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Posts posted by mystic1

  1. I've been living and working in Thailand on a Non - B visa. My time is up this April 30th and I won't continue working here. I need about one more month to get my affairs in order before I can return to the USA. I'm planning on doing a border run on April 30th and will have already cancelled my work permit and attended to my taxes.

    Is my best option to just do a border run ???? 

    Which border crossing is the best option ie; Mae Sai, Mai Sot ????

    I've never done a border run before ..... what can I expect ????

  2. I have a Thai dog that's about 15 kilograms in weight, and about 2 years old. Too big to bring as carry-on luggage. Can fit in a carrier about 3 ft. high, 3 ft. long and 2 ft. wide.

    Can anyone tell me what's the procedure / requirements necessary to return to the USA with the dog, and what airlines would be best for the return trip (Thailand to Florida) ???


    The Mystic 1 

  3. One of my all time favorite encounters is when I am approached by a sales person who walks right up to me with their finger in their nose, pulling out a booga and rolling it around in their fingers asking me " can I help you " ? 


  4.      To pick or not to pick ...... when is it appropriate ?

    First, I want to start off by saying that I'm not aiming at only Thais' in particular. I dislike any " booga pickin' " by those who don't dispose of their quarried product hygienically  and then wash their hands. How do you make a handkerchief dance ?  Put a little boogy in it . )

    My other peeve is dining at a restaurant and encountering those who are too lazy to excuse themselves to go blow their nose in the lavatory.

    There's nothing more appetizing than picturing a snot rag full of nasal mucus while you're eating !

    That being said ....... I am generally not sensitive to public displays of bodily functions and just find it gross but nothing I would gag on other than the occasional really stinky fart ).

        Anyhow, that brings me to the subject of Thai nose pickin'. Everywhere I go to buy something or receive some kind of service I encounter a Thai with their finger inserted in their nasal passage up to their elbow !  Then they will attempt to hand me the product or touch something they expect me to handle after they've been excavating their nostrils and haven't washed their hands !

        I then tell them in Thai language that's disgusting and they're ill-mannered ..... and ask them if they'd like to shake hands with me after I've picked my nose. The answer is always an embarrassed No !

    And so the nose pickin' here will probably never cease as it's part of the culture, and they see absolutely nothing wrong with doing it as it's been passed on from generation to generation.

    At least the kids are a bit cleaner than the adults as they lick their fingers clean after consuming their nasal snacks .


         What have you encountered in Thailand and how did you feel about it ???





  5. Soon I will be going to CM immigration (airport) to get an extension on my Non - B visa.

    Can somebody please tell me what the current situation is regarding :

         A)      What time one needs to be there to get a que number, and where to line up for that que.

    B)     How many days before ones Non - B visa extension expires can one go to apply for another extension ?  30 days, 45 days, etc.....


    Gratefully yours,


    Mystic 1

  6. Hope this may help anyone who has encountered this affliction as these unfortunate young girls have ....... after having food poisoning many times back home and more times here than ever back home ( non-existent food safety protocols ). I would share this ...... to cure this ailment one only needs to consume some aloe vera which will have one feeling better within 20 - 30 minutes.

  7. aidenai, thanx for the info ..... as the powers that be at the TCT weren't explicit about why I was refused, I was left guessing as to the reason.

    Now I believe I can attribute their refusal to my university not being on a list of accreditation.

    I guess I'll need to go down the path of eligibility as you described " To be eligible for a teacher license, applicant needs to hold a degree in education or a degree in any field plus a graduate diploma in education/ teaching profession or equivalent."

    grateful to be pointed to the right direction

  8. I have a BA degree in Civil Law and once read a long time ago (somewhere in Thai law from the MOE) that was considered an acceptable subject of study in the field of education pertaining to having a degree in education.

    Does anybody have a link to the information from the TCT or the MOE that spells out what the currently acceptable subjects of study are that fall under the field of education ??????

    I ask this because I'm having trouble getting my degree accepted by the TCT and the Labor dept. to be granted a work permit. sad.png

  9. Just to kind of keep this whole thing in perspective, if the poor tortured little girl is 3 yrs. old, and the mother is 19, the mother was probably impregnated around 15 years of age giving birth at 16 yrs. old. Obviously, there's not been ANY proper parenting by this mother, or her parents........ and, WHO and WHERE is the child's real father ??? Usually, they dump their kids off on their parents........ so one can only guess as to what the mother's home situation is / was. Such a sad, sad horrific tragedy for this poor little girl ! Why must the innocent suffer such atrocities ? I seriously doubt it has anything to do with karma.

  10. Does anyone have the latest info on obtaining a "Residence Certificate" at Chiang Mai Immigration???

    The last time I was there, I saw they were taking the applications around the back of the building and someone told me it was free.?.?.?

    I've always paid 500THB in the past.....

    If I remember correctly I needed the following;

    The application itself ( does anyone have a link for a downloadable application ?)

    Copies of my passport,non-immigrant visa stamp, etc..... from passport.

    Copy of a rental / lease contract where I'm living.

    Photographs ( how many and what size I don't remember)

    What am I missing ??? Is it necessary to get a Que number or make an appointment ???

    the mystic1 in a quandry

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