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Posts posted by thelinguist

  1. I wonder why they smuggle meth into Thailand when it can be made in any remote area. Seems a lot more risky going through customs than making this poison in a shed on a farm.

    Do you really think that there are that many locals with the know how or even a brain big enough to fathom a chemical process such as cooking meth? Let's just leave them to frying chilies and meat. Something easy they know how to do that doesn't require too much brain activity. There would be houses, apartments and sheds blowing up left right and centre nationwide if these clowns were let loose with a Bunsen burner and anything other than meat and veg.

  2. Really, what is the point in any 'media coverage' to outline the dangers and problems affiliated with driving in Thailand.

    It's a nationwide case of monkey see, monkey do! You can't teach 10s of millions of motorists all at the same time to 'drive safely'.

    It all bares down to the fundamentals of driving, patients (Which Thais have with everything bar driving), consideration for others/courtesy and common sense, all of which not a single person on the roads out here seems to have. I even find myself driving more and more like a maniac each day. No where near to the extent of your average local, but none-the-less, monkey see, monkey do!

    They need to seriously revise what is required to obtain a license and stringently enforce the law for those who don't have one. Both of which require someone in the government to cook up an idea that doesn't involve.... Thailand BLAH BLAH BLAH, to be the hub of BLA BLA BLA for 2015. You get the point. Will it happen in my lifetime? Will it fuk! Politicians are too busy trying to find ways of making foreigners jump through hoops of fire. TIT! God I'm sick of saying that!

  3. Oh really! Another propaganda statement. In the last year The TAT have been hiking up their figures and yet more and more tourist dependent organisations are closing and airports are reporting that tourist figures are down.

    Their (TAT) statements of the increasing numbers of tourists never fail to amaze me.

    They just hate to lose face. and also face reality. Overcharging, corruption and scams are the problem and despite their advertisement of "it is illegal to have double pricing for Farang versus Thai and any sign entrance sign to any tourist facility/attraction stating otherwise should be reported and is illegal" and "quote...." we wish to be informed of these illegal practices". Nothing is done when reports are raised.

    i just wish I had the know how to open a web site to warn all potential visitors to this country of the scams, corruption and inherent dangers of some of these totally disingenuous agencies. And the dangers of facing down Thai people when linked to not paying for the scams. LOS really stands for Land of Scares to decent law abiding people.

    Get real TAT and the rest of the corrupt organisations here who peddle out there "smiles".

    Is Thai bashing the best you can do? Bla bla bla bla bla I'd like to see the numbers from the "tourist dependent organizations" that are closing which airports are reporting that tourist figures are down. Other than that your diatribe of Thai bashing is pointless

    It is not Thai bashing and neither is it a diatribe as you call it...read the dictionary and compare my statement with facts as opposed to your so called accusation of a diatribe.. All of us are entitled to our views of the Thai society and culture. I have only hit out the corruption/scams/overcharging.

    If you live in your own bubble that denies all these simple facts of reality...then get out more, or do you sit behind a computer all day and send inane responses to matters of which you have no knowledge . But do not attack me personally...there are too many of your ilk who do not possess the courage nor politeness for a decent conversation on face to face to face basis There are many posts on this very same subject. These are the vagaries of living here. I accept them but I am entitled to air my views without being as personal as you.

    This site is supposed to be informative and allow a person to air one's views.....Therefore others can glean whatever information they want to make their choice to visit or live here.

    Regarding the numbers closing down, take a walk around the well known hitherto businesses in whatever area you live in that is dependent on tourism and get a reality check. This information is also freely available from the local minister of interior , which is another source of my information regarding the number of business that have opened in any fiscal year and the number which have closed down Apart from that there are many unregistered businesses, which I have seen open and close within the past three years.

    What? Did I rub a sore spot?No bubble my friend. I am involved in the tourist industry and have been for the last 16 years in Thailand. I know the numbers quite well. I too should be allowed to air my views and opinions and your post was more about how f*ked up this country is more than giving out any useful information. Misery likes company and so the saying goes. Lighten up! Life is to short.

    I find it quite funny that you are both claiming to have these facts and figures, yet neither of you have posted them.:whistling:

    Come on lads! Where are the numbers?

  4. If the Burmese don't like, they can always go home. The law does not prevent them to leave Thailand.

    Either you are some sad old sex pest sat in a condo in Pattaya with nothing to do, so you have decided to open up a Thaivisa account in an aliases name with the intention of making as many controversial posts as possible. Or, you really are just another 'well educated' yet, extremely back wards and bigoted local, who probably owns a company of sorts and treats workers in exactly the same way.

    Either way..... You're a complete Muppet and I hope you get phucked and burnt on your way home from where ever you may be returning from this evening.

    Good day!

  5. No, makes no sense at all to post anything with such dumb headline. Put something in there that tells everyone what your topic is. You probably cut your chances of a decent reply by 90%.

    Open your eyes. This is the title of my thread:

    Does This Make Any Sense?

    Bank will not give my (Thai) husband a loan to build a house

    But thanks for your "dumb" response. Sorry you didn't have anything better to do with your time but make rude comments, don't worry I'm sure tomorrow will be a more productive day for you.


  6. agree, in the uk if you are caught over the limit ( limit being 2 pints of beer ) you automatically lose your licence for a year !, and after that it is very difficult to get motor insurance

    they need to impose a proper point system on the licences here, but only problem with this is the BIB wouldnt inforce as they like there tea money...

