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Posts posted by Edmond

  1. Rubbish. My western ex ( the <deleted> b_tch from he_l ) wasn't a hooker, but still took me for everything, and I had to start over at 35. She was a using b_tch almost from the start, but there's a lot of truth in the saying "love is blind".

    My TGF, whom I wish to marry, in a year or so, worked in a bar when I met her a year ago, and is a lovely person.

    Been there done that, mine spent a grand a month on sunbeds, hair extensions, nails and clothes from Choice in Thurrock, a complete waster. Now I'm happy with someone wearing a pair of flip flops!

    Glad your happy now but seriously think about marrying...do you really need to?

  2. The aligator is a not such a whiley beast, in fact its brain is tiny but what it does have is a survival instinct. SELF preservation. I think you wife has SELF preservation at heart too. And will snap at anything challenging her equilibrium.


    Someone told me when I first arrived in Thailand "don't get married and don't have kids".

    Make up with her, be nice, be smart, then get your finances sorted then get her out of your life and don't get married or ever have kids again and enjoy what's left of your life because we ain't here for long!

    Good luck.

  3. They'll be gobbing off about it back in the Dog and Duck from now 'till Xmas. "Larff? I coulda bought me own beer. I had to drive see, I was too p1ssed to walk. Bwahahahaha".

    Frigging scum, it's a pity countries don't have reciprocity with all offenses. So they get done in Thailand then get hammered again on their return to UK. I only hope the owner of the other car is very well connected and vindictive in the extreme. I know I would be. :)

    As apposed to two Septics.

    "my truck is gonna cost a hel_l of a few bucks to fix man".

    (friend).."that's nothing, when I crashed mine man, it was twice as big and cost twice as much! "

  4. .got to have a J.O.B, if you want to be with me..

    ... Whether they have a job or not or want to get a job or not, if you said that to any of the young women I know they would tell you in Thai or Lao to drop dead a--hole!

    Joking aside, I prefer women that light up the room when they walk in, not light up a fag, which seems common with some Thai Western realtionships here. :)

  5. hahaha. like Ice Cube says... "if you've never been the ghetto, don't come to the ghetto, because you wouldn't understand the ghetto".

    anyway, thanks for staying away and please, do NOT drive your motorbike up here as we have lost over 10,000 good expats who dared to do the same. people are dying left and right over here! save yourself!!!

    There's a few good Brits over here, some nice Germans, met some really great Danish guys,

  6. This great news. I am a Canadian and my dollar is 10% to 15% higher right now than last year. Things just keep getting better. Strong dollar and less brits to deal with. There really is somew justice in this world.

    The British North America history lessons at school still eating away at you?

  7. I've given up telling taxi drivers that I support Plymouth Argyle. They have no idea what I'm talking about. Far easier to say Liverpool and extend the conversation, so I can practice my Thai.

    I would rather not practice my Thai If it required suggesting I was a scouser supporter. Better to stick the Argyle line and live with it.

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