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Posts posted by 7321

  1. I posted a question recently about a retirement visa and received a helpful response from Khun Roger. Armed with his opinion I plodded off to Singkhon with all the necessary documentation. Roger was not confident that given my ' O ' visa had a month to run I might not be successful. I received a most courteous response from the immigration and, in possession of  my ticket to Cyprus, they were satisfied with the reason for my early application and gave me an extension to 19/02/04. One note of caution however for anyone who is 'nomadic'. If you change your address you must notify the nearest immigration dept. and obtain that certification to accompany your application for an extension.
  2. I have a non immigrant 'O' visa as a precursor to applying for a retirement visa -i can satisfy all the conditions. My visa expires on May 19th 2003. My problem is although i am English i have a house in Cyprus which i am going back to on April 26th for three months to sort out the inevitable problems which crop up. If i obtain a retirement visa before my departure am i in breach of the visa conditions in leaving the Kingdom? I cannot sort anything out in Cyprus - such as another non 'O' for my return as there is no Thai consulate on the island. Any suggestions would be appreciated
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