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Posts posted by solrune

  1. I believe you can. I have used my Thai Driving License in Turkey, Greece and Italy with no problem. I think Germany should be OK too. But like the other posts said: Carry your international driving permit with you just in case. It's easy to obtain it as long as you have your 5 yrs driving license with you.

  2. Page 31 in WP

    Before a permit expires and the permit holder wishes to continue working, he shall apply for renewal of the permit to the registrar prior to it's expiration.

    Any violation thereof shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months or to a fine not exceeding five thousand baht or both.

    No, I don't think that is about me. It is about preventing illegal working after someone's wp expires.

  3. OK...

    If I understand this...your WP expired 3 months ago...your on extension of stay for employment, and you are still working ?

    The would suggest you are working in Thailand illegally and may have a bigger problem than a fine and in fact you may be on an overstay..

    The section of rules you refer to is taking about someone who has finished work, and dont beleive you even have to hand over your WP these day..

    Oh, I think I did not mention that I am not in Thailand at the moment and have not been there for 3 months...So I'm not working "illegally" in Thailand. I will just prepare a new non B and apply for a new WP.

  4. Hi,

    I had a WP for 2 years (2nd year is extension) but it was expired 3 months ago and I could not renew it as I had to be outside of Thailand on business therefore I couldn't even hand it over to Labour office. So am I gonna pay any penalty? Because I could not find any clear information regarding my situation on the back side of my work permit. There is only an article (4th) about In case which is :

    "An alien resigns from the work which is specified in the permit he shall return the permit to the Registrar of the province where the work is located within 7 days from the date of his resignation. Any violation thereof shall be liable to fine not exceeding one thousand Baht."

    I haven't resigned from my work in Thailand but didn't hand over my wp, am I "liable to fine or any other penalty" ?

    Thanks in advance for any helpful comments and I'm terribly sorry if this question has been asked before, I just could not find it.

  5. Turkey might not have officially approved US to use the land for the Iraq invasion but one way or another US forces used Turkish bases under the name of logistic,health reinforcements. Biggest example is Incirlik/Adana air base.

    Turkish army may be large in numbers and may be well trained but you can not fight with some men who come in dark and open fire while u r unaware or you can not know when they will set up a mine even though u checked the whole area and patrolling around the city.

  6. Please don't feed the trolls.

    The relationship between the Kurds and the countries they live in is a complex one.

    The PKK is widely considered to be a terrorist organization. The article is not about Armenia or Cyprus. It's about a Turkish military operation in northern Iraq.

    Please confine your posts to the topic.

    Right. And I personally would like to know why the "author" of this "article" used the term "rebels" instead of the right term of "terrorist" ? This is not the first time I'm reading such news with same wrong word about PKK.

  7. PKK is a "terrorist" group which has been accepted and recognized as "terrorist group" by US,EU and many countries.not rebels.

    It's a distinction without any meaning. Propaganda only.

    you are either a very ignorant man or armenian/cyprusian who still can not stand anything bout Turks. I think you better grow up and face the facts like almost half of the world did, PKK is a terrorist group and that's it.

  8. First of all calling terorrists as a rebel movement is an idiotic and ignorant thing to begin this and all other reports. PKK is a "terrorist" group which has been accepted and recognized as "terrorist group" by US,EU and many countries.not rebels. Rebels do not kill women or children as you all can find not more than 2 pages before in this very same news section.

    For all the rest of you guys: If your country will be constantly under attack by some lowlife with guns, i'm sure all of you would agree to an out of border operation. And every country has the right to defend itself against all sorts of threats no matter where do they come from. I can see that it is very hard to do for you but give it a try and just "think"

  9. Greetings everyone,

    I have just renewed (extended) my work permit for 1 more year (until March 4th 2012). However my non B visa ends on March 23rd 2011. Therefore I am going to Thai Consulate in my home country to get 1 year new multiple Non B visa. However, as I looked the example company invitation letter in the website, I have realized that it is more suitable for the first time applicants. So I don't know what should be written on the letter. Also what else do I need other than letter itself? Copy of Work Permit? Or anything else?

    Thank you in advance for all your help.

  10. No comment though from the Turkish PM on the murder of the Lebanese PM. Guess he doesn't want to lose his hands to Hizbollah.

    The Turkish PM uses the middle east situation to retaliate against the EU for the refusal to accept Turkey. The EU wasn't so wrong to decline membership status to Turkey as the EU can not afford anymore bailouts to weak economies.

    Oh really? Unfortunately your comment shows nothing but unawareness. Please check the economic situation in major Europe countries such as Italy, Portugal, Greece, Spain.... I don't even talk about smaller members. And you're talking about 2nd biggest growing economy in Europe as a "weak" economy. Please comment about something if you're really aware of the subject.

    I do NOT care anything about what this Radical Islamist PM says about anything and I can agree with you about his Hizbollah connection, However I strongly oppose your comment about "weak" economy.

    And on a deep note, EU is just a christian club as you know it, I don't think it's ever possible for EU to accept a country which has more than 90% of muslim population. Turkey is only showing itself so desperate and funny for still trying to fit in.

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