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Posts posted by viviana

  1. It is always nice to be locked in a room with a beautiful lady such as you Viviana 
    hmmmmmmmmm but who said I was in the room???? :D
    I see the dishes are'nt done yet 

    Just all there waiting for you!!!

    and how come I hear no Bird in the background?????????????????????


    Sorry Moderators for this out-of-topic... but I could not help myself!!! :o

  2. Bird - Thongchai McIntyre seems to be his original name ... and he seems quite young?

    personnally I really do not care whether he is gay or not, I like his music, the rythmn and even the lyrics because they make me smile...( translated into english of course... I know nothing of Thai language :o ) ...

    He is said to be also an accomplished t.v. and movie actor. ... ??

  3. Yeah that Bird whatsitsname track is quite good, havent a clue what hes singing about but i like the tune..

    well u can find some translations in the website of the OP.

    Some lyrics are actually quite funny.. :o and eventually can someone familiar with the Thai lifestyle can explain to me the watermelons reference? is it something thai in the song "ma tam mai" (Why did you come?) ?? :D:D Thanks! :D

    B: ล้อเล่นๆ ก็ไม่ได้เป็นอะไร งอนกันไป ให้เธอเข้าใจเสียที

    lor-len len gor mai dai ben a-rai ngon gun bai hai ter kao jai sia-tee

    I'm just teasing you. There's nothing wrong really. It was just to make you understand.

    J: มีแตงโม มาฝากตั้งมากตั้งมาย

    me dtang moh ma fark dtung maak dtung mai

    I have a lot of watermelons for you.

    B: แตงอะไร ไม่อยากไม่รู้ไม่ชี้

    dtang a-rai mai yaak mai roo mai chee

    What kind of melon? I don't want to know. I don't care.

    J: กินแตงโม จะได้ Smile สักที

    gin dtang moh ja dai smile suk-tee

    Eat the watermelon so that you can smile.

    B: แตงคนดี ไม่เอา ไม่เอา ไม่เอา

    dtang kon dee mai ow mai ow mai ow

    'Daeng', you are a good person. I don't want. I don't want.

  4. Some doctors say that it depends on how much sugar you have in your blood. Apparently mosquitoes can 'smell' the sweet skin ... or when you had your last sweet intake ... Apparently too, westerners are advised to stop eating any sweet food 3 weeks before they travel to mosquitoes infected zones if they do not want to be bitten.

    Cheers! :o

  5. Hi Mocksy...

    First of all good luck to you (and the others) in obtaining the visa you need...

    I read ur thread out of curiosity and thought I could add my two cents worth.. Someone mentionned that it must be certain your gf will come back to LOS for work, study and so on...

    How about having her registering for some classes then :o > Surely she can find something she would be interested in studying and that could help her later on in her life...?

    .... Sorry if it is a stupid idea.. I can be pretty naive sometimes... :D but hey! gotta explore all sides! :D

    Still best of luck in everything!


  6. Thank you all very much for your inputs regarding the housing part.. but has anyone heard of good -decently priced storage companies???? :o

    whattodo-- Viviana, i wouldnt of thought it cost effective to bring your own furniture ? 
    Agree with you whattodo.. however being all over the world for many years and not having any home anywhere... furnitures and eveything go where we go!... hence alos my question on storage companies...
    OldAsiaHand-- I have never seen anything here I would describe as 'tastfully furnished.' Maybe 'functionally furnished,' but that's probably the best you can hope for in a rental.

    Thanks for the precision ... indeed "taste" is a matter of culture and sensitivity..

  7. Hi all!

    Getting as much info as possible before an eventual relocation to Bkk :o

    From all the real-estate websites and other expats, it seems that all houses, appartements etc... come fully ( and tastefully) furnished.

    Can someone tell if it is the rule there or is it possible to find unfurnished places except for white appliances?

    In the event that it is not very common, is there some reliable storage companies you can recommend?

    Thanks in advance for your advice!


  8. Hi weko,

    been browsing lots of sites lately for a possible move th Bkk and this is what I found:


    Reporting to Immigration every 90 days


    If you are on an extension of stay you must notify the Immigration Bureau every 90 days, or just before 90 days.

    You don't need to report in person, the Immigration Bureau even accepts registered mail if you are staying outside the Bangkok area.

    If you do not report in time there is a 5,000 baht fine plus 200 Baht/day fine if you are beeing catched. If you report, but beeing late, the fine is 2,000 Baht..

    Who need to report?

    If you are on tourist visa or Non-Immigrant visa without extension you don't need to report. If you are on one-year-extension you must report.

    Q. Does a foreigner need to report his/her residence?

    A. Yes. A foreigner must inform to the Immigration Bureau whom he resides with or where he rents the property of a Thai citizen.

    Reporting Procedures:

    Authorities must be informed within 24 hours of the alien’s occupancy.This can be done by mail.

    After 90 days in the country, the alien must report his/her address to the Immigration Bureau. Reporting must be done every 90 days thereafter.

    Hope that helps!


  9. Hi!

    Main branch of the company in Europe with a Representative office in Singapore wants my family and I to relocate in BKK this summer. We are currently living in Singapore and at the moment do not oppose such a move.

    I have browsed many sites ( thank you all for the links) and understand that to get a work permit and dependant permits for my family:

    1. the company ( but which one?RO or main?) needs to ask for a Alien Operation License from the Ministry of Commerce of Thailand and 2. once acepted , ask for the work permit for me and family.

    Questions: in "real life" do you know how easy it is to get this Alien Operation License ? How fast can it be done? Do we need the help of a lawyer ? Also do you know if I can still get my salary paid in Singapore and if so where should I pay the tax? I undertsand taxation in Thailand are higher than in Singapore... last question, I would be working from a home office. is it authorized in Thailand?

    Looking forward for your inputs... Decision must be made quickly!


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