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Everything posted by AllanB

  1. We are all reading from the same hymnsheet put out the MSM and what do we know about them, they are a bunch of liars. Remember Saddam's WMDs that could attack the UK in 20 minutes and it is the same old story, worse. We in the west started this conflict with NATO expansion and funding the most corrupt government in the world, Ukraine. First they bombed Donnesk and Luansk and were about to so the same in Crimea to continue their slaughter of ethnic Russian when the Russian troops stationed there stopped them and now those people live in peace. Unfortunately this didn't happen in the other two Russian states with the Ukraine and Kiev has been killing them for the past 6 years. Well eneough is enough and Putin is acting to protect his own people. Thailand know this and neutrality is the best option.
  2. Could this be the first bit of decent advice this government (if that is the right word) has ever issued? With 24,000 road deaths a year, tell them that helmets work better in an accident than masks.
  3. Picture: INN The spokesman of the Royal Thai Police has clearly accepted that there is indeed prostitution in Thailand. The guy is really smart with this statement, I have been going to Thailand for 14 years and didn't notice any of these girls/boys...<deleted>. Where do they get these guys from? He may have lots of medals for extreme bravery but how many brain cells does he have behind that mask? This government is determined to sink Thailand and build the new Myanmar, Chinese farmers are taking over all food food production for the Thais, Prayat and co have killed the massive tourist industry over just 70 covid assisted deaths in 2020, compared with 120,000 in the UK. It tells foreigners they must have the jab and really doesn't want them at all unless they are billionairs. It accuses foreigners of bringing the virus to Thailand, but not the chinese and seems to have this dream of competing with Dubai for the rich and famous. No doubt Prayut is competing with Biden to see who can sink their country first...both with the help of China.
  4. Is this Thaivisa propaganda or are the Thai authorities uninformed or just stipid. This Omicron has been descrbed by top scientists and even by the MSM including the BBC, as a mild form of Covid19 very similar to a mild cold with symtops like a runny nose and tiredness. The BBC descibe it as "good news" for two raesons. 1. It has mild symptoms and to date only 10 people have died with it WORLDWIDE and 2. It is highgly tranmissible and will therefore quickly achieve natural immunity among the population. If they delete this factual posting which can be verfied with MSM, I will finish with this website.
  5. That's okay, they don't want greasy oiks from the UK flirty with the bar girls, they only want Chinese billionaires who like the throw their money around. Someone hasn't done the maths, there aren't that many Chinese billionairs and why would they go to Thailand...just because it is government policy? We left in July 2020 and don't see any way back and I know many who left and wont go back, which is a shame because the people are nice, the country is nice, but the politicians are idiots. Bonne cahnce LOS.....or should we soon say DEAD LOS?
  6. There is going to be a lot of smelly people walking around in the heat. Plus quite a few getting into a lather about this loss...or rather not getting into a lath.. A bunch of dirty old men will remain so..shame.
  7. With all intial reports stating this strain is extremely mild with most symptoms showing slight tiredness, similar to a cold (also a corona virus) we see at last some sense from the government. Well done Prayuth a good decision...now dont flip flo on this as confidence is the key to a sucessful reopening and return to normality. I cant believe what i am saying here, but credit where credit's due. By th way Mr PM could you drop a line to the Austrians and Germans and explain things to them. I wouldn't bother with the Ausis and Kiwis, they were a lost cause months ago, they are still throwing the babies out, long after the bathwater has drained away.
  8. This has nothing to do with being educated, it has everything to do with applying logic and if something doesn't make sense it isn't true. Take something quite inoquous like climate change. We know they can build cars that do 250mpg, like the VW XL1 (320mpg) and Chevy Volt (240mpg), so where are they now? They would instantly cut emissions by 80% at no cost, but.... would severely damage the oil industry. Go fiigure... no conspiracy theory here just facts..
