi3 B+ and using Ais fibre as my isp. I want to get remote access for the home assistant so I need to port forward 8123 > 8123, 80>80 and 8123 > 443 to get duckdns and ssl working. Been trying for days now to port forward using the thddns provided by Ais and it's very vague instructions. The thddns only gives 10 ports between 9090 to 9099, but I need different ports to be forwarded. Called Ais and they kinda guided me through the process,  and they set port forwarding was set up. However when u check on portforwad.com it says gateway problem and no port forward available. Again called Ais, they say the thddns only supports CCTV. I need to pay 200 baht for a FBB public ipv4 package. This will allow me to port forward directly from router. Took the package but still doesn't seem to work. Can anyone help?

    Also what exactly is this extra package that I was told to take? There's no info on their website.

    Has anyone taken this package and had success in port forwarding? Could you do it directly from the router or did you still need to use the thddns service?

    The engineer on the phone was more interested in selling the package than to explain exactly what it's for, so she was just saying yes to everything I ask what it could do.

  5. Yeah. All updated on the site. But it is still telling me to configure my router. All settings are configured correctly on the router. Only thing that I can see is that settings aren't updating on the router page. They are still set to a public IP address that was used over 3 weeks ago. And the Dns is still set to the dns settings that Ais use. Even after rebooting router my private IP changes but not on that status page. This is the only reason that I can think of why the dns isn't working.

  6. Hi guys,

    Up until recently I have been using smart dns proxy to access TV from back how. However, about three weeks ago it stopped working and I have no idea why. I've tried many of their different servers and still no joy. Whenever I go to the SDP website to update my settings it keeps saying they're set up incorrectly. The live chat on the said website have run out of possible causes. One thing I have noticed is that when I change the dns addresses to theirs or even google dns etc they just don't update on the status page of the AIS ZTE router and neither do the public IP address. No matter how many times I reboot the router the IP address and dns address stays unchanged even though my actual IP is totally different.


    I have contacted AIS to tell them there is a prob with the router. And it's like the Spanish inquisition. Why do I need to change the dns? Why don't I just use the THdns port forwarding? (nothing to do with my problem). I don't really want to tell them I'm using it to access TV from abroad cause I'm sure there's some law here against it. Has any body experienced a similar problem with their router not updating? And what's a good reason to tell them why I need to change the Dns settings?


    Thanks in advance

  7. Hi guys, 

    I'm just after a bit of advice on how to go forward. I have recently signed up for a dns proxy account and to be able to get access to certain services the company has asked me to set some static routing on my router. Eg google and others. I've searched an internet and watched some YouTube Vida on how to do this, seems simple. However, when I Logged in to both Ais routers the option for static routing isn't there on either ZTE OR EDIMAX box. Maybe Ais have removes the option in their custom firmware. Is there a way you guys do it? Do I need to buy a 3rd party router or is there a way to unlock the router to see these settings. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    If you recommend a third router, which one do you recommend?

  8. I got the visa and work permit through the agency, if I go the immigration can the immigration backdate the cancellation of the visa to the last day I worked for them, or what will happen if the agency has cancelled the visa without me knowing? And I should have left the country back then, and they have been stalling me. There is nothing I wouldnt put past this agency I work for. Thanks for your replies before. Any advice is welcomed as im starting to get worried.

  9. HI, I have been working for an agency here in Thailand in a school. However I was very unhappy with the conditions that I was working in, so I left the job. Since then I have been in contact with the agency asking what I need to do next and I keep speaking to different people. I want to know if my work permit has been cancelled so I can go and do a visa run, but noone gives me a straight answer. Now this has gone on for two months and I'm getting worried that they may have cancelled it and I dont know. Then last week I spoke with the head woman at the agency and she says that she has started all the paperwok to cancel the visa and workpermit, but she needs me to go to the visa and work permit office with her when she is ready sometime this month. I just want to leave the country and get a new visa, but the visa run opperator says I need a letter saying that my permit and visa has been cancelled, is there any way that I can just go to the border and do the run without this letter. I am worried that if I go to the office with the owner of the agency that she will screw me over for something or the cancellation of the visa will be backdated or worse the documents have already been cancelled which means I'm here illegally, please can someone give me some advice.

  10. Two things:

    Seat belts


    I use these vans daily, and they are so scary. the drivers don't give give two hoots about the people they are ferrying. quite often they will start cutting each other up at very high speeds. the drivers are supposed to be licensed for the vans but most of the time its a different picture than the actual driver. when they start being maniacs I will tell him to stop and get out and refuse to pay him as he is an idiot putting my life in danger. The Thais, However will just sit there and not say anything, as their face value is worth more thatn their life value.

    On the seat belts, about 99% of the vans I have been in have cut out the seat belts. the the lock is still there but the part that wraps around you and locks you in is missing. Try to find it !!! where its supposed to start there is a little bit there and you can see that they have used a knife to cut the rest off. So we don't get a choice to wear a seat belt or not.

