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Posts posted by sausageandmash

  1. Where the hell were the Canadian officials and security? Why did no-one pull them apart. I know Canadians are a little whacky, but this takes the piss!

    I think it caught them by surprise. Lets face it, would you be expecting fisticuffs during a badminton game?

    Yes, I see your point. If it happened at a football match, the police would be there is a flash. But, as you say, it was a poorly attended match and took everybody by surprise. What next, someone getting harpooned at a water-polo event?

  2. Any news on Thaivisa, and the Thaihaters appears from under their bridges!!bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif width=19 alt=bah.gif>

    Accidents like the one in the OP happens all over the world. Just before moving here, 3 of my customers were killed in a simular accident. Happened in Copenhagen! With a trained driver, new bus (everything in working order), but just like here not familiar with the route.

    I anyone should be blamed here, it should be the friendly person, who try to help guiding the driver and didn't think about the low bridge and the too high bus.

    Good, at least nobody killed! wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif width=20 alt=wai2.gif>

    Looks like a Thai @#$kisser just appeared though. Of course this happens all over the world. The difference is how it is handled. I'll bet you a year's wages that the Danish driver did not flee the scene.

    • Like 1
  3. Over the past 20 years in Thailand and the UAE I have maybe 5 times bought a Butterball turkey around Thanksgiving/Christmas time and tracked down the requisite cranberry relish to accompany it. In the UAE I got the whole turkey and cooked it in an oven and then wondered whether all the time spent, heat generated and ensuing mess was worth it. In Thailand I bought the Butterball turkey breast roll and microwaved it, which was simpler to deal with, although the cranberry relish I ended up with once was some ghastly British stuff bought at the supermarket in Central Festival Pattaya that was a major disappointment.

    Last year I picked up the Butterball turkey breast again, but didn't notice or appreciate the word WHOLE in the description. Whole meant it hadn't been de-boned and you really can't microwave a bone-in turkey breast so I spent more time than I care to think about and ended up with frostbitten fingers while deboning a semi-frozen turkey breast.

    The worst experience was while living in southern Africa I once found some dubious looking thing in a shop freezer labeled "turkey." I decided to give it a try. Eventually got it into the oven where it gave off a decidedly gaming odor as it started cooking in my electric stove ... for about 30 minutes and then the power went off, a common occurrence there. After the oven and bird returned to room temperature. The power came back on ... for about an hour. And then it stayed off for the next 3 days. The gamey smell given off by the "turkey" was replaced by something far worse and I reluctantly heaved the thing into the bush behind my home and listened to a lot of crashing about and growling as something devoured my turkey. Never tried that again there.

    Butterball is the worst turkey you can buy.

    • Like 1
  4. Let this be a lesson to the world, about the true mentality and the lack of respect many Thais have for foreigners, countries and cultures. However, this is an excellent opportunity for business investment as one can see, simple minds can easily be manipulated.

    Agreed. In Thailand, we foreigners are expected to respect things that are sensitive to Thais....such as the Monarchy, Temples, dress codes and behavior. When it comes to marriage, we dump tons of money on the family of the bride for the honor. In return we should expect similar courtesies/respect for issues that are sensitive to us. Hitler was a dog, no doubt about that. Nothing was ever funny or fashionable about his sadistic methods. As for Che, although an enemy to capitalism, he had a certain aura to him that might seem fashionable to some people (not to me!) But please stop with the Hitler/Nazi Fad.

    As an aside, only a complete mug would dump tons of money on the family of the bride.

    Back to the main issue, if Hitler had got to this part of the world (taking the Japanese out of the equation for the moment), there's no way Thais would have been spared from the flame. He would have spent one day in Thailand and it would have been "get into ze oven!" for everyone.

    • Like 2
  5. What the hell is this nonsense?


    I will not stay at a hotel that I believe is going to report me to the police.

    I'm fairly confident that most westerners will feel the same way.

    I have nothing to hide. It's the principal of the thing.

    my friend its the law, your principal has no bearing on the matter

    Whether it's the law or not, the fact that it's a stupid law, the fact that the meeting had such a low turnout and the fact that most people don't care and won't obey it anyway, makes it irrelevant - rather like your last comment.

