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Posts posted by theCatat

  1. <<so there was no reason for her to feel left out


    sweet thing. you jumped to the conclusion that i felt 'left out'?

    whatever for?

    if one objects to the absurd, must you automatically presume it's due to a longing? ...


    ps: i'm soooo chuffed at finding out i belong to a forum that understands ######, let alone banning it :-D

  2. <<I would have replied honestly earlier by saying that the vip room was a waste of time and that you were'nt missing anything, but instead I made a cheeky remark which was meant in jest, but you've got your knickers in a twist and spat your dummy out over it. I also stand by what I said before as you've proved the point, Touchy touchy

    if i hadn't read your previous posts on this forum i would perhaps have given you the benefit of the doubt. and maybe i'm wrong and you ARE amongst the great 'misundstood'. but somehow i seriously doubt it. bating gays for the 'fun' of it? so sad. you must have a really boring life.

    i too spend a lot of time in jest but me thinks this ain't it for you. sure wish it were as this post had the potential of a real lark, but only you are awake for it ;-D

  3. <<I'm in it & to be honest it's a bit boring ...

    finally, someone who can talk to me honestly, instead of acting like a ######.

    so, don’t you find it a bit pretentious? i mean, come ON! it’s like this huge sign annoncing [in hope] ‘-->>>WE ARE REALLY SPECIAL!!”

    if you all honestly were, you wouldn’t have to have the sign?

    btw - i belong to several discrete clubs, but we don’t feel the need to hang signs around our necks. we just ‘are’ ...

    to --->> davethailand

    <<<I'm not surprised that you've mentioned that forum after realising how touchy you are.

    how lame. this is the EXACT phrase you used towards those on the gay forum when they objected to your uneducated posts. seems ‘you’ need to get a life. a real one.

  4. <<Its so we can keep miserable sods like yourself out.

    your postings in the gay forum are utter cr@p, so why should i expect your mutterings here to be any more intelligent?


    btw - you seem to be a bit confused. a 'sod' is a chap. not a chapette.

  5. is it just me who thinks having a VIP room on a public forum is a pathetic attempt to garner attention?

    come on guys, if you have a closed forum, fine, but do you really need to advertise to the whole thai visa that everyone except 'special people' are excluded?

    [shaking head]

    pathetic, really pathetic.


  6. <<SK1972 Catat.....if you want private lessons, email me and I can hook you up with a farang woman who has been taking private Thai lessons.

    have done, thanks :-)

    <<A note about AUA. AUA has no common curriculum for teaching Thai. Bangkok AUA is known to practice the so called 'natural approach'. ... 'immerse' themselves in the language, and are not allowed to use Thai ... you will sit and listen

    then it's not for me.

    i do believe i'll go the private route first, uni second. i've got several phone numbers now to call when i get into town [thanks frog] and one more on the way. i just need to find one who has a 'kind' approach when teaching, but who won't let me get away with my being shy.

    i contacted prolanguage and they've gotten back to me. but the grammar mistakes in the email didn't sit right ...

    and i have several tapes [ and one on the way recommended here, 'Teach Yourself Thai Complete'] so i'll have a couple of months to listen to those. benjawan poomsan becker's 'thai for beginners' came highly rated, but i'm not all that impressed with it. nor was the thai teacher who was here for a brief time [one lesson]. but perhaps her comments put me off.

    then i've got 'listen and learn' for those car moments, or when i'm working [for in the background]


  7. <<I've read on here before that pro language link are supposed to be very good. They offer a free trial lesson which I am having today. If it's any good I will sign up for a course.

    I'll let everyone know how I got on later.

    so, how'd it go? i've emailed them for more information, as i'm not sure which formal program i'll be going through, only that i intend on jumping in asap. but one on one as i'm really shy with languages.


