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Posts posted by roxnadz

  1. I did some dummy bookings LAX-BKK on Cathay, I'm seeing prices of anywhere from $3-10K for economy during the christmas period , with anywhere from 2-3 flights per week via Hong Kong.


    Some were the standard one-stops, others were two to three stops. They have upgauged their long haul flights from A350-1000s to B777-300ERs so they must be forecasting some kind of traffic increase but again they're still only sending planes across the water 2-3 times a week.


    Pre-pandemic, Cathay did indeed fly PE HK-BKK, several flights a day at least. Typically they'd put PE lift on flights that went onward usually to Singapore and what not. These days, who knows, they're barely flying as it is now.


    JL appears to have more lift with daily trips on B777-200 for the Asian sectors but are only using 787s for the transpacific sectors.

  2. 4 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    You could also ask why Thailand also requires them to have two negative tests along with being fully vaccinated!

    We both know the answer to that. It’s a BS money making scheme, for the hotels, insurance companies, the hospitals, and the government. Which is why I’m I personally going to Pass on Thailand for 2021.


  3. 14 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    As has been stated many many times, the vax is effective in preventing symptomatic covid and death from covid, not so much at preventing infection. A vaccinated person is likely 'infected' for lesser time. 

    You all keep stressing that point like it matters. Any time you’re infected is too long, especially when you don’t present with any symptoms, as people who have been accepted for Thailand Pass only to test positive on arrival are unfortunately finding out.


    Do better with your research. The data is out there. FWIW while I would easily qualify for Thailand Pass and seriously want to come to Thailand, I won’t play these stupid games as long as they’re in force.

  4. 22 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    You are terribly misinformed.


    Vaccination can prevent infections by up to 90%.


    Although vaccinated individuals suffering rare breakthrough infections can carry the same viral load as an infected person, they do so for a much shorter time period.



    If the vax is so effective in preventing infection, then why are drug companies already pushing boosters for everyone, not even a  full year after the vaccines' introduction?





    We know the vaccine isn't sterilizing. We know it is a leaky vaccine that doesn't offer the kind of protection that, say, a smallpox vaccine does. We are already seeing increasing numbers of infections among the fully vaccinated. It doesn't matter that the time period is shorter, it matters whether they get and spread the virus or not. Please GTFO with this utter nonsense. Or try and base it on some data that isn't months old. ????

    Also, none of this has anything to do with Thailand Pass or the fact that this scheme is going to ultimately fail until they drop these ludicrous, nonsense requirements, especially since you have a better chance of getting COVID while you're in Thailand after jumping through all these hoops! 

  5. 2 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    As I said in the previous post - where did I say that?  Earlier you accused me of hating Thailand.  I don't hate Thailand or its people, I hate this government - a sentiment I would add, shared by a great many Thais. You might have noticed the demonstrations in Bangkok?


    I, and many others complain about them because their actions have adversely affected our lives and those of our families.  We don't complain about imaginary things - they are very real and they affect both foreigners and Thais:


    During this pandemic: From their cash handouts to the vaccine rollout. From COE to Thailand Pass. Exemption from quarantine that is actually one night's quarantine. Name me one thing they've got right? And that's just since March 2020. 


    They've actually been wrecking the country since 2014.  They stabilised a bad situation but they should have gone immediately after that.  A change to the constitution that stitched up the country and ensured the military stay in control no matter who's Prime Minister followed by an extremely questoinable election result. Any credible opposition charged with trumped up offences and locked up. Announcements about trips to the moon when half the country is absolutely broke.


    What's to like about them?

    You’re never gonna get an answer…they’re too busy simping for the government. i hope they’re getting paid at least. the fact people are even discussing this should show how much they like thailand. but this ???????? is too far over the pale for anybody who doesn’t have a vested interest in getting back there, such as family or property. Nobody’s putting up with it, not when there are closer destinations with a far less chance of picking up covid. 

  6. Good. You knew they had to walk this back.


    LA Consulate website says $700 pp/$1500 pf. Much more in line with what is acceptable. I've gone from laughing my head off to just north of not bloody likely. I need a break from the US of COVID.


    Quarantine sucks, but I'm useless af anyway the first couple weeks...I'd splurge for the ASQ. Big thing is the fact that there're only still 3 flights a decade going to Thailand now.

  7. 9 minutes ago, mvdf said:

    Why are you all complaining and calling officials here "retarded"?? Isn't that what your own embassies demand from us Asians too if we want to go visit London or Chicago or Toronto? We too have to show a consistent bank balance maintained over a similar stretch of time to demonstrate that we are "eligible" to step foot on your holy soil! 

    Not in the US you don't. A B2 visa has no seasoning requirements. Try again.

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  8. 27 minutes ago, AmySeeker said:


    I keep hearing this type of argument. People threatening to go elsehwhere. But then they still be posting on this forum months later waiting for Thailand. 


    Costa Rica has the virus running rife. If you want to go there, go. 


    And you'll keep hearing this argument, because it's a good one.


    Thailand doesn't have enough cachet to lay down the kinds of restrictions and requirements it has for people trying to get into the country. If it did, STV applications would be through the roof. Only people with major ties to the country, such as Thai family, are doing the hoop jumps to get back.


    Costa Rica is handling the pandemic just fine. Charts show the number of infections trending down, despite having no restrictions from the United States of COVID. Everybody knows Thailand's numbers are pure fiction, if for no other reason than because nobody tests there.


    Don't be salty. Remember, they don't want you in Thailand either.

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  9. Hmmm.


    Requirements to get into Thailand:


    FtF cert

    17K$ sitting around in a bank

    100K$ COVID-19 insurance

    1300$ outpatient insurance 
    Negative COVID Test 72h prior to arrival

    15-night ASQ booking: 3000$

    Biz Class ticket US West Coast-BKK: 4800$

    Expenses for two months: $3000


    Requirements to get into Costa Rica:


    50K$ COVID-19 insurance

    Biz Class ticket US West-Coast-SJO: 1000$

    High-level condo: $1000/mo

    Expenses for two months: $1500





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  10. 4 hours ago, sandyf said:

    Fundamentally flawed, at this point in time no one can prove they do not have covid on arrival.

    Quarantine is the only feasible solution and even that is not 100% effective. Thailand does not have the resources for mass quarantine so the tourist sector must accept it is a lame duck until quarantine is no longer necessary, either through reliable rapid testing on arrival or vaccination.


    Then why test, regardless of timing or test type, if that's the case?


    Lame duck? There is no tourism sector anymore. Just as the government wants it.

  11. 4 hours ago, jerolamo said:

    to much for a flue anyway...

    Same as everybody, i and my Thai family are waiting for they stop this scam to come back home. It is very long, but we have no other choice.

    I could come now if they let Americans apply for the STV, but I'm not out of principle. I can fly business class to Belize or Costa Rica and do a monthlong stay at a resort, all expenses paid, and I'm just crossing the amount of money it takes to get me to Thailand alone.


    I get the pre-flight tests and the quarantine, even if I don't like it; I'm usually useless the first 1 1/2 weeks after I arrive anyway, and I'm more than happy to have someone serving me three meals a day while I sleep off the jetlag. But this need to show 500K baht in a bank account over 6 months is preposterous. My money is out making me money, I ain't got time for it to be sitting around doing nothing to please some MFA grunt. Besides, no other country that's open to tourism and worth their salt is doing those kinda shenanigans right now. This requirement is there for a reason. They do not want tourists here. They want wealthy businessmen to buy up all the distressed properties from the tourism industry they destroyed under cover of the virus.

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