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Posts posted by Alexpho

  1. In your particular case, I wouldn't move. I think you said the key word, " finances ", meaning you are on the low income. Worst case scenario, you move and she does not land another good job or does not like the new area, then everyone is miserable and the repeated trips back home because more and more painful. Living near bangkok or the beach is so over rated. Now if you were wealthy, its a different ball game


  2. This is truly a different situation than the normal rich falang meets Thai farm girl. You not having a job should not be a concern to anybody. With her having a good education and job is surely a big plus. Now for some reason, someone got the impression that you may not have any money or did not sort of " pay the dinner bill " like a gentlemen would. Lets not get overboard with the same storyline of getting ripped off by a Thai girl. Sounds to me, the family is afraid of YOU RIPPING THEM OFF. Put yourself in the parent's shoes. If you have to show income, show it. Heck, I am a father of a teenage daughter too.

    People need to understand one thing. There are some Thai's that are more wealthy than any of you in this forum combined. These educated and elite Thais may have a different view of Falangs. Seriously, have you actually seen the weird ones already? Do you blame them? Sounded like you got a gem, I would work on it and do what needs to be done if you two love each other.

    Good luck !

    Good luck.

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  3. Hi Guys,

    First off, thank you kindly for all the wonderful responses ! Sorry it has taken so long to respond back.

    My nephew is a young man, around age 20. He has no control of his legs. Right now, he is housebound, at times alone but always need the assistance of others to bathe and many of the daily living functions. His on this standard folding wheelchair. The area is still very rugged, house is not handicap friendly, but he is only like 10 meters from the main paved road. I just want him to go outside and move around on his own, nothing fancy or daily trips to far away places.

    I can see him in the scooter type wheelchair. His upper extremities are still strong.

    I fly out in two days. I will begin the vigorous research to acquire one when in BKK.

    You guys are a blessing. Thank you kindly.

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  4. Hello folks,

    I plan on flying into Bangkok in two weeks. I am a Lao-American headin back again to visit the family and friends. In my short time in Bangkok, I would like to find a wheelchair shop where I can purchase a motorized wheelchair ( runs on battery, new or used ), the type seen mostly used by handicapped people. It is not for me but for my nephew in Luang Prabang, Laos. If I am lucky to find and the price is reasonable, I will then get it and track it up with me to Luang Prabang.

    Anyone know of a shop somewhere around Bangkok or any other place in Thailand? Last time I was there, I ran into one of those Thai " info-mercials " on TV and could not get a phone number quick enough.

    Any suggestions on where to start ( or a price range ) would be greatly appreaciated.


  5. Hello. I am not an Iphone owner here in the states. I am visiting Thailand soon and my Thai cousin wants me to get her an I-phone here from the states. My question is, will it work in Thailand? Here, it is programmed to work with only certain providers and I don't think it even has a sim card. Was is a used one going for in Thailand nowadays? Regardless, its still expensive here. I just want to make sure it can work over there.


  6. I am a Lao American thats been doing my research on retiring in SE Asia, both in Laos and Thailand. It is obvious, the most important asset you can have is land. Prices are going up and up every year. My dream would be to buy a nice plot of land and start building from there. I am paying rent right now and realize that I am only throwing money away.

    I would consider the Khong Kai area to retire in. Very peaceful.

  7. As I am typing this from my couch here in the U.S, and NOT picking any sides nor condoning this act of violence.... , what do the Thai's expect when their beloved military in Southern Thailand were beating up and killing those Muslm men? Did you honestly believe payback wasn't coming? Its in their blood. It might be available in Thailand, but that video can be seen everywhere else.

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