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Posts posted by laurentbkk

  1. I hope Russian will choose another place , when you see how they are treated in this forum by some sexpat thinking they are better than anyone else ...and who define themselves as more Thai than Thais , I would rather be friend with a Russian than a narrow minded arrogant Brit or yank who think he is someone in here but in fact is not better than anyone else. Pathetic .... bah.gifbah.gif

    And of course as a frog, you are familiar with the convivial way they carry on in their seaside resort of Pattayajetski?

    and of course as a rosbeef you probably have all the answers .

    • Like 2
  2. I hope Russian will choose another place , when you see how they are treated in this forum by some sexpat thinking they are better than anyone else ...and who define themselves as more Thai than Thais , I would rather be friend with a Russian than a narrow minded arrogant Brit or yank who think he is someone in here but in fact is not better than anyone else. Pathetic .... bah.gifbah.gif

    I hear your opinion, but I am curious if you actually live in a place where the majority of people you are surrounded with everyday have been Russian tourists for YEARS. Because if not, it's hard to see how such a person could have an INFORMED opinion about Russian tourist behavior (as a generality) in Thailand.

    This post written in Jomtienski, Thailussia

    well I can reply to you , I have been to Russia over 23 times in the last decade , 21 years living in Thailand and been surrounded by many nationalities , the behavior of Russian tourists is not worse than any other nationalities ... judging people or a country only on the fact that you live in pattaya is disgraceful .. dont think you are better than anyone you are only a guest in Thailand like the rest of all the farang here

    • Like 2
  3. I hope Russian will choose another place , when you see how they are treated in this forum by some sexpat thinking they are better than anyone else ...and who define themselves as more Thai than Thais , I would rather be friend with a Russian than a narrow minded arrogant Brit or yank who think he is someone in here but in fact is not better than anyone else. Pathetic .... bah.gifbah.gif

    And of course as a frog, you are familiar with the convivial way they carry on in their seaside resort of Pattayajetski?

    Give him his moment in the sun RC - he appears to enjoy it.

    defenetely more than listening some frustrated sexpat winning all the time about Russian

    • Like 2
  4. that's exactly what Thailand needs , more American junk food .... thought they wanted to fight obesity in Thailand ?

    Come on guys, just admit that you're jealous of all the American junk food available here but no Brit has opened a Chip Butty shop. I mean what could be more exciting than deep-fried potatoes stuffed between two pieces of white bread? (NOTE: this post is just a bit of sarcasm meant to be funny. Please don't anybody take offence.)

    agree with you but I am not a brit ..... worse , I am french !!

  5. I have been 23 times to Russia in the last decade for work , for fun and you cannot judge Russian on the few hundred thousand coming to Thailand on holidays

    Very true.

    The comments about Russians have nothing to do with Russians in general, but with the Russians coming to Thai;land on holidays.

    so you mean ALL russian coming to Thailand are bad ? Well I have seen a lot here and found them much better than many other nationalities.

  6. Not sure what happened between the two before.

    But calling 21,806 times surely indicates some mental? psychiatric? emotional? condition.

    The man should have been examined, treated, advised, - in short, helped, not sent to prison.

    Having said this let us have a closer look at the woman:

    -she could have 'blocked' his number;

    -she could have changed her number;

    -she could have complained to the phone company;

    failing to take these reasonable steps she IMHO is guilty of entrapment, provocation, intent to harm using the existing Laws.

    Pity the Judges presiding over our lives are not all Solomons.

    Yes she could have done a lot of things but hard to be in her shoes during those moments. unfortunatly.

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