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Posts posted by sarahsbloke

  1. wow, Ive been googling houses in this price range, seems to be pretty common in BKK, infact would be considered middle of the road considering some ive seen............sigh, make's my 15,000baht standalone 3 bed/3bath joint look like a slum !!!

    Your 15,000bht a month house makes my 5,000bht a month 2 bedroom bungalow ...........

    150,000bht for one month ....... is 2 and a half years rent for me!

  2. Prostitution as the "world's oldest profession" has always been present in Thailand but the Vietnam War era catapaulted it into the industrial league, servicing the 50,000 US troops based in Thailand and the hundreds of thousands "de-pressurizing" here before heading back to Vietnam or home.

    But the key feature is the fact that child abuse is an integral part of a multi-billion $ industry (some respectable estimates put it at least 5% of Thailand's GDP), particularly driven by the fact that up to a third of Thailand's prostitute are HIV positive (another hidden little detail of the business, can't put off the punters can we), so child sex enables users to think they are getting a "cleaner" option.

    Same old BS

    Firstly, prostitution in Thailand is nothing to do with Americans and the Vietnam war.

    It's always been a way of life here and is mainly domestic driven.

    Secondly, hardly any of the Thai prostitutes have HIV, I have taken several for testing, they never used condoms, none were HIV positive. (same for several other guys I know)

    One of the biggest fabrications of the western world (which doesn't want men to have easy access to sex) is to lie about the prevalence of disease in sex workers.

    HIV is VERY hard to catch.

    Let me tell you a little story

    In the UK I mixed with gay people in London ...... HIV and AIDS was rife, many of my friends died or were dying.

    In Thailand I mix with prostitutes ....... I know of none with HIV or AIDs, I know none who have died.

    Just my personal experiences.

  3. All Thai prostitutes brag to each other about how much their men give them and dis the others that don't get as much.

    (often they just lie about being given money and they aren't getting any at all)

    You need to get her away from the other pros.

    She and you will be better off is the bloodsuckers never contact her again.

    I don't know her mother or aunt, but seems they may have a history in the P4P business.

    .... talk about free sex clearly indicates a history in prostitution.

  4. I don't mean to hijack the 'shower death' thread, but there seems to be a fair number of people following this thread who may be able to answer my question:

    Our home does not have a standard Safe-T-Cut box. Instead, we have a RCB switch on the power panel. When a thunderstorm is overhead, our RCB switch may (not always) close. When the RCB switch closes, all the power goes off in the house. This isn't a problem, unless we're not at home for an extended period of time.

    When I reset the RCB switch, the power comes back on as normal.

    Can anyone tell me why the RCB switch is affected by lightning? Is there something wrong with the wiring in the house/circuit box, or is it something I have to live with? Any suggestions from the experts appreciated.

    RCBs are not an exacting device, you can have some far more sensitive than others, especially if your power source is 'dippy'.

    In the UK we often use dual circuit boxes,

    which have a RCB in the side of the electricity that runs to devices like the lights, showers and sockets that are problematical.

    and just a straight fuse to the fridge, freezer and other stuff you don't want disconnected while you are away.

    You really only need an RCB for electricity sources that you are likely to 'touch'

    Step one, replace the RCB, not all that expensive, see if a replacement is less prone to false disconnects.

    Step two, get another small fuse box without RCB, run direct to freezer.

  5. 1) I'll discover whether it is me or my cash that is respected.

    It's always the cash, no need to wait to discover that.


    You haven't revealed your age and her age, if you're in the mood to give us all a laugh.

    (If you are of similar ages we will think you daft, if a 20+ year age gap we will think money well spent)

  6. Having just looked at my shower unit.

    Plastic front, plastic buttons, plastic pipes.

    One wonders where one could touch to get an electric shock, even it the metal bits on my shower were live, they are not touchable.

    The actual water heater inside is metal, (impure) water conducts electricity, water runs on you...


    Fortunately tap water is not that good a conductor of electricity, the water showering over you cannot 'shock' you even if it is coming from a 'live' source.

    You have to be in very close contact with the metal to get a shock.

    Else we would all die in Thailand when the rain hit the overhead electricity cables then fell onto us.

    Also 240v travelling from arm to leg is not fatal in any healthy adult.

    I spent years training to work on 'live' equipment, one hand in back pocket to prevent the most dangerous shock, hand to hand across chest.

    These are the true facts

    Water coming from your shower is barely conductive. Even on Mythbusters they showed the myth of throwing a toaster into a bath would not electrocute you.

    For water to be conductive it needs an electrolyte in it..like salt or a strong acid. Plain water is a terrible carrier of electrons from electricity

    Loads of people perpetuate the same silly mis-information, I can't believe how many ignorant people claim to work in the electrical installation business and keep repeating this rubbish.