  11. Hello I had a trip planned to go to Lao tomorrow as my visa extension is expired next week. all is planned and I am ready to go.However, I was talking with a guy from the agency I work at and he said why am I going to Lao just go to the border in cambodia ( arunya parret) and they will stamp me 90 days. even though my B visa extension is expired next week. Is this true can I get 90 days on the border? I ask because I read that they only issue 14 days at the borders. Another thing is my visa was for a school I taught at which I left over a month ago so I am just a bit worried about getting fined for overstay 500 Baht per day. My work permit hasn't been cancelled. but this guy said that the overstay is only 200 Baht. Can someone please advise me if what he is saying is true, as I am now not sure.Thanks

  12. My visa extension is for 6 months based on my employment. The scholl hasnt asked for my work permit back yet. will the immigration know that I have finished my employment.

    can ayone please advise me on what to do now and what visa can I get to tie me over until my next job kiks in.

    I am married to a Thai and have children here. can I get a visa based on that?

  13. Hello, I hope there is someone that can help me.

    I have a B visa extension and a work permit to work at my school. the work pemit was valid until 20th november and the visa till the 17th decmber. I went to do my 90 day report and they didnt give me the 90 days as they will only stamp up until the date of the work permit. Now the term has ended and with a few problems from my school they do not want to renew my contract, however I have found a new job and a friend told me if I dont go back to the same school I have 7 days to do a new visa run after leaving a job as the visa and work permit become invalid.

    Is this true? as I didnt know this until today and my new job wont do a visa for me until next month when I start, and I have gone over the seven days.

    Can someone please advise me on what I need to do.

    Thanks in advance

  14. Hi, My driving licence from the uk has expired and I would like to know how I can renew it from here. its not the main date that has expired but i think the one for the photograph, is there a way I can do it through the embassy or does in need to be done back home, also is there a time limit for when it needs to be done as I have no plans to return in the imediate future, but when I do return I will need it for my work and it will be a pain to return send it off and wait before I can start work.

    any info appreciated

  15. I am in one of the lucky selected towns with the 3g HSDPA 7mb/s is on trail.

    it is a service through AIS and is advertised as 7 mbs when I bought it I asked the lady and called Ais to confirm that I will actually get 7 Mbs and they said they will Guarentee at leats 5mbs to which I said well why advertise 7 if noones going to get that.

    I still went ahead and bought it as it still seemed to be a good deal at 499 baht for the first 6 months then up to 599 baht for an UNLIMITED service.

    got it home and speed tested it and everyday ive had it and the best speed best speed i got was 3 Mbs and most of the time it was 2 Mbs. but still thought it was a good deal as I was paying TOT 700 baht for 4Mbs connection.

    After about 2 weeks my internet slowed right down and everytime i did a speed test it showed up as 256 connection so I called up Ais thinking there was a problem.

    but guess what, Their so called unlimited service is unlimited until you have downloaded 4 giggs( which is hardly anything) then they slow your connection down to 256 Kbs connection speed until your next month comes up.

    When I was with TOT I was paying for an unlimited service and I always got that.

    So if there is anybody that are heavy downloaders dont bother with the HSDPA 3G. I dont download movies or anything I am a Teacher and just download worksheets for my students and the 4Gb was soon used up.

    The words UNLIMITED mean nothing over here.

  16. oh now i see. so at the embassy im not registering his birth but registering him as a british citizen.

    but can someone tell me about the id card of the mother as i am sole guardian and the mother will never give me a copy of the idcard with her signature on, also are there any topics already on the forum about what needs to be done to apply for the registration and passport like translations and things.and do I need Biometric photos if so where do i get them done?


  17. Thanks for the reply but I dont understand why they say I dont need to register. but others say I do.


    Registering a birth

    If your child is born outside the UK you can register the birth with the nearest consulate or with our consular department in London if you've returned to the UK. You don't have to do this, but if you do your child will be given a British style birth certificate and the birth will be registered at the general register office in the UK. This is called Consular birth registration

    Consular birth registrations are not required to register your child as a British citizen or to apply for a British passport as British nationality is passed from parent to child. Your child will need to have an automatic claim to British nationality in order to register their birth in this way.

    Please refer to the Home Office for more information on British nationality

    We recommend consular birth registration because it means you'll be able to get extra copies of the consular certificate from the General Register Office in the future."

  18. I am sure this question has been asked before but i have searched the forum and can find what I want.

    I have got my son a Thai passport using the form por kor 14 ( sole guardian) no problems

    I then went to the brittish embassy to get his brittish passport and they say I need a copy of my ex wifes idcard signed even though I have sole custody and there is no chance of getting a copy of her idcard. Is there a way around this?

    also they said that i need to register the birth before I can apply for a passport which is more expense. i have looked at other websites and even the foreign and commonwealth office and the Brittish embassy in bangkok websites state that its not compulsary to register the birth. Its not a problem to register but i just want to get his passport quickly and funds are a bit tight at the moment. can I get his passport without registering the birth and if I can can I register the birth later?

    Also does anybody know any other links on this site about the steps to take to apply for the passport, things i need to do.


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