  9. ...the first tentative steps...until the next government announcement....tomorrow. I like the optimism that the "tourist spots are half empty" ...there are no tourists anyway, they all fled last year.
  10. After telling foreigners to bugga off and the money has stopped this is another attempt to get the rich ones back. Casinos attract criminals so good luck with that.
  11. You didn't mention the billionaires that they are now attracting. They must be pouring in on their private jets, spending $millions in Tescos and Seven11 on crisps and Chang. Stocking up for Xmas to spend on their own. If not, welcome to the new Myanmar.
  12. This is just another disgusting policy, turning the people against their follow citizen, just like the East German Stazi. What was one of the friendiest places on earth will soon be like the Soviet Union, a hateful place where no one trusts one another. You guys must get democracy back before it's too late.......
  13. This is one big con trick, they get people interested in coming to Thailand, get them to obtain visas and then this. Probably when they arrive slap them with a quarantine order, 10 days and $5000. Who in their right mind will come to the Land of Gumpy faces?
  14. Stay away until sense returns, if it ever does. It seems to me that all the other surrounding countries are welcoming tourists whatever their financial status and people will go there instead. Confusion costs money and creates stress, not what you want on a holiday and jumping through endless hoops people will say.... "maybe the Phillippines instead".
  15. So 43 down, if they are proper tourists, 999,957 to go, so they can sit in the bars and drink water.
  16. Are these people for real, do they know anything about the tourist business, do they know anything about business, do they know anything at all? Who in their right mind is going to want to visit Thailand if they cant have a drink, or in these uncertain times, in an uncertain country, run by uncertain people? Here in Europe, things are pretty normal now, with an odd mask wearing in some shops, so why go half way round the world to Thailand?
  17. The Thai authoritues are up and down like a whore's draws. They couldn't make their minds up probably because they don't have one, they should stick to square bashing.
  18. 139k for the whole of the UK for 2020 and 2021, trouble is in 2020 the stats showed 120k for just that year in England and Wales only, so add Scotaland and NI and you have your 139k......But that leaves nothing for 2021. Something isn't quite right.
  19. I look at the news every day and it is different every day. I think these guys get up in the morning and write a policy, then put their mask on and go on TV. I love the optimism these guys have, telling us the exact type of tourists they want, trouble is they do nothing to attract them, so they are not coming. As for the rest of us, well we can all naff off...so we do
  20. No real hardship the way Thailand is right now having us jump through covid hoops, we probably wont be back for 5 years, by which time Thailand will be a different country. I'm alright Jack here in the southern European sun, free from all this anti-farang stuff.
  21. No! After the way we have been treated us and continue to be blamed for the Pandemic, many will never return. I won't be back until things change dramatically, I won't be vaxxed becuase the Thai government tell me I must and I want reassurances that reforms have taken place and that they wont change their minds again and tell me I must leave. Covid originated from China and now the chinese are the ones who are most welcomed in Thailand, go figure that one.
  22. You don't decide the market, the market dictates. So they want families....... so the flights from Europe for a family of 4 is going to be Eur3,000 and the whole family with everyone vaccinated will spend 12-16 hours on the plane with a 6 hours time change to deal with. When they get there the kids will be complaining about the heat and the wife will be unhappy about her husband being chatted up by the local girls. Why would they do that when for 1/4 of the money and travel time they can go to Spain, or in the winter, the Canary Islands? They think if they wave a magic wand they can create a country they want.....good luck with that.
  23. Forget it, I am not doing any of those things and don't trust the government to maintain a policy once I am there. Maybe we never go back....
  24. I have been away from Thailand since July 2020 and all I hear is "shutdown" "lockdown" "come to Thailand, then go away", "we will be welcoming tourist soon, bugga off farangs, but welcome Chinese" I have no intentions of coming back until I am welcome regardless of vaxx status, tests or "yes" one minute "no" the next. I really don't want the stress of jumping through different hoops depending on which scientist says what.
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