  7. Here's something from the net :

    Traditionally, what might be called a dowry is paid by the groom to the bride's family. The groom is in effect 'paying for the mother's milk' or the upbringing of his bride.


    Money paid to a man for taking a useless item, a woman, off a family.

    Nothing to do with a man paying for a wife. That would be called a 'bride price'

  8. Having just looked at my shower unit.

    Plastic front, plastic buttons, plastic pipes.

    One wonders where one could touch to get an electric shock, even it the metal bits on my shower were live, they are not touchable.

    I often wondered if many of the Thai shower shocker deaths were similar to the Thai balcony suicides!

  9. Please get real and get some compassion for crying out loud, this was a young man that died for no other reason that poor electrical procedures.

    mario299 :blink:

    Got to say having worked in the electrical installation industry, and having mains electricity run through me on more than one occasion.

    I really don't believe someone who is 100% healthy will die from an electric shock.

    Heart goes ''Kabaam' and keeps on working.

  10. Life is cheap, the world is full of people.

    These events are rare, hardly worth doubling the price of everyones electrical installation.

    This is not America where somebody else is to blame for every accident.

    Sad for the family, but god's will.

    Best not to play with any shower controls after the water is running, just in case.

  11. Wages, used to be up until lately 150 bht for an 8 hour shift,,,(now 200 bht),,,Please note......the normal shift is more like 10 hours a day as they make the employees hang around before shift start and keep them waiting an hour after time, to wait for the jobsworth who has to tot up the till and deduct any spillages/breakages off individual employees daily wage (yep the workers have to pay for accidents)....the breakages thing usually happens every other day.

    They say you get your unifrom for free, but there is allways 500 bht a month taken off an employees wage every month until they finish their employment there..at which time that amount should be returned...

    As for the tip box, that is NOT for the employees to share..........it is for charity, for the needy, providing the manager lets it get there......

    So in general at the end of the month for 60+hours a week at the 150 baht rate they are lucky to get 3400 bht a month and they still have to pay tax on that..!

    I'm under the impression the 7-11 staff is a national wage of 7,500bht a month.

    Let's hope whoever told you your version of the wage wasn't telling porkys in order to extract sympathy money from you.

    I also believe that 3,400bht a month would be well under the amount you have to earn before any tax is deducted (10,000+bht a month is closer).

  12. ........... You are not going to change human nature where nearly all men, and some women, find young teenagers attractive and will pay for the opportunity to play with them if the opportunity arises. ...........

    Now that really is a weird attitude, most of my friends would be most offended by that opinion.

    I was offered a 16yo, as a mia noi, by her father in CM last year, I politely refused.

  13. Names in blue books in rented premises may become more of a hot issue as with the free health scheme which is quite valuable Thais register with the hospital in the area of their registration.

    I can see people (THAI) putting more pressure to get registered.

    You don't have to do that. You can be registered anywhere and then .....

    To get the 30bht hospital treatment (and free school) for a different area all you need is a copy of a house book and ID card of anyone in the capture area with a covering letter from them to say the person wanting the free stuff is staying with them. My wife has just done this.

    There are many Thais who work at stuff like fruit picking and move around all the time to follow the crops, how else would they get health care and schooling for their children?

  14. In my own case - perhaps i am an easy target. My daughter had to work in convenience shops and restaurants to get herelf through Higher eductation. Many time she would give over and above Customer Service not just in convenience shop but restaurant and she was on less than minimum wage and lived on tips. Sometimes tightwads leave the equiv. of one baht. You not even leave that ? Sorry Shame on you !

    Did you really mean to write that?

  15. BUT, there is a twist in Thai law which says prostitutes must be over 18. There is plenty of precedent that, whilst Thai's never seem to get into trouble, any older Farang having sex with a Thai under 18 is deemed to be engaging in prostitution. Thai logic applies: the Farang is older and has more money therefore it must be prostitution :o

    That's just not true, parents permission and 15, parents permission, judges permission and wedding 13.

    Best to get the permissions in writing and witnessed though so you can't get your arm twisted later.

  16. I think it is a good idea. From my memories, 7-11 staff make about 25 baht per hour. ;)

    7-11 workers are among the best paid shop assistants in Thailand.

    But they do need to have completed high school education to get the job.

    And they do fulfill a valuable place in Thai society, namely forcing all the local 'Mom and Pop' stores out of business.

  17. You would need to define what you consider a pedophile

    Someone who has sex with a 18yo? Hardly

    Someone who has sex with a 15yo? Debatable

    Someone who has sex with a 10yo? Clearly

    The NGos would make no distinction between these actions and there lies is a big problem.