  8. hey, we gotta stop meeting like this - lol!

    yes, i got an alert, but it asked for my password and i'm the lazy type and it took awhile to shake some time loose. what's the matter huh? like i keep it in my back pocket? computers are supposed to remember this sort of thing.

    so, is she here yet?

    ps: just found out i won't be moving to thailand until the end of january. so, now i have more time to learn precision properly. and no excuses for me. i've got the books. now just have to agree on the system.

    there is nothing worse than a partner playing with a different system. i've done it and it wasn't pretty. i reluctantly agreed to play in one competition [ten hours long due to snafu's] where my partner rolled up and said "guess what? i just spent the weekend reading 'learn how to play bridge in two weeks'



  9. <<Well, she's amazing. I'm just a hopeless romantic. I won't stop asking her. Who knows, sometime she might actually say yes!

    wow. all those years. well, here's hoping she gets there soon! lol!

    ps: nope, no more alerts. i guess it was just a short term fluke.


  10. Omega 3 is interesting stuff.

    <<If we are doing something to make these email notices go through, I have absolutely no idea what it is.

    this time, no email notice at all. very strange. i was just drifting through and was going to lurk for a bit before shutting off.

    <<Omega 3 ... How do you take it? In pills?

    pills yes. as well as oily fish. there are only two brands out here [pill]. herb valley, and another one that wasn't as strong. it's working, but slowly. but as i have a largish job on with a steep deadline, sometimes i cannot tell because of the pain killers, muscle relaxants, etc i have to take to keep the pace up. [sounds so sad, i know]

    << I've been trying for 30 years. You think I'd give up.... Naw, no way

    that's amazing. looks like you [both] have what you want already, so why ruin it by getting married?


  11. jim,

    yup, another notice. i can post all i want around this forum, but yours is the only one that pings my yahoo.

    <<Have no idea what omega3 is

    omega3 is good for memory, and i need it. if you have trouble sleeping, the first thing that goes is your ability to remember. and i'm in the position of having to remember huge chunks of stuff so cannot take chances.

    cribbage sounds like spades and hearts. a little skill, but luck is also involved. contract bridge is skill. you are only lucky if you have a decent partner. very 'unlucky' if you get paired with a bad one.

    hope your days and nights fly by fast, and your wife gets there faster :-)


  12. Nine sleeps till she gets to Bangkok...


    that sounds so sweet. i hope the days and nights fly by for you :-)

    <<I have difficulty concentrating on anything these days. If we meet, I'll tell you about it

    i go through spells of insomnia, so i'm the same at times. it's heck to deal with. well, anything that messes with the concentration is a royal pain. i'm presently taking omega3 to combat the problem, but who knows what'll work. but i'm a good listener, so if we meet, feel free.

    <<Anyone for a cribbage tournament?

    never played it. i'm pretty hooked on bridge. i used to play spades and hearts at one time though.

    <<This thread has three pages and I've gotten two email notices

    well, i'm only getting your email notices. strange. glad i don't post a lot because i'd spend all my time trying to track them down. [so if anyone ever need me, you know who to ask :-]


  13. Catat, let me modify your recipe..............

    Blue Kamikaze recipe

    5 oz Vodka

    1 oz Blue Curacao

    2 oz Lime Juice

    Crushed Ice

    Blend it all together and serve in a jug with shot glasses!!! YUMMY

    sounds yummy, but can i make it with gin? i'm a 'gin gal'

    you know, i often don't get email notices about this forum, but today i get one from jim and there are loads posted here.

    [and having to wait is a blinking pain in the u know what!]


  14. it seems like the sort of thing that women do well together, but couples don't. The only couples I know who play together do nothing but argue about cards, or at least tease each other without mercy.

    i've seen women as well as married couples go at it, in my opinion, it's all down to the person. i've jumped on the hubby before, and he me, but for the best part we are civil. a lot of husband and wife teams don't work because there is usually one who is only playing to have something to do, and the other is putting a lot of time into learning the skill it takes. so when one plays a ridiculous card, or ignores signals, or loses count when it's really important, and this happens over and over ... then yes, a war of words is on.

