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Just talk

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Posts posted by Just talk

  1. It was a great night Tornado!

    I only had 1 1/2 beers since I'd caused damage to my stomach the previous evening with a mixture of white-red wine and whisky. :D

    Tornado taught me a new term,  w*** memory bank  :o

    Never seen so many girls being told to "get on the bus".  lol

    Hope we met again mate :D

    And Dave, that was the greatest venue I've seen and heard so far in LOS, keeps getting better and better.  :D

    Cheers Penz :D

    Memory **** bank :D forgot about that.

    Your on the bus :D

    Dave, Thank you very much for your help to find my husband a room to stay the night..

    such a nice guy you are..am envy your wife :D

    Also Kurgen, Jay and Tornado... and some other members who've been there...

    He really enjoyed (probably becas he is on the bus that's why) :D

  2. I don't know when. I only know i am blind in love with him :o


    1) He try very hard to come to see me here after 4 months talking

    2) He's in touch with me everyday for years before he make a big move.

    3) He lets me make my choice to stay in thailand.

    4) He grab me some food i like when he go to by dinner (i don't need to ask)

    5) .... many little things he did

  3. I am a single professional who has been married before, but I have never had any children. I have been to Thailand 4 times in the last 8 months. Just looking for some suggestions as to how to meet that one special Thai lady with whom I will raise a family.  Not to generalize, but the Thai people I have met are so warm, I would be proud to call them family.

    If you ask this question 2 years ago i'd be interested :o

  4. I am a working woman. My salary is about 40,000+ a month, i pay everything for both since my husbad has no job for a while now. i pay for household stuffs, foods, clothes, electricity, water, phone bill, fuel, cigarette, etc. we eat at resturant oftenly. i buy him clothes and things i think he may needs he not even has to ask. i never complain when i pay. Just want him to be happy with me since he make a big move,left his life, friends and family to be with me here.

    Sometimes i was thinking i am not that smart like those BG or uneducated girls who have rich farang husband. I once got a chance to chat with those girls who have rich farang husband. Your guys probably hurt if you know what they told me about how to treat a rich farang husband and suck all his money smoothly in to her pocket :o

    Anyway i think i am so lucky i met him through becas my husband is a very good man.. He is not a self-centered type or treat me like a housemaid which i hate that kind of thinking. Some man just want to have a wife to keep them comfortable!!

    My husband can do piping, running electric wire, make an elec. switch, breaker, he cooks for us most of the time, do some house cleaning while i am away for work. i do house work also but mostly in my day off. We both are not a stupid spender like many thai-farang couple i have seen. I think we both happy for such a good life we have now. Our lifestyle? i am appreciated for what we're doing now :D

    One more thing, if a man (bf or husband) go out with his gf or wife. He has to pay for everything as a gentleman. This is thai culture. we only share if we are friend !!

  5. Do any of you have a suggestion? I want her to feel good. Shall I send flowers with a tukadar? If so, does anyone know who will do it via credit card to Sriracha? I have seen an ad on TV for flowers but it seems it was for BKK areas only.

    What are your thoughts/ideas? BTW I am working in a former USSR country...not too many facilities here!!!



    Hey Leith,

    Do you forgot you have a friend here? I can do for you since am here. i will go to visit her with my husband if he can jump out of the hospital for a while. I think we appreciated to do so since we are danm bored in hospital .. When is her birthday? and what do you want to surprise your kid? ( i think Tuk will get more surprised than kitty :o

  6. Leith !

    You probably right. I should understand him like your wife understand you or i should let him get someone who quite understand a very good farang guy like him.

    For you and your wife. Boh are a good couple and nice people we accept as good friend of our family. I like to see you and your wife also whenever you are on weekend cas i know my husband likes you very much and he likes to hang around with you. I did't say he can't on line or chat but since we have many things to settle since we just move to new house why he not realised and stop chatting for a while and get things done on schedule. If your wife is in the same situation as me she probably can't take it and....

    Anyway thanks for your good comments to pull me back. Perhaps i am forcing or pushing him too much. I should keep quite as usual. actually i shouldn't post here. I should leave him some room for private life. For sure i will not come to post here any more.


    P.S. Tell your wife i miss seeing her also

  7. What if...

    -Am getting attached with someone on the net, always online chat with people when am at home.

    -Quit my job and being at home, doing house work instead.

    -Hang out with friends when they ask to meet !

    -Going out with them without telling the couple !

    -Start drinking with them even said before "i am not a drinker, i hate whistky it taste like benzine" !

    It beyonds my expectation and getting annoyed !!

  8. Communication is good but it is boring if nothing change after such talk.

    At lease He/she should know what is the priority.

    I get annoyed easily with immature people or childish.

    Am i wrong if i've been teach to take thing serious in life?

  9. - What will you do if your man/woman very attached to people on a chat forum?

    - What if he/she online, chat with people everyday, not try to do things he/she should do on schedule.

    First thing he/she does in the morning after wake up is "switch on pc"

    First thing he/she does when we just reach home after go out is "switch on pc" until very late at night and always come to bed after i slept. and when i go out for work he/she get up and "online".

    Is he/she hiding something from me? or

    I am very boring or

    He/she lack of responsibility? or just take every thing so easy

    - How to handle this kind of man/woman?

    It is very annoyed me !

  10. It really doesn't matter for me to get civil marriage or not cas it doesn't help anything when some problems come up in family. Nothing guarantee for happy future life with someone (husband/wife) you just know for years. Also even you have a stable financial status (married with rich farangs (in this case), nothing will confirm that you will have happy life with him. I have seen many rich but cheap personallity farangs here who got married with cheap personallity girl. Both just playing a game infront of each other, some girls just got married with farang cas of financial status which never last long for real happy life.

    I used to hear some thai women who married with rich farangs said "Love doesn't matter also if farang think we are stupid, let him think as long as he has money just pretend we are sincere and love him like GOD!! Look ! He is fat like a pig and really not handsome, who will want to marry him if not me????"

    Poor him that is what i can say !

    A wedding or a civil marriage is just a kind of social acceptance which i don't care much. Actually, to get civil mariage with farang in thailad it creats more problem for her, It's more difficult to handle thing even it is just a stupid paper work we have to due with government officer. I am Thai but i do feel like an outsider cas it is another regulations, another treat when they know i have farang husband !! this is really make me angry usually, sometime i think where is my thai woman rights after married with farang? why I have to pay more fee for this for that, why can't it be the same ? Many many little things thai woman loose their right here but people just don't think about it.!!

    Personally, I myself don't like rich man cas i believe and notived they have some kind of selfish personnalities.

    Through many posts in Thaivisa (mostly farangs). Sometimes i don't like their opinions and perception through thailand/thai women but i can't say it is right or wrong, people have their own life experiences. Some people met good girl some might not !! One true thing happen nowaday, it is rarely to get a husband/wife who good in heart and not cheat on you !!

  11. Hello Guys,

    Next meeting if i can't hang around with all of you. Can you pls take care of my silly drunk rock base player? :o

    LC, can you send us those pictures of that unexpected base player we saw last night? thanks :D

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