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Posts posted by shiva2009

  1. Very sad for all Thais in this situation, hopefuly the Government in their Road Map will work on

    establishing some sort of Welfare support, but that doesnt help for the immediate..

    I was part of a nursing team that volunteered my nursing services after the tragic Bali Bombings. Widows & Families were left struggling due to the drop in Tourism, the Balinese heavily rely on Tourism $$ to survive, especialy in the built up regional centres, those in Rural Villages rely on the relatives in town to send money back home to support families etc..

    We offer a Hand Up Not A Hand Out, a small group of friends & other orgnisations started to develop strategies for long term self suffiencey instead of relying heavily on tourist dollars to fix long term problems..

    We did this by a few different ways (just a drop in the ocean but it's a start) and I offer these ideas as perhaps a spring board for others to take up the challenge.. I love Thailand & The Thai's and would like to help, I think most people think, the problem is too big, where do we start... At the begininng will small steps -

    1. Gather and publisize to as many Charity organisations as possible, about the current plight for a lot of Thai's who are in need due to the current Political Climate - these can be Local Schools, Hobby & Sporting Groups in your country, local or Global charities..

    2. Somebody who can organise and take details, info, census of people effected, these can be deligated to districts within Bagkok, and then spread out to provinces (takes time, but gives an accurate view of problems faced and the immediate one's that need to be prioritised etc)

    3. A representative that can Approach Local Government, Chairites in Bangkok with a detailed list of emergancy help required..

    4. Long term help -

    I helped a group of widows with a hand up of sewing machines, bolts of material, overlockers and 12mths rent on a shop, immediate & extended families were then able to start making clothing, friends who painted started to paint pictures, jewelry makers made jewelry and massage therapists used the facilited for massages & beauty treatments.. This means when tourist go home they still have items they can sell to other locals or other tourist that arrive.. I also import their clothing, artwork & jewelry, and know that the profits of these sales go back to that small group of people..

    5. I organised information sessions at local Groups, Womens Groups, Schools, starting with just educating my friends back home etc

    6. I organised friends who would be willing to pay for school fees for the children, so that the parents could concentrate on making money for the food rent etc..

    I know I will be trying to organise a Garage Sale here in Oz, so that I can raise money, it may only be small, but if everyone did just something small it would soon add up to a large Greatness...

    Just my thoughts.. What do you think??

  2. Wasn't Clockwork Orange about a lunatic asylum? Perhaps you belong there.

    Clockwork Orange was a about a English Sociopath, who bullied his two Low IQ friends into shocking violence, beating up the homeless on the streets, building to a violent crescendo of brutality & rape...

    Main character is caught locked up in goal, undergoes a new psychotherapy regime funded by the then English Government, to control his violent urges, to the tune of Beathovens 9th Symphony used by Hitler with his SS & Gestapo as they went about their Genocide of A Nation... Upon his release, he finds himself at the other end of the scale, with all sorts of violence comming his way ( a feeble attempt of defining Karma), after giving in & not being able to respond in his usual sociopathic ways he tries to committ suicide, until another politician steps in and encourages him to find once again, the psychotic character within....

    What I can't understand why anyone would attach an Avatar of the face of this sociopath & think it's a good thing.. Just like I wonder why anyone glorifies in violence, brutality & rape.. A Art House film made in the late 70's and a peice of crap... Just for those who don't know what this Trash film is about, classy hey!!

    And really appropriate for this forum at this point of time......

  3. I have to say this about the Australian media tonight,

    My 14yr old son was watching a 7.30pm News Report tonight on the today's Bangkok Red Shirt Dispersal when he said to me "Mum there playing the soundtrack to the New X-Box 360 Halo Game"

    Yep, the Aussie Media put a thrash metal, X-Box 360 Halo soundtrack as they played video footage of the Carnage, violence, pain & suffering that was a recap of the last 5 days of Bangkok Protests!!!

    Aussie Media - You Have A Lot To Learn, Make Me Sick!!!

