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Posts posted by PS3Geek

  1. . Sheriff Kevin Walsh said he did not know how the FBI tracked them down in Thailand.

    a law enforcement sheriff has no idea how to track a kidnapper who has been identified to the authorities ?

    first ,they check his passport number in the central database,then they know the last time he flew and into which city

    then ,check his atm .credit cards and see where he has been withdrawing cash ,then you have his neighbourhood /areas he frequents (say sukhumvit rd etc )

    then you check how many farangs are in rented homes and guesthouses in this area (you cant rent anything anymore without your passport copy and landlord must sent that to immigration ,even if u only stay a night ) ,talk to locals about seeing a man with a little farang girl etc and show pictures of him to all the thais in that vicinity

    and you will probably have him arrested within 24 -48hrs

    how can a "sheriff" go in the media and say silly things "well,i dont know how ,but they found him etc "

    its like homer simpson policework licklips.gif

    You're reading comprehension leaves a little to be desired.

    The sheriff didn't say that he didn't know how to track someone down. He said that he does not know specifically how the FBI did it in this particular case. It could have been one of the methods you mentioned, or it could have been a tip from a family member, a phone tap, or a hundred other possibilites.

    With your attention to detail may I suggest you stick to your day job. clap2.gif

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  2. A 9 year old is hardly in a position to be in a consensual sexual relationship. This would have been a coercive act of rape. Since the situation persisted over time, the girl would have developed a method of coping with it. Eventually this was a relationship--a sick one, but still a relationship.

    I wonder how this situation managed to go undetected for such a long time.

    The professionals involved were quite remiss in not doing a better assessment of the situation. Obviously, this is a family situation which could not provide the most basic protection for the young girl. There is no reason to believe that they suddenly developed the emotion support and strength to care for her during a particularly traumatic period of time. This is not an indictment on the family, per se, a great deal of factors can cause the breakdown in family relationships, but the professionals should be able to identify this and provide further support to the girl.

    Very sad for all those involved.

    It's interesting how certain people will, after reading a vague and obviously incomplete story, make a perfect assessment of a situation regarding people they have never met.

  3. "Time for a good ole' fashion hangin' boys..." said the sheriff as he tilted his hat back, wiping his face in the hot Nevada desert sun. Perched on their horses next to the only tree for miles, the posse, looking at the accused on his horse with his hands tied behind his back, were all thinking the same thing...We need to get rid of this scum once and for all.

    That's the way, bring as much of America with you when you move to Thailand or is it Cambodia.

    I hear a bitter tone...I hate drug dealers bud...Will be living in Cambodia and starting a boat building bizz...Traveling to Thailand alot also...

    You must hate all the alcohol companies, tobacco companies, and prescription drug companies also , if you truely hate all drug dealers. I feel sorry for my Cambodian friends. People with low intellect give US citizens a 'bad name' in LOS, Cambodia, etc. . Pradel Serey/Kun Khmer/Bokator/ Lethwei/ Muay Chaiya for life...Bud.

    Your logic is as impeccable as your spelling.

  4. I frequently fly between Australia and New Zealand (My Birthplace) and have always tried to avoid Qantas as much as possible. Apart from rude staff and dirty planes they are sometimes the cheapest.

    I understand from local newspaper reports in Melbourne that Qantas now have their planes serviced in Singapore to world standards. so why all the problems with them lately?

    I will stay with Emirates until further notice.

    I agree with the rude service comment. It's not confined to Qantas however. It's quite common throughout the country.


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