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Posts posted by thaivisa999

  1. I can dance these dances somewhat (I learned lots more but I think these two I can do okay as they are the least complicated dances I think - rumba is slow and VW can be done in simple steps) and looking for an attractive lady to practice with once a week or so somewhere in Bangkok.

    Ideally she can teach me how to lead better... I am not good enough to teach her so am looking for female partner who knows how to lead and how to follow, knows the steps and can follow bad leads. I am also off the beat sometimes etc (!).... hope she can help me make to make it enjoyable for her and make it fun also.

    If I can improve those two dances after a while I would like to learn some other stuff perhaps.

    Can discuss your fee and flexible on that point if you can help to actually enjoy dancing...please let me know what you expect and we can see if it works.

    I have emailed a few schools but they may not reply to my emails so just see if this turns up anything. If anyone knows which schools in BKK have a nice female instructor who can do private classes for these two dance styles would be grateful if you could let me know.

    Many Thanks

  2. Hi,

    I am looking for a Judo class in BKK. I went to the din dairng thai-japan stadium place I read about from a thread back in 2011 but they said there wasn't a new class until the 26th and didn't see any farangs go there. They told me to come back at 530pm...which was a bit later in the day so I couldnt return at that time.

    I am relatively fit 40 year old farang and want to take up judo, as a beginner, as I think it will be fun when I get the hang of it.

    If you know the best place for me to train please advise.

    (separately if you know anyone does private aikido classes please contact me)

    Many thanks for any help you can offer.

  3. I am looking for a personal trainer or gym with personal trainers who is bangkok who can

    1. attend the gym at Lumpini park AKA suan loong gym which is near to Silom BTS (has to be this gym as I am a member already and it is cheap)

    2. I can text the day before and they may be available or amenable to this kind of set up - ie not booking 1 week in advance as I only know if I have free time on that day or the day before

    Can be a man or woman and don't even care if they have any or much experience provided they are enthusiastic and can give me some exercises for an hour maybe once a week at least and make going to the gym interesting.

  4. On another note, I think the use must evolve. Rather than jumping in as a replacement for the current financial infrastructure, it needs to first be accepted as a transmission medium (aka BitPay or PayPal, for example). That would build trust and allay various "fears of ignorance" which plague most change of any kind.

    After trust is there and fear is gone, then we should see a rapid and revolutionary change of people accepting it such that they cannot fathom ever being without it (see Internet evolution, revolution, and adoption).

    Using the same Internet adoption analogy, BitCoin is now where the Internet was in 1994. People are aware of it, but most still just don't understand it. Watch this clip from "The Today Show" in 1994. You'll see my point:

    But for the purposes of investment how do you know that it is bitcoin not some future paypalcoin or applecoin google coin etc that is accepted...for those in bitcoin it could be important...I am not in it but do u see competition to it...I guess if there was reliable competition the risks would be brought more into focus- bringing the price down...just a thought- I don't understand it much just read the articles that I could find on the subject at the time...
  5. Yes I was wondering why the chart seemed to only go back a few years so I did some looking on the web and saw it was only created in 2008, as you say, so I don't know what token I was offered payment in back in 2000. That is the problem with these things it hard to understand what is going on and get the right information...but for you it has certainly paid off so good luck to you!

    Yes I could see it going up a few times from here so it could well be worth you staying in it... My experience with stocks that go up a lot (same type of thing really) is that it is always a bit painful and it hard to know when to sell and usually I end up losing even if there is a period when it has gone up hugely...am thinking of Internet stocks in 2000 and Chinese stocks particularly here....hope you do take something off the table along the way....

    Your post said one year on so not sure if you are looking at a few of these things - I may have missed your earlier postings on thai visa -if you have any other crytocurrency or tech things to be aware of that may go up hugely then please send me a message always happy to hear about any possible gift horses!! Although obviously I know many of them are going to be duds it always interesting to take a look if you can actually get any information on them that is reliable...

    If u got in in 2010 it seems from the chart the price was somewhere between 1-2 usd and it is now at 600 and formerly at 1200. I would say you have already made the big money which is more than anyone can ever generally hope to make( people can dream of 100x stake but not 1000x stake)..so enjoy...maybe this is why u moved to Thailand? I don't know your original stake but u should have made enough to pay the bills for a while...unless you are loaded and can afford to lose I would take out at least half if not all and transition into something safer as you have already had a good run...but either way good luck...

  6. http://bitcoincharts.com/charts/bitstampUSD#rg360ztgSzm1g10zm2g25zv

    Yes it was about 100 usd per bitcoin a year ago went up 12x to 1200 and then went down to 600 so if you invested one year ago you would be doing very well but would have been doing best if you had sold at 1200 I suppose.

    I researched bit coin as I wanted to understand if it could be real investment and what it as all about. The problems that I found is that your bitcoins can easily be stolen so it is not a reliable investment in my view. There can't be anything worse than expecting To make 12x your original and waking up one morning and finding your bit coin wallet is....empty...this was the risk I came across from the articles and info I found. After all the bitcoin 'bank' mount gox Itself was a victim so seems it is hard to secure them...