  4. I am sure that those behind this preplanned city-wide arson

    are not concerned about the short-arm of the law.

    They perhaps should be concerned about crossing Thai-Chinese business interests.

    A list from Wednesday's SITREP

    Details of Fires in Bangkok as Red-shirt Renegades Lashed out

    A number of fires and chaotic incidents broke out in Bangkok after the red-shirt core leaders have called off the red-shirt protest earlier today. The firefighting department has been able to put the fire under control at some areas but others remain unreachable and unsafe for firemen to entire. These areas include;

    1. Siam Square and Paragon: firefighters are unable to enter the area, red-shirt protesters are armed and are shooting at will

    2. Centara Grand: fire has been put out

    3. Stock Exchange of Thailand office: firemen unable to enter the area

    4. Mahachon Plaza (entrance of Wireless Rd-Ploenchit Rd): firemen also unable to approach the area

    5. Krung Thai and Bangkok Bank (Asoke Branch)

    6. Narcotics Control Board

    7. Bangkok Bank (Din Daeng): fire under control

    8. Maleenont Building: firemen unable to enter the area

    9. Bangkok Bank and Lotus Rama 4: firemen unable to get in

    10. EGAT Klongtoey: fire under control

    11. Central World: currently being put out by firefighters

    12. Bangkok Bank (Victory Monument)

    Plus, of course, the various other attacks on Banks not listed here - as well as a slew of Bank ATMs - plus the attacks on Thai Channel 3 plus The Nation and The BKK Post - not to mention the insidious broad threat to media (well, perhaps BBC and CNN deserve it for their ridiculous reporting of events!! :) )

    Disguised as acts of random hooliganism. All well planned in advance. And carefully overseen.

    All being attacks on entities believed by Thacky to be, or represent, his enemies.

    The Government's clampdown yesterday on Thacky's/Cronies' funding sources (why they didn't do that months ago is beyond me!) really, really hurt!!

    Let's hope that on/off Terrorism Arrest Warrant for Thacky gets fully processed without delay. Plus the evil hag who's his so-called "ex-wife" and the prime terrorist loot distributor.

    And, of course, too hope that swift and proper justice is brought to bear upon the 'Red' terrorist thugs who carried out these dastardly dees, plus their insidious 'Red' overseers! :D

    I read a Tweet yesterday after Seh Daeng's right hand man was arrested that he said Thakisan had a backup plan if The Red Shirts protesters rally was dispersed and The Red Leaders arrested (of course back up plan was not explained in the Tweet)..

    Would it be a vaild theory to say The Black Shirts are Seh Daeng's trained militia that disperesed 2 yrs ago the back up plan being...

    Some Black Shirts left in BKK - buildings strategicly set up to be torched with gas cylnders left on upper floors to explode once first floors are ignited etc causing maximum impact with very little effort, this could of been arranged throughout the week in retribution for the killing of Seh Daeng..

    Other Black Shirts sent to other Provinces - reports that in Chiang Mai, is that it was Black Shirts who first set up the the barricades and initial burning tyres to welcome home the dipersed protesters etc etc as Red's are gathered at the train station..

    Theory being that if civil unrest is spread nationaly & is unable to be controlled it could turn to Civil War, thus providing perhaps the military to take control nationaly, leverage for Red's demand to amnesty for criminals to be put back on the table for negotiations, or like a pheonix rising from the ashes, an opportunity for demands to have Thakisan return and restore order????

    Kaos first, & like a Messiah rising from the Dead to lead his chosen peoples to Peace....

    Just a theory or should I just go back to doing dishes and taking care of babies???

  5. There is also the Old Capital Airport for travel to connecting flights to Denpesar Airport..

    I know there is a very small airstrip in the North of Bali, west of Singaraja, mainly used by some small (sports) aircrafts; but are they now flying to the International Airport Ngurah Rai vv ? :)

    Can you give us a link ?


    I'll try to find the link for the Singaraja Airport, they do run domestic air buses between the Singaraja & Denpesar,to connect to other Indo flights & Interntional Flights...

