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Everything posted by Lakegeneve

  1. Sunday services were suspended many, many months ago due to Covid and a lack of demand. Increasedfuel costs in recent months didn't help. They just restarted this last Sunday 3 July; https://mgronline.com/business/detail/9650000061941 Current operational times on Sundays are as follows: South 9am to 5pm - every 30-40mins North 10.30am to 5.30pm - every 30-40mins Sat & holidays: South 7am to 5pm - every 30-40mins North 8.30am to 5.30pm - every 20-30mins
  2. That's the SRT Dark Red line which will eventually be 87km running from Thammasat Uni to Mahachai. (And it will probably be extended further north in the long term) If you go back a few pages I have an update regarding the next phase of exts of the SRT Dark and Light Red lines. These were going to be tendered in 2020 (actually, originally in 2018 after approval in 2016), but then the govt change them to PPP tenders. I'll do an update soon as there have been subsequent changes to the planned tender dates. However, for the southern section of the Dark Red line the Bang Sue to Hualamphong section needs to be built first and this has recently been pushed back a few years. Thus, the Hualamphong to WWY to Mahachai section won't be done for many years. I had hoped that the full southern ext would be done by 2030, but realistically the section you are asking about probably won't be done until the mid 30s now.
  3. The CP led consortium which won the 50 year concession for the Eastern HSR/3 Airports line in Dec 2018, started changing signage at ARL stations last August as they were officially meant to take over ARL operations in mid Oct 2021. You can see some pics new signage and upgrades from last October; https://www.facebook.com/TrainBusAirplane/posts/422708266092760 https://www.facebook.com/DRT.OfficialFanpage/posts/1031421287634815 However, the handover was delayed for 3 months due to non payment of the initial deposit. Again, the new date for the payment in early 2022 was again delayed. Most recently, the consortium was meant to take over operations in late June, but I don't believe that has happened as yet. I suspect that the consortium wants to delay the intial payment and takeover for a long as possible while pax numbers recover and in the current economic context. Pax on the ARL are up to 52.5k a day which is still less than the 72K+per day prior to Covid Originally, when CP consortium (ITD & CRCC) won the bid for the Eastern HSR line they stated that they would commence construction in 2020. However, the contract was not signed until 2019 as the consortium had concerns regarding land handover issues from the SRT - read squatters and other land aquisition complications. Obviously, then Covid hit. It was announced by the consortium 2 months ago that the ARL ext to DMK (1st stage of the Eastern HSR) would start construction by Sept, but I'm not seeing much happening on that front right now.
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