    I remember in 2000 a website offered to pay me in bitcoins and I thought that what ridiculous scam a this offering to pay me in tokens??!!!...they happily paid me cash instead. I think if I had taken and held those bitcoins they would probably have been worth a house or something I imagine...

    So that is why I wanted to research it as I just don't like to always have a closed mind and miss the boat on the golden gift horses that do come along very few years ...for bitcoin it would appear that the easy money has been made...

    Looking at that chart it seems before about 2011 the price was only a few dollars? Not usre if that is correct - I maybe be misreading- but if so if u had about before 2011 and sold in January 2014 u would have made about 300x your original investment...if your funds had nt disspeared etc...

  7. Hi,

    I have seen various threads asking about yerba mate in chiang mai. I myself came across it through an Argentinian friend a couple of years ago and liked it so much I bought cases of it via expensive import from the UK's urushop. I was using it as an energy booster and mood brightener and it did me very well while I was doing an intense amount of productive stuff.

    just moved to bkk to a tiny studio and no longer doing anything intensive so I have had to give up my yerba mate.

    If you are interested please put in an offer...there are about 10 big cartons of the stuff!

    If you want to buy please reply to this and I will refer u to my friend kis who is dealing with for me as I am already in bkk.

    Basically it needs to go now so just put in offer or tell a good story and it will go to you -thanks...

    Advert is here...


  8. Hi,

    I am totally new to gaming and I think it seems the best way to start is to buy a second hand xbox 360 with some games included and the kinetic and just see if I can get into it.

    I called some guy who was selling one for 8500 last night, but his advert expired today and I have now lost the number- he was also in chiang mai and I am in bkk so not ideal.

    I then went to mbk today and after asking about 5 people where to buy xboxes I found a tiny shop selling the xbox 360 for 9900 without any games and just one joystick so not such a great deal.

    My questions are

    1 can u sell me your xbox with games etc for 8000

    2 have u got another system u can sell to me which is really cool for some reason- u have to persuade me on it since I know nothing

    3 if u got the time and u know where to buy this stuff cheaply I can pay u 1000 baht to meet at that place and buy the stuff and then also I would ask u to set it up for me...as I may have problems getting it to work

  9. Hi Rhythworx,

    Great glad to hear you like the sound!

    About the phat bassline and the full tune- these tunes are all completed tunes as they are or they should be...if you aren't getting a complete song there may be a problem with the links?

    Are you referring to the stone walls song?

    Basically all the tunes (in as complete versions as they exist-unless I missed something which I somtimes do) are on that youtube site (nowhere else) but I did open a facebook page today but it hasn't got any more music on it than you can see on that page...


    If per your name on this site you are ever interested in creating any tunes or videos or something can send me a message. I did ask on this site before if anyone was interested in collaborating...but never got any reply...anyway it is great that you like it.

    However I did get a reply to finding a location to make this video and that was a good result.

    I have been on a musical journey learning music in CM and am kind of learning as I go what I like. I think I prefer the dance type music to other music as it makes you feel like moving about a bit and has quite a happy sound....and you can get the thing done quicker and start on the next thing...

  10. The actress is

    K 'Bin' Vraporn

    don't think she has a website as this was her first role! But is a second video coming at the end of this month..should be better than the first one...

    Won't comment on Bruce Grobbelar ha ha! he was top goalkeeper of liverpool so can't complain about that!

    but if you want some great shots of Pin's face check this remix I just did of some the tunes that were in the first music vid which that video was part of (but you saw the one with remixed music)...

    Just remixed all the vids with automatic app (in limited time I have so just too what the machine app gave me even then it was a major headache to get just this done) to perk them up a bit so you can see Pin or Bin here...


    You may be wondering why a Thai is in a Chinese song...it wasn't possible to find a Chinese actress despite even taking the step of asking on this thai visa site (amongst other inquiries) needless to say no-one replied but it was worth a try! Pin or Bin (I say Pin but this a topic of discussion and confusion still can't really get how to say the first consonant there) can seen in those vids above and also will be in part 2. If you are interested can subscribe to that youtube page...but may be other music you don't like going through there as it is mostly stuff I am doing via collaboration or solo stuff so not all Pin i'm sorry to say! Have just been learning music since I came to Chiang Mai and can't sing or play guitar very well so is all experimental...so have been warned...cheers

    Thanks for those of you who PMeed me....

  11. Just thought another thought on this theme if you have this nice waterside pad and also have a cat and dog and you don't mind them being in that would be perfect, because the dog and the cat arranged for this just met and they don't like each other very much apparently, so was just going to film them separately which isn't really ideal.

    So if you have a cat and dog that are friends that would be really ideal. The filming is nothing complicated and should be quite a fun result I imagine...and it will be heavily edited to try and create a better result the amateur ipad filming would generally produce I would imagine.

    The cats and dogs could be of any type.

    Let me know if you are interested...thanks!

  12. Hi,

    I want to shoot a fun music video which will have cat and a dog in it on Saturday 14th June. Has to be in Chiang Mai in an amazing garden and if possible with a lake/pool/river. The shooting is all on the ipad so is just a fun venture but there will be 1 cat, 1 dog, 1 actor, 1 actress and 1 other person attending.