    Or drive from Denpasar over the mountain ridges is about a 3.5hr drive on a good day or drive around the costline through Candiasa etc in about the 3hr mark...

    Singaraja, was the Old Dutch Capital of Bali, kind of reminds me of Chiang Mai really, but when tourism took off in the late 70's & developement around Kuta, Candiasa, Jimabaran Bay etc Indonesian Government deemed Denpesar a more accessible desitnation for both business & tourism.

    Ubud is gorgeous, has a great Ex-Pat community aswell, & is about 2hrs drive from Kuta/Legian.. Great Artistic community, but maybe on the higher $$ end of retirement, although there is are villages near not so expensive...

    To be honest, I love Chaing Mai/Chiang Rai, would love to retire to Chiang Mai & use this as a home base to travel to Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia/India/ of course stopping in on Bali on the way back to Vic/Oz home..

    And just spend up to 3 months in each place, having children here in Oz (hopefuly grandchildren in the future) we will retain our 10Acre bush block in Rural Vic, home to our 1920's Red rattler Train Carriage Cottage as a home base whilst where here in Oz!!

    That's the plan (fantasy/dream/goal)....

    Will get back to you with Airport Info..

    Thankyou to everyone who has contributed to this thread, it has been very helpful!!

  6. I'd suggest Indonesia; anywhere near the coast on the Western side of Java, or perhaps Lombok.

    They do have a retirement visa program plus alternatives if you have a local contact / wife / sponsor.

    I still have a few years to go, but I plan to spend a few months there this year and travel around a bit.

    I also have a friend who retired to Nepal - he's enjoying himself.


    Thanks..........I have never lived in Nepal (did live in India more than once). I never thought of it as an alternative to Thailand.

    Surely it must be beautiful in places and much cooler than Southeast Asia.

    Indonesia.....once lived in Bali. But you need money to live there and the visa issues are real (as you stated......helps to have a contact, wife, sponsor).

    Bali is, of course, not particularly representative of Indonesia. I do know one expat in Thailand who would happily retire in Indonesia.

    Lombok: I was there when all hel_l broke lose........Muslims starting fighting Christians and burning stuff (great scuba diving though).

    There must be some nice places to live in Indonesia........I am not sure where.

    Remember a lot of the expats in Thailand that I am talking about are spoiled (like me).

    They want the malls and Western foods and good health care......etc.

    I would be concerned about health in both Indonesia and Nepal (especially Nepal).

    One thing that can't be denied: Thailand is good for expats in terms of the health facilities it offers.

    In fact, IMHO, Thailand is #1 in terms of health care.

    That must keep a lot of elderly expats in Thailand when they would rather move out.

    In regards to living in Bali, I would suggest the other side of the Island, Lovina is just gorgeous, black volcanic sand & prestine beaches, 5 minutes up the road if you prefer the tropical forest areas with views of the ocean then Kalibukbuk or Kaliasem.. There is an emergancy medical clinic, run by a Western Women.. And for convieniences that you will find in a big town, you have all the services you need from the Old Capital just 7km down the road Singrajah (think thats how you spell it) Lovina has lovely traditional style hotels & resturants & beach Warungs, fresh fruit sellers on the beach & internet warungs.. The beauty is that there is not many tourists here as most stay on the other side of island in Kuta etc.. There is also the Old Capital Airport for travel to connecting flights to Denpesar Airport.. Visa can be tricky, but there are great people to help you out.. Fantastic Expat Community all over the island with their own website forum site, just google it, aslo you can live quiet comfortably for under AU$1000.00 per month.. Hope this helps!!

  7. Perhaps we could start our own photoshop game & do what they did to the humble garden gnome, & have his pikkie taken in also sorts of groovey holdiay destinations All over the world...


    Like they do in Australia, when naming a new born addition to some of the leading Zoo's, we could also have a name giving competition..

