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Posts posted by laura1c

  1. Hi, we went to Sri Racha today and loved it. Beautiful place, little man loved the turtles and we will definitely go again. Thank you so much for telling us about it!


  2. Hi Guys,

    Thank you all so much for your replies. All too often posts seem to get hijacked on this website and yet I have had nothing but helpful responses - which I appreciate.

    We are off to check out Sri Racha tomorrow - I looked the park up on the web and it looks great. We will also attempt to find the other park near Maprachan if we can.

    Once again, many thanks for all your helpful information.


  3. HI All,

    I live in East Pattaya (Nong Plalai) and am after some 'local' advice if possible.

    When I lived in Phetchaburi the Army Camp opened late afternoon everyday for people to have a wander around the grounds, play football, run and exercise. Is there anywhere in this area that is similar. I have a young boy and would love to let him run off steam somewhere green and safe.

    Any ideas gratefully received!

    Many thanks and Happy New Year to all.


  4. Hi All,

    I am hoping to pick your brains a bit please.

    I have a young son (soon to be 2) and I have a nanny starting work at the beginning of October to take care of him whilst I am at work. I would like the Thai nanny to attend a basic first aid course so that if there are any problems she will know what to do.

    I have done a google search but they appear to be quite in depth and upwards of 6,000B. Does anyone know of or have experience of a basic one day course that will teach her the essentials?

    Many thanks for any replies!

    Kind regards


  5. Hello,

    I was wondering if anyone could tell me how far (roughly) and how long is takes to travel from Laem Chabang to the Regents School?

    Also, how much are rental properties (2 bed house) in Laem Chabang (again I know this will be a very rough figure).

    Many thanks in advance for your help.


  6. Hi,

    I just wanted to thanks everyone for all the responses. My only concern will be the travel - we plan to rent a car on a long term basis but my husband will be using this to get to work. Motorcycle taxis are out of the window as I don't want the little fella on one of these! I guess it will be far clearer when we arrive what is feasible and what isn't.

    Thanks again to all who were helpful.


  7. Hi,

    Thanks for all your replies. You have certainly put my mind at ease about the area. Obviously when we arrive we will be looking closely (currently it is a toss up between East Pattaya and Naklua) but that is all in theory!

    It seems odd that you have to live in secure housing. I know that it is the case - having read quite extensively about it, nonetheless I lived for years in Phet'buri which was a totally different kettle of fish (I can count on two hands all the falang that lived in the town). I loved totally immersing in the Thai culture and way of life (had to learn Thai very quickly just to survive!) and hope that although it is so 'foreign' in Pattaya there will still be a chnace for me to explore this once again.

    My main love of Thailand is the Thai culture and people, not the 'western influences). As for western restaurants - I much prefer Thai (used to have western food once every three months or so in Bangkok as a treat!).

    If anyone knows of anywhere within a manageable driving distance (no more than 30 mins) from Pattaya that has less Western influence then please shout out!

    Many thanks once again, I appreciate you all taking your time to help me out with your advice.

    Chok Dee Nah Kha!


  8. Hello All,

    I am moving over to Pattaya for work with my husband and young child (15 months) in August. I have been looking at rental properties and there seem to be many at a decent price, with decent amenities in Eastern Pattaya. We are not interested in the infamous nightlife at all, and would like to live somewhere that is not in the middle of nowhere but is quiet and good for a family. I speak Thai (having lived in Thailand previously) and have no worries about not being able to be understood.

    Can anyone tell me why East Pattaya is known as 'The Dark Side'? Are there problems in the area? It is not a good place to settle?

    Many thanks for any responses!


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