    Would be 2 - 6pm would happy to pay a fee and of course you can be there too if you would like to be there and to check it is all in order.

    I have previously made these videos below which were made for me professionally so this is different as it is just with an ipad so it will not be as complicated as the below...but it should be quite fun as the cat and dog and actors will be wearing scary masks....i expect no-one will ever see this video in particular as it is just a fun thing for me but when it is done will go on youtube.

    If you are interested please let me know. Ideally I would really like the use of a couple of bikes or 1 bike, a water hose and a couple of outdoor chairs and a table if you have them around...anyway if you are interested please let me know...many thanks!

  13. A friend of mine who I hadn't see for years let me stay in his living room on his sofa for six months when I went back to the UK and had no-where to live. I was really grateful and it really helped me out a lot.

    So I just wanted to say that you are really nice person and although I suppose there is nothing I can do to help at all I just wanted to give you a bit of moral support in this difficult situation.

    You're obviously a professional person who has encountered someone who is very unreliable or who is going through a dangerous patch.

    In this case what I would do, since you are a professional person, is to speak to a lawyer and do everything by the book. I wouldn't do anything risky or outside of your comfort zone...just take legal advice and follow the legal advice.

    If I was you I would certainly move out and close that chapter totally.

    • Like 1
  14. I knew an American who spoke perfect Mandarin (and was able to pass himself off as overseas Chinese as he was part Mexican so looked a little different and had attended university in Macao with only Chinese students and had been able to pretend he was overseas Chinese – so he kind of looked the part) and was and presumably still is a well known sinologist. He lived in Taiwan, China and really wanted to integrate.
    Every time he sat in his garden and rolled up his trouser legs and put a hankercheif on his head and drank a can of coke in the garden his Chinese neighbours would peer over the top of the fence and say

    '...aaaahhh, you see, a typical American!' and then scrutinise him like he was in the zoo...

    He really wanted to integrate but no matter how hard he tried he could never do it...
    When he told me that anecdote I found it quite funny as I didn't realise people still like to put hankys on their head and roll up their trouser legs but anyway apparently he did like to do that...

    So basically don't try TOO hard to integrate unless you want to change yourself totally as you are fighting a losing battle...

  15. I think you could possibly pull it off if you were willing to dedicate your entire life to it and learn so much that you knew more about Thai language and history and that most Thai do themselves. Then you could quote a clever and appropriate historical saying in every difficult situation so that many right thinking people would really respect that you know all there is to know...but I am not sure if that is even possible and needless to say it would be a very difficult task if not an almost impossible one (as you would have to initially master the Thai tones and then spend years learning perfect Thai and Thai history and culture, which most of the time wouldn't be of any use to you)...although there may be someone who has done it...

    Otherwise though if you just have normal knowledge you would just be another farang wearing Thai clothes...better off trying something else with a certain benefit...but if you do try to do it would be interesting to know how you get on...

    But anyway as I read here before what really matters above all else is if you are part of someones family by blood and you can never get that so it seems you would have to be unique if you were trying to be accepted as Thai which is not something I understand that ever happens...mind you I only know what I have read on these forums so I may have a funny view of the Thai world...

  16. Great...thanks for the Anglo Thai firm idea I have emailed them just now that is exactly who I am looking for - hopefully they will have someone in Chiang Mai.

    Yes I have emailed the consulate and I also emailed Siam Legal - so am sure I should get a positive resolution to this. I just need to be sure I get someone who will be here when I receive the forms and can do it that day so there are no delays.

    I know anyone can be a witness, but in my experience you really need a lawyer who is used to filling in forms in these situations...otherwise you can encounter the situation where people may say for example, quite reasonably, I don't really want to put my passport number or raise some other complication.

    Whereas with lawyers they are used to filling in the forms and just want to get paid so there are no complications....

  17. I am looking for a witness to sign my UK lasting powers of attorney form.

    I am happy to pay a fee for this.

    I don't want any errors or complications on the form which I why I am looking for a UK lawyer/professional who holds holds a UK passport and will WRITE-IN their passport number, and who preferably has a UK address.

    The person has to a UK national with a UK address and ideally a lawyer but I guess another professional would be okay.

    I know the LPA form witness may not need to meet all these criteria but it is better to try and do this this way to avoid any potential hassles later.

    Can you recommend anyone? If they have an office I can turn up that would ideal but I guess a retired lawyer or someone like could do this also if they are willing....

  18. Many thanks for the suggestions those are all great and I will call Suchart and see if he can sort this out for me and all the other stuff I had never got round to doing before at the same time.

    I did get one of those under laptop fan things and it has helped but the laptop still overheats quite often - I think it may be as I don't like to use much air-con so the room is already a bit warm...maybe will see if Suchart can fix the fan at the same time may do the trick...

    I could go back to the store but have been back there once already- so am looking to terminate these PC problems in one final go if possible this time!

    Thanks for all the advice - it is greatly appreciated...

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