    I would be happy to contribute 100baht to one of the first place prizes!! :)

    I would also like to add to the pot, that I lay bets he has in his back pocket the idea of faking his own death, dead men can't talk, therefore a dead man can't take responsibility.. Also I am sure that his wife & kids would apreciate his life insurance pay out, as they sail slowly into the sunset towards their private Island some where's!! :D

  8. Perhaps we could start our own photoshop game & do what they did to the humble garden gnome, & have his pikkie taken in also sorts of groovey holdiay destinations All over the world...


    Like they do in Australia, when naming a new born addition to some of the leading Zoo's, we could also have a name giving competition..

    I would be happy to contribute 100baht to one of the first place prizes!! :)

  9. I remember reading on Face Book on the Thaivisa facebook page, there was a swedish backpacker who has been missing in Thailand since around March 2010. His Visa has expired,he has lost or is not answering mobile phone, and friends/family have not heard from him since with no further facebook/email or mobile contact from him. This man also has a shaved head but has tattoos that would be esily identifiable if this fellow was him??? It is possible he has just over stayed his Visa..

    as for his condition - it could be a plethora of reasons, being a tourist, if he was subjected to the elements, & is not eating right, and not drinking enough water, his condition could be an extreme case of dehydration or exposure.. If drug related Yaba causes psychosis in some cases or perhaps it is a underlying mental illness that is not being treated or possibly a head trauma received at some point. Either way, without judgement, he obviously needs help...

    I will try and track the pikkie of the bloke that is missing, and post and see if this is the same man....

    Prayers are with him, that he finds his way home....

    this is the http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?op=1&amp...113052042054066pikkie of the man missing..

    ** Make sure to click on the link All pikkies as for some reason a pikkie of his tattoo appears first up!!

  10. I remember reading on Face Book on the Thaivisa facebook page, there was a swedish backpacker who has been missing in Thailand since around March 2010. His Visa has expired,he has lost or is not answering mobile phone, and friends/family have not heard from him since with no further facebook/email or mobile contact from him. This man also has a shaved head but has tattoos that would be esily identifiable if this fellow was him??? It is possible he has just over stayed his Visa..

    as for his condition - it could be a plethora of reasons, being a tourist, if he was subjected to the elements, & is not eating right, and not drinking enough water, his condition could be an extreme case of dehydration or exposure.. If drug related Yaba causes psychosis in some cases or perhaps it is a underlying mental illness that is not being treated or possibly a head trauma received at some point. Either way, without judgement, he obviously needs help...

    I will try and track the pikkie of the bloke that is missing, and post and see if this is the same man....

    Prayers are with him, that he finds his way home....

    this is the http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?op=1&amp...113052042054066pikkie of the man missing..

  11. I remember reading on Face Book on the Thaivisa facebook page, there was a swedish backpacker who has been missing in Thailand since around March 2010. His Visa has expired,he has lost or is not answering mobile phone, and friends/family have not heard from him since with no further facebook/email or mobile contact from him. This man also has a shaved head but has tattoos that would be esily identifiable if this fellow was him??? It is possible he has just over stayed his Visa..

    as for his condition - it could be a plethora of reasons, being a tourist, if he was subjected to the elements, & is not eating right, and not drinking enough water, his condition could be an extreme case of dehydration or exposure.. If drug related Yaba causes psychosis in some cases or perhaps it is a underlying mental illness that is not being treated or possibly a head trauma received at some point. Either way, without judgement, he obviously needs help...

    I will try and track the pikkie of the bloke that is missing, and post and see if this is the same man....

    Prayers are with him, that he finds his way home....

  12. "Since his exile, Thaksin Shinawatra or Takki Shinegra or whatever he calls himself has become a master of disguise," said Interpol. According to the agency, since 2007 Thaksin has traveled around the world using no fewer than 14 aliases, including "Tex Sheen" in the US , "Taal Shienweiss" in Israel , "Aksim Szchenewassad" in Egypt , "Toxeus Shinawapoulus" in Greece and "Tocque Zinne J'ene Veauetreu" in France .