    • Like 2
  6. Look like we are not welcome anymore... You feel it from the arrogance of certain Thais, increasing everyday.

    Look like they don't need us anymore..(?) sure ?

    We are not welcome and never was, all they want is our money, just transfer your money to your wife or GF and everybody is happy :-)

    Then they need to change their attitudes, in the same way that racist bigots in the UK had to change their attitudes to foreign immigrants since the 1950s. Many of us have families and are here to stay - get used to it!

    • Like 1
  7. well I always remember a TV show in Chiang Mai - I think about the night safari park - the issue was about high death rate of animals and land grabbing by the park etc. At the end of the show, while they were still filiming some guys sitting with the director, who had tough questions asked of him, went up and punched out the newscaster - right there!

    The newscaster wisely stated afterword he would not press charges, just an unfortunate accidental incident. Good for him too as the next time the pay him a visit they might be carrying something other than fists.


    Not good for him at all. He acted like a coward. He should have punched him back. I'm sick of hearing about people taking this kind of crap.

  8. Hold on, lets try and establish that he's actually guilty of something first.

    All we know at this stage is that he owns some nice cars and is ALLEGED to have fathered a son by a 14 year old girl.

    For all we know the DNA result may come up negative and he may have a perfectly legitimate reason for having a car collection, after all they are all in his name.

    Christ Almighty, don't you get it? He's a monk. He's not supposed to own anything luxury.

    The only good thing that will come out of this is that it will smash the hippy-yippee ideal that Buddhism is scandal-free.

    • Like 1
  9. I would call it very smart marketing.or do you know any other bloody chicken shop in BKK the world is talking about?

    It's maybe smart marketing, but it's also incredibly insensitive, especially to Jews. What would Thai's think if in Israel they opened a shop that was as offensive to Thai's in a similar manner.... if they can take that on the chin without protest, then I would say, "let it be."

    Maybe our Israeli friends should open up a place called the Thammasat Take Away. They could have Samak's face instead of Colonel Sanders. They could serve flame-grilled tyre-burned student burgers or chicken-on-a-rope hung from a tree.

  10. It's a national embarrassment, and KFC are giving it free publicity by doing this.

    I remember when McDonald's tried to sue a village store in Scotland for using the name and the Golden Arches. Maybe the logo use was wrong but the McDonalds had been in the area for centuries long before that clown Columbus and his pal Amerigo discovered America and look at the problems that caused.

    Burger King tried the same thing in Australia taking a small family business to court. Burger King lost and that is why they are called Hungry Jack's in Australia.

    I don't for one minute believe that. If a muti-national corporation sues you, you are going to lose. End of story. The same thing will happen to this toss-pot business. I'll bet you a month's wages that it won't be here this time next year.

  11. It's a national embarrassment, and KFC are giving it free publicity by doing this.

    I remember when McDonald's tried to sue a village store in Scotland for using the name and the Golden Arches. Maybe the logo use was wrong but the McDonalds had been in the area for centuries long before that clown Columbus and his pal Amerigo discovered America and look at the problems that caused.

    Burger King tried the same thing in Australia taking a small family business to court. Burger King lost and that is why they are called Hungry Jack's in Australia.

    I don't for one minute believe that. If a muti-national corporation sues you, you are going to lose. End of story. The same thing will happen to this toss-pot business. I'll bet you a month's wages that it won't be here this time next year.

  12. A ''kid'' is a baby goat and I don't think there were any goats on this bus.There were however children on board and particularly a 3 year old child who is in a critical condition. If writing a column in English then it would be a good idea to know English.

    Popular, aren't you.

  13. A ''kid'' is a baby goat and I don't think there were any goats on this bus.There were however children on board and particularly a 3 year old child who is in a critical condition. If writing a column in English then it would be a good idea to know English.

    Popular, aren't you.

  14. A ''kid'' is a baby goat and I don't think there were any goats on this bus.There were however children on board and particularly a 3 year old child who is in a critical condition. If writing a column in English then it would be a good idea to know English.

    Popular, aren't you.

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