    In Thailand it is possible to be married to a 13yo and have legal sex, getting married to a 15yo is common and needs only the parents permission to be perfectly legal.

    Before anyone decides to claim that I support these criminals may I take a moment to explain.

    As an extreme Christian fundamentalist (with emphasis on the 'mental') I think any couple that have sex without first being married in the eyes of my God, should both be stoned to death (about 22% of the world population agree with me on stoning). I believe my views don't differ too much from many of the Christian NGos who force feed the poorer natives with their version of morality (God help us when Muslims start fielding NGos). So could everyone posting on this thread, first, clearly define what age you think is criminal pedophile sex (and what age is merely poor moral values). So we all know at whom to direct our group hate and moral outrage.

  18. I would think discussing it does cause problems.

    But mainly for TV, the numbers of posters dissing Thailand is reaching amazing heights on this forum.

    I am of the opinion that sooner or later TV will be another banned website in Thailand.

    Poking holes in the country you are a guest in, can't be a wise move.

    Especially when there is no reason to do it, you can't change anything.

    If you believe this to be a positive and constructive discussion, what do suggest the TV readers do ...... apart from blow some hot air.

    This appears to me just another excuse for Thai bashing. Something specifically against forum rules.

  19. Granted, we should not ignore child prostitution/sex abuse if we see it, but I haven't seen any of it, and to the best of my knowledge no one I know is involved in it. For obvious reasons I'm not going to go looking for it. While I'm all for ending the appalling business and doing whatever it takes to keep adults from harming children, what do you expect the expat who isn't a pervert to do?

    I agree

    This really a topic that has nothing to do with an expat forum.

    What Thais get up to is totally out of our control.

    Posting it in this forum is just a waste of everyones time.

  20. บ้าเพ - Gone Crazy ...... in Southern Thai, is this correct

    and would it be


    in Central Thai?


    Loads of songs come from the South and sometimes it's hard for me to translate their meaning.

    This is a song title from a band called กางเกง

  21. Wow, and there was me thinking denial was a river in Africa.

    I'm sure you are all correct, and it's just me mixing with the wrong crowd.

    I never knew that 25% of expats in Thailand were church goers, just goes to show how far my ignorance reaches!

    Anyway, you seem to agree that I was 75% correct so my use of the word 'majority' was entirely in order.


    There are plenty of white men here who date women, find a good one, settle down and have a family.

    I have never questioned that and I completely agree with you, I have done almost the same with a great girl.

    (I say 'almost' as I never dated my wife)

    I was just exploring the backgrounds of those women.

  22. OK, I've quit work (at least temporarily). Now what?

    Have always found this line from retirees and from workers musing on quitting a bit narrow minded. Classic: but the bars don't open til so 'n so time and it's too early to start drinking then. <deleted>! As others, there are just not enough hours in the day. One doesn't have to save the world because they have more time, but if that's your thing then great. How about art, music, photography, hiking, biking, golfing, swimming, gardening, improving house or condo, exploring the rest of Thailand, travel (SE Asia all around, OZ, NZ close), learning Thai, more time with kids... any and all of them for me or simply kick back and enjoy the cafe culture. In any case, with all that's going on in the world, it's certainly not something to be stressing over and I think if you catch yourself asking 'what do I do now' someone needs to kick you up the jacksie. :whistling:

    A lot of the bars open at 9am, serving breakfast, if you need to drink before that, you are in deep trouble.

  23. One of the benefits of a condo building is that they do hold and record the IDs of Thai "visitors" to protect residents stupid enough to bring one-time guests to their room.

    Sorry to disagree Nancy, but I have never stayed in a hotel or condo in Chiang Mai that did that.

    I am assuming that my and my friends experience of such ventures exceeds yours.

    (Bangkok and Pattaya, yes, Chiang Mai and Chang Rai, no)

  24. sarahsbloke, then please do not make broad sweeping generalizations about Thai women since you appear to only be discussing one segment of Thai women.

    I am always posting about expat issues, if I were to post on topics other than that it would be on a Thai forum in Thai language..

    I was absolutely sure in my mind that all the posters & mods would know that.

    This is an expat forum devoted to expat issues, why would anyone make a post that was other?

    I'll change my sig to reflect that if you like.

    How about

    'Disclaimer: My posts about Thai ladies only refer to that much younger sort of lady that aging white men hang out with'

    The OP was clearly talking about the sort of woman I was talking about.

    What lady goes to bed and gets pregnant by a man whose name, address and workplace she doesn't know? (if a foreigner I would include nationality and passport number)

    I have never gone to bed with a woman that I don't know those facts about, that would be crazy behavior (if a foreigner I would copy their ID number as well).

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