    i took a break for awhile because i got fed up and needed to step back to regroup. i don't mind those who are learning, but it really ticks me off if someone plays a card without thinking, time after time. some players just chatter away about nothing in particular, and everyone's concentration is ruined [sometimes knowing where that 3 of clubs is on the last round is important]. then are surprised when we find they've played a card they shouldn't have, and the game gets messed up. who cares if we win by default, the fun is in knowing you played better than another team, or learning why you didn't by comparing how they bid a game and played it.

    now i've had a long break from bridge, i can relax with social bridge and not get so fussed like before. no, it's not amusing when someone plays without thinking, but it's not as big a deal as before.

    btw - i'm not saying i'm a 'hot' player. i have plenty to learn and that's why i need to concentrate. you cannot learn if you don't know where most of the cards are, etc. and that takes practice.


  15. Why do you think I said my success rate was, oooops, not high? :o

    Because most of my nites out are pretty like the ones you want : having a beer, then dinner, then beer again and then i get home.... i usually work the following morning :D

    sounds like you are a lot like me. i enjoy a clear head when i have to work. [for the most part] and although party party was fun in my twenties, it's not so much in my fourties. i'm a quiet kind of gal. give me a whisky and soda while watching the sun go down and the koi feeding and i 'm happy. nice nice


  16. ahhh, a single gal :-)

    i'm terribly married, but hopefully not too boring. it's been so long since i've been out with the girls. years and years. and all we did then was eat and dance at a friends house. there just isn't that much going on around here compared to bangkok. [understatement] and i've been here going on ten years. this ole country girl is going to be wide eyed for awhile. sure, i visit bangkok several times a year, but we go out with business contacts, or i stay in the hotel room working all night. unless my buddy is around, then we have some fun. but it's still just drinking beer, having dinner, and getting lost in the countryside while singing at the top of our lungs. yeah, i'm pretty tame.


  17. Blue Kamikaze recipe

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Blue Curacao

    1 oz Lime Juice

    Fill with Ice Cubes

    Combine the Vodka, Blue Curacao, and Lime Juice in a glass with ice. Shake well, then pour through a strainer into a normal glass with ice in it. Makes 1 drink.

    Serve in old-Fashioned Glass

    ---------Alcohol (ABV): 23% (46 proof)

    [gulp] who's driving?


  18. SK1972- Catat, dont worry.........we will pull you "out from your shell"/shyness. When we do meet, some of the girls and I, we are quite boisterous!! :o

    sego - Catat, I look forward to meet you, when do you plan your arrival?

    And as we were talking about shyness, there is in Thailand a wonderful drink called "kamikhaze" that takes off all the inhibitions you may have.... and it works pretty well ! :D

    SK1972 and sego,

    this sounds like you two are loads of fun! i've never had a kamikhaze, but i've gotten in trouble with a long island ice tea or two. but you have to remember, that was years ago, before i moved to a country without alcohol. bangkok going to be an eyeopener and major lifestyle change for me. no more having to go over the border for chicken butts n beer. no more stamps taking up my passport. no more dress codes :-)

    my arrival? my plane leaves here on the 30th of december. a strange time to be moving, i know.


  19. hey Catat, I would add that SK is also a very nice personn with a lot of humour (ans so Tall for an asian woman!!!) :o


    humour i can take all day. and yes i agree, i've read her posts and she reads really tall. lol! most likely taller than i am at 5' 4.

    both of you, thanks for the heads up. i'm feeling much better all ready.

    [is that my hands shaking? nahhh, it's the kitten on the keys again]


  20. SK1972 - excellent. the closer my times gets, the more nervous i am about the major move of jumping into a city as big as bangkok. i'm used to much smaller places. houston was the largest i've ever lived in, and even so, it's just an overgrown cow town.

    since most likely we'll meet, i'll have to fess up to being shy. sure, it's easy to chat online, but meeting real people? over the past 4+ years, so many people i've been friends with, worked with, or clients even, i've never met. i just live and work up here in the little room at the top of the stairs :-)

    but i'm really looking forward to meeting someone in 'real' life. may these months fly by!


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