    We are not in the UK. . or Australia

    I agree drunk driving is bad but if u start license point systems and things of that nature. .ur just turning Thailand into another law flooded western country. .

    I agree 100% People come here to get away from a law infested country but then forget

    Well said guys. Why have any laws at all? Why don't we all just drive around Thailand pissed up on Lao kow, high on meth, blind folded whilst getting blown from underage hookers.

    <deleted> to any points systems (which by the way they do have) and next time just allow maniacs like this to kill innocent children and just simply buy their way out trouble and not have to ever worry about any consequences. :)

  7. I think that the Thai’s are correct when they say they hate the farang because they think we know it all. Just look at TV for the past few years and what all you people do and say here. Like starving piranhas looking for ANY reason to jump in and fight.

    Mister high all mighty!!! You're the one with your hand in the fish tank stirring it up.

    What's worse? Jumping into a fight or intentionally trying to start one.

    Tell me. Just what has rattled your cage.

    Is somebody getting restless indoors alone during the curfew. :)

  8. Lastly: As my mother used to say to me, "if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all you gobby little s hit.

    Good day sir. :D

    I personally prefer the term gob-sh*te... or Mr Gob-Sh*te to you... :)

    Such foal language, hope mummy washes your mouth out with soap..

    Apologies, yours definitely has more of a ring to it.

  9. In answer to your question.

    I worked for them for 3 years and didn't really have any problems.

    Always payed on-time.

    Very helpful assisting with visas as I took my T.E.F.L with them. I received 2 multiple entry NON-B visas whilst working for them. (but had to fly back to the UK in between)

    All in all goodish place to work.

    Certainly much worse in Bangkok.

    Any specific questions I can help with just send me a message.

    I have one specific question....you profess to be an "English" teacher ??

    payed ????, you mean paid ?..... :)

    Goodish ???...... :D ....no such word

    One could suggest to teach a subject, one needs a basic grasp on the subject being taught

    First of all: "payed" is an alternate spelling to "paid". No used as much today, but none the less still a word.


    Secondly: "goodish" isn't a word!!! ARE YOU FOR REAL? Try picking up a dictionary mate.

    Even if this wasn't in the dictionary, so bloody what!, You can add the suffix "ish" onto any word(adjective) you please.

    When asked something "like "Are you hungry?" Have you never answered "hungry ..... ish".

    Now, "hungryish" certainly isn't a "real word", but is still said by a number of people worldwide.


    Thirdly: Who even said that I teach the subject English. I think next time you need to read posts more carefully as well as writing them judging from the abomination above, and try not to be so critical to someone who slapped up a quick reply to help a fellow educator.

    Lastly: As my mother used to say to me, "if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all you gobby little s hit.

    Good day sir. :D

  10. In answer to your question.

    I worked for them for 3 years and didn't really have any problems.

    Always payed on-time.

    Very helpful assisting with visas as I took my T.E.F.L with them. I received 2 multiple entry NON-B visas whilst working for them. (but had to fly back to the UK in between)

    All in all goodish place to work.

    Certainly much worse in Bangkok.

    Any specific questions I can help with just send me a message.

  11. From what I've seen at other schools. People placed by Text & Talk Academy are good quality as compared to other agencies. But, they are very selective, very selective.

    You must be talking about a different branch to the one in Bangkok, because in the 3 years I worked for them they employed anyone with a white face.

    But this was 2 and a half years ago so maybe it has changed in its ways. :)

  12. What do you mean tourist not coming. All my chum's are, they will be arriving BKK in the next week or two. Just one small problem they'll be in transit on there way to Bali.

    It is plan for Mr. T to destroy Thailand bit at a time. First truism, they export industry. Don't be full to think they are safe, unless this madness is stooped little by little other industry will be effected. I saw the stock market going down and every one that that was safe. The ones that will be mostly effected are the poor, the Issan and for sure the Red shirt folks.


    You really need to read your stuff before posting. Your spelling, grammar and word-choices are attrocious. I wonder what the annual income is for the truism industry ? Or, am I just being a full ?

    Before launching into criticism, have you considered that perhaps Givenall's first language is not English, in which case you are indeed a "full".


    How stupid is this guy. Even a complete tool should have realized by the end of the first sentence that this posters first language isn't English. But great job on encouraging him for future posts. Job well done. Round of applause please guys.

  13. The USA has to shut up their mouth talking about "peaceful solutions". How peaceful was the USA in Irak, Afghanistan, Vietnam and Granada?

    O.k. I know some clever Americans, who I like, but too many of them are narrow minded, dumb or stupid.

    Don't the USA understand that calling for new elections will trigger similar problems in the future?

    Go play cowboy!

    Agreed. What hel_l has it got to do with the Yanks anyway. Mind your own business and get on with your own wars.

  14. another total waste of time,money, energy

    people- who probabaly suffered from poor circumstances did what most people would do to survive

    even not,maybe they were just greedy and followed the good example set by the worlds biggest drugs exporters- the British

    all this achieves is a total waste of money for all law abiding citizens, we pick up the bill

    we pay for them to go to jail

    we are making the crooks richer

    the crooks love it, this pushes prices up

    what a great situation

    I'm confused. Why the British?

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