    Police were still determining whether passport holders Thakslav Shinawatov from Russia , Thaksiano Shinawati from Italy and Dak Shinsson from Finland are also Thaksin aliases.


    "Tex Sheen" any relation to Charlie Sheen - 2 Men & A Crim comming to a Cinema near you! :D

  13. ...We've long been allowed to refer to Thaksin Chinnawat as Taksin Shinawatra.

    No. On ThaiVisa, please refer to any person by one of the names he/she uses himself/herself. Thank you. Maestro

    Then I assume it's ok to refer to Takki as:

    "Thaksin, the only one who can save Thailand from the aspersions that I cast at it and its people, and the only person who can call off the Red Shirts from threatening the PM's life and office, and the only savior who can lift Thailand from chasm of economic downturns."

    Shinegra the only leader who will be able to lead ALL Thai's to a Takki Future!!! :)
  14. I am from Undon so I guess I must be a red shirt, but 5 years ago I came to Bkk and got a job at 4,000 baht a month, I worked hard for a rich Bkk Family and send most of the money home to my family.

    I never once made trouble for the family that paid me, I just worked hard, the harder I worked the more money I made and soon was making 8,000 baht a month

    When I met my western husband he helped me decide to go out and open my own business, and slowly and with a lot of hard work it got better and better, now I own 2 shops and looking at opening a third.

    The hours are long but I make good money and do not have to ask 1 baht from my western husband, now I employ 4 girls from my home town, so we send 4 times more money back home. I look after my family and put my younger brother through University.

    These so called Rich Bangkok people you are protesting against use my shops and pay me money which I send back to Udon both through myself and also my staff.

    Hurt the Thai elite no way, I have like many others learnt to use them to help my family,

    Imagine if all the red shirts who are causing all the problems got up and did what I and many of my friends have done how much money would be flowing back to Udon

    Wake up my brothers and sisters of Udon you are being used, this is not about our people, this is about a select few who are using you for their own financial gain.

    Protesting, violence, is not the way to a better Udon

    The real way is to take the advantage the Bangkok gives us, work hard and educate our younger brothers and sisters, I can tell you now, no promise you now, our time will come when we will rule Thailand, but because we worked hard and deserve it.

    What you are doing to day is setting a example for tomorrow, You are the creators of tomorows problems

    I ask my and your Budha to open your eyes to the real truth

    I really liked reading your post, I love to know what is in the hearts of Thai people & I admire that you have worked soo hard after leaving your family to come to Bangkok... I would be only to happy to spend my also hard earned Farang Money $$$ in any of your shops, knowing that it was helping your Bangkok family, your Udon family, & helping your younger Brother attain his University Education..

    If more Udon Villages & other Rural Villages had access & $$$ for education through self sustaining business enterprises, than perhaps in the future, Thailand would have the chance to truly Elect/Vote in Future Political Leaders who Genuinly & Honestly represent the voice of All Thai People both Rural & City...

    Protesting is good as long as it is done peacefuly & for Positive Change, all violence does is creates loud, painful noise which drowns out the voices of Thai People, which leaves an aching silence & The Thai people's voice is Lost & their reasons are crushed.... I am Farang, I Do Not Speak For Thai People,Thai Politics Is A Thai Issue, Thai People Speak For Thai People, but there is something that Unites us Globaly aswell, the fundamental issue is Humanity, Your Humanity, & speaking from my Humanity, ALL the people in Thailand are in my prayers, & thoughts in the hopes that they can find a Genuine Political Leader who truly & honestly reperesents the Voice Of The People Of Thailand in a fair & equal manner, without threat of violence & innocent people being hurt... ALL people of Thailand have something Beautiful & Unique to offer their Amazing Kingdom...... Let them Unite in solidarity for Positive change through love, understanding, acceptance, compassion,empathy, & humility pathing the way to truly being able to communicate with one another in hopes of addressing the needs of ALL Thai People Equally...... This is in my